A Congressional Progressive Caucus meeting this week broke out into a furious argument over the House’s package of antitrust legislation

Why would you, a fascist thug of the first order, wish to "cancel" big tech," which is your greatest weapon against freedom and liberty for all??? Do you understand(seriously)how totally fucking ignorant you are of current events, of how your democratic party wields complete control over the nation by censoring speech online, and then disappearing the very best Americans whom like myself, push back with irrefutably superior intellectual arguments. Do you for one eye blink think that is Zuckerberg ordering that????

You don't even know your own team you fucking retard, you are literally impossibly fucking stupid! :banana:
the DNC has completely gone full fascist with their partners in Silicon Valley
cancel Big Tech!

This is a lot of fireworks for something that will largely be struck down by the courts. The size of a company has nothing to do with anti-trust. Some of the bills would stifle competition. What does selling private brands have to do with anti-trust. Nothing.

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