A Cautionary Story


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
Is this really the kind of government we want the US to become?

Marmite made illegal in Denmark - Telegraph

The strongly flavoured dark brown spread made from brewer's yeast has joined Rice Crispies, Shreddies, Horlicks and Ovaltine prohibited in Denmark under legislation forbidding the sale of food products with added vitamins as threat to public health.

Many well known breakfast cereal and drink brands have already been banned or taken off supermarket shelves after Danish legislation in 2004 restricted foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals.

But Marmite had escaped notice as an exotic import for a small number of ex-pats until the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration telephoned Abigail's, a Copenhagen shop selling British food, to ban the famous yeast spread.

"I don't eat it myself, I don't like it but Marmite was one of our best selling products. Not a day goes by without someone coming in and asking for it," said Marianne Ørum, the shop owner.

"All the English people here are shaking their heads in disbelief and say that it is insane. I agree but it is the law. It's becoming impossible to run a business in this country. We are not allowed to do anything anymore. It is the way Denmark is going."..............
You mean this stuff?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rvxxa66Co4"]Fortified? More like entrenched[/ame]
Seriously folks, do we want a government that digs deeper and deeper into our personal freedoms and liberties in the name of saving us from ourselves? This is where it leads to eventually, banning a food spread because it has added vitamins.
Don't you get tired of constantly being wrong? :eusa_whistle:
If I was, sure, I would.

You were proven wrong and still deny it. Can't help you there.
I didn't deny I was wrong, I merely answered your question about being constantly wrong.

Are you still seriously upset over the boy scout thing....jebus, don't they teach boyscouts not to be petty minded fools?

Since we did we become Denmark?

I would assume even you understand what a cautionary story is. Let me lay it out for you. Look at this country that has eroded personal freedom and liberty of it's citizens to the point that they have difficulty operating their own business and making a living. Look at the US where we continue down this same nanny state path. This is where it leads. Caution! Do we want the US to become like Denmark in the future.

If you still have difficulty with the concept, go see your 3rd grade teacher. They will explain it in greater detail for you.
If I was, sure, I would.

You were proven wrong and still deny it. Can't help you there.
I didn't deny I was wrong, I merely answered your question about being constantly wrong.

Are you still seriously upset over the boy scout thing....jebus, don't they teach boyscouts not to be petty minded fools?


Evidently not, since I have no idea what Boy Scout thing are you referring to. And yes, we do teach them not to act like a Ravi.
Seriously folks, do we want a government that digs deeper and deeper into our personal freedoms and liberties in the name of saving us from ourselves? This is where it leads to eventually, banning a food spread because it has added vitamins.

We already have it.

Kids are harassed for having lemonade stands.

A family is fined $90K by the feds because the son made $200 of profit selling bunny rabbits.

Two small examples of out of control government.
Seems reasonable to me. From the article:
Many well known breakfast cereal and drink brands have already been banned or taken off supermarket shelves after Danish legislation in 2004 restricted foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals.
I always question the label "fortified with..." because if it's really good for you then why does it need to be fortified? Wouldn't you rather eat real, whole food and not some empty calorie paste "fortified" with vitamins?

We're supposed to eat food not just chemistry.
If the inability to sell Marmite destroys someone's business in Denmark I would be very, very surprised.


I think the point is that if we keep following the Europeans (which we do appear to be since Obama took office), at what point do we stop?

The US Government is not remitted to decide what is best for us, it is our decision - as free people - do decide for ourselves. It's that whole 'freedom' thing that many lefties appear not to value.
If the inability to sell Marmite destroys someone's business in Denmark I would be very, very surprised.


I think the point is that if we keep following the Europeans (which we do appear to be since Obama took office), at what point do we stop?

The US Government is not remitted to decide what is best for us, it is our decision - as free people - do decide for ourselves. It's that whole 'freedom' thing that many lefties appear not to value.
Except....we aren't following them. You can buy both Marmite and Vegemite here.

Isn't Democracy great!

You know what? The Dans have there own democracy and they can damn well do what they want. If the citizens don't like what the law makers do they can elect new ones to change their laws.

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