A call for calmer, more centrist media


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Amid storm of Trump developments, a call for calmer, more centrist media

This guy gets it: The media has been over the top about Trump, wildly animated, clearly biased and advocacy-driven. All that does is make things worse.

As a columnist, I am not eager to say anything that might sound like I am calling for a tighter leash in language, attitude or latitude.

But even I was a little shocked last week to read Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus describing Trump's behavior during his first week in office as "unhinged." It came in a column that began: "Week One of the Trump administration was among the most alarming in the history of the American presidency."

The primary definition of unhinged: mentally unbalanced or deranged.

Where do we go from here when the language in one of the nation's most important newspapers is already at this fevered pitch just two weeks in? Will the impeachment columns start appearing next week?

Some people are still jacked up and freaked out by the election. I have friends and family members who have been walking around in a daze of disbelief since November.

I think we in the press should help them try to understand this landmark shift of power between two radically different visions of America with facts, balance and perspective. We should not be exploiting their fears for clicks and Nielsen ratings by telling them their president is mentally deranged.

If he is, let's do our jobs and prove it with real reporting — not allege it with over-the-top rhetoric.

Amid storm of Trump developments, a call for calmer, more centrist media

This guy gets it: The media has been over the top about Trump, wildly animated, clearly biased and advocacy-driven. All that does is make things worse.

As a columnist, I am not eager to say anything that might sound like I am calling for a tighter leash in language, attitude or latitude.

But even I was a little shocked last week to read Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus describing Trump's behavior during his first week in office as "unhinged." It came in a column that began: "Week One of the Trump administration was among the most alarming in the history of the American presidency."

The primary definition of unhinged: mentally unbalanced or deranged.

Where do we go from here when the language in one of the nation's most important newspapers is already at this fevered pitch just two weeks in? Will the impeachment columns start appearing next week?

Some people are still jacked up and freaked out by the election. I have friends and family members who have been walking around in a daze of disbelief since November.

I think we in the press should help them try to understand this landmark shift of power between two radically different visions of America with facts, balance and perspective. We should not be exploiting their fears for clicks and Nielsen ratings by telling them their president is mentally deranged.

If he is, let's do our jobs and prove it with real reporting — not allege it with over-the-top rhetoric.


Libturd "journalists" are devoted to the cause above all else, and have no sense of morality, ethics, virtue or patriotism.

Amid storm of Trump developments, a call for calmer, more centrist media

This guy gets it: The media has been over the top about Trump, wildly animated, clearly biased and advocacy-driven. All that does is make things worse.

As a columnist, I am not eager to say anything that might sound like I am calling for a tighter leash in language, attitude or latitude.

But even I was a little shocked last week to read Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus describing Trump's behavior during his first week in office as "unhinged." It came in a column that began: "Week One of the Trump administration was among the most alarming in the history of the American presidency."

The primary definition of unhinged: mentally unbalanced or deranged.

Where do we go from here when the language in one of the nation's most important newspapers is already at this fevered pitch just two weeks in? Will the impeachment columns start appearing next week?

Some people are still jacked up and freaked out by the election. I have friends and family members who have been walking around in a daze of disbelief since November.

I think we in the press should help them try to understand this landmark shift of power between two radically different visions of America with facts, balance and perspective. We should not be exploiting their fears for clicks and Nielsen ratings by telling them their president is mentally deranged.

If he is, let's do our jobs and prove it with real reporting — not allege it with over-the-top rhetoric.


Libturd "journalists" are devoted to the cause above all else, and have no sense of morality, ethics, virtue or patriotism.

There are really two main problems here, and each of them just multiply the other.

First, the desperation for clicks and views and ratings is making "journalists" more and more willing to go completely over the top with their rhetoric.

Second, ask a modern "journalist" what their job is, and many will say it's to "find the truth". Well, no, it isn't. The job is to report the facts fully and allow the consumer to determine the truth. "Truth" is now a subjective term, meaning "stuff I agree with", and when 85% of the media is liberal, that's the version of the "the truth" that you're gonna get.

They know how low the public's opinion is of them, but they just keep doing this. Inexplicable.
There are really two main problems here, and each of them just multiply the other.

First, the desperation for clicks and views and ratings is making "journalists" more and more willing to go completely over the top with their rhetoric.

Second, ask a modern "journalist" what their job is, and many will say it's to "find the truth". Well, no, it isn't. The job is to report the facts fully and allow the consumer to determine the truth. "Truth" is now a subjective term, meaning "stuff I agree with", and when 85% of the media is liberal, that's the version of the "the truth" that you're gonna get.

They know how low the public's opinion is of them, but they just keep doing this. Inexplicable.

It's "Inexplicable" to you because you are a sentient individual who makes rational judgments. Regressive drones like those in the "journalism" racket are not. I realize you tend to lean left for your own reasons, but you're more of a classical liberal. The true moonbat is a creature you can really only understand if you had been one and then escaped the black hole of ignorance. I recall being a Clinton zealot briefly, until he managed 2 massacres of US citizens and thwarted all attempts to hold anyone accountable. After starting to question collectivism and the logic behind bitching about authority while demanding nanny statists disarm people, take more of their shit, prevent them from using their own shit and once I had a job took %25 of MY SHIT.

My fellow moonbats didn't like having the programming compromised. The longer I've known these people the more far out they get. There really can be no political discussion with them.


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