A Better Toilet to Save Millions of Lives


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Uh, oh really? I know Bill Gates has gotten himself involved in some really weird projects. But toilets?

At a foundation-backed Reinvented Toilet Expo in Beijing this week, Gates took the stage with a helpful visual aid: a mason jar full of poop. “This expo showcases, for the first time, radically new, decentralized sanitation technologies and products that are business-ready,” he said. “It’s no longer a question of if we can reinvent the toilet and other sanitation systems. It’s a question of how quickly this new category of off-grid solutions will scale.” According to a press release, the foundation is invested in 20 toilet technologies it now deems ready for widespread use.

Gates’ foundation has put $200 million into reinventing the toilet. And he’s going to put up $200 million more.

Anyone here like a piece of that with the idea that perhaps you can find a better way of getting rid of poop?

More of this @ Engineering a better toilet could save millions of lives
Sanitation is what makes civilization possible
Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation
Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation

Just where do you think our sanitized poop goes? It still goes back into the rivers and waterways. We have bottled water made from reclaimed sewage. This has existed for years now. I would guess this is the type of idea behind Gates' sanitation. Who knows what Soylent Green started off as before people? Then at $10,000 per toilet. Are you going to buy two, three or more for your house? Is it made to prevent overflow when it's stuck? Poop is not easy to dispose of, so I think it's along these lines. There is a reason why Gates does not explain, but holds up a mason jar of poop.
Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation

Just where do you think our sanitized poop goes? It still goes back into the rivers and waterways. We have bottled water made from reclaimed sewage. This has existed for years now. I would guess this is the type of idea behind Gates' sanitation. Who knows what Soylent Green started off as before people? Then at $10,000 per toilet. Are you going to buy two, three or more for your house? Is it made to prevent overflow when it's stuck? Poop is not easy to dispose of, so I think it's along these lines. There is a reason why Gates does not explain, but holds up a mason jar of poop.
I wouldn’t underestimate him.

Gates knows his shit
Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation

Millions more die from smoke in halation but you fucking liberals don't give a shit as long as " your saving the planet"
Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation

Just where do you think our sanitized poop goes? It still goes back into the rivers and waterways. We have bottled water made from reclaimed sewage. This has existed for years now. I would guess this is the type of idea behind Gates' sanitation. Who knows what Soylent Green started off as before people? Then at $10,000 per toilet. Are you going to buy two, three or more for your house? Is it made to prevent overflow when it's stuck? Poop is not easy to dispose of, so I think it's along these lines. There is a reason why Gates does not explain, but holds up a mason jar of poop.
I wouldn’t underestimate him.

Gates knows his shit

Haha. Yes, he does. He's already doing the water. "Liquid waste diverted from the dryer earlier in the process is filtered and condensed, producing potable water."

And the energy. "It starts with solid fuel combustion, where solid waste is separated from liquid waste, mechanically dried, and set aflame. The resulting heat boils water, generating steam power to keep the whole system running." Probably some awful smells and stuff in the process. Maybe it produces some new fire starter for your BBQ or cast iron heater.

"She estimates first machines will be able to filter water for a community of about 200,000 to 500,000 people."

Notice the wording, "That excess electricity can be fed into the community." Not just the excess water and energy though.


"There’s also a question of whether the communities these devices were built for actually want to install an Omni Processor or Sedron’s forthcoming Firelight toilet."

It's being tested in southmost tip of South Africa. Not Beverly Hills.

Thus, I guess this is the start of:

Gates is going after technologies to provide clean water and now sanitation

Millions die from poor sanitation

Just where do you think our sanitized poop goes? It still goes back into the rivers and waterways. We have bottled water made from reclaimed sewage. This has existed for years now. I would guess this is the type of idea behind Gates' sanitation. Who knows what Soylent Green started off as before people? Then at $10,000 per toilet. Are you going to buy two, three or more for your house? Is it made to prevent overflow when it's stuck? Poop is not easy to dispose of, so I think it's along these lines. There is a reason why Gates does not explain, but holds up a mason jar of poop.
I wouldn’t underestimate him.

Gates knows his shit

Haha. Yes, he does. He's already doing the water. "Liquid waste diverted from the dryer earlier in the process is filtered and condensed, producing potable water."

And the energy. "It starts with solid fuel combustion, where solid waste is separated from liquid waste, mechanically dried, and set aflame. The resulting heat boils water, generating steam power to keep the whole system running." Probably some awful smells and stuff in the process. Maybe it produces some new fire starter for your BBQ or cast iron heater.

"She estimates first machines will be able to filter water for a community of about 200,000 to 500,000 people."

Notice the wording, "That excess electricity can be fed into the community." Not just the excess water and energy though.


"There’s also a question of whether the communities these devices were built for actually want to install an Omni Processor or Sedron’s forthcoming Firelight toilet."

It's being tested in southmost tip of South Africa. Not Beverly Hills.

Thus, I guess this is the start of:

Waste disposal has perplexed mankind for centuries
Waste disposal has perplexed mankind for centuries


I have to think twice about using something called a Janiki Firelight toilet. I like a nice happy ending where everything comes out okay. No loud explosions. No hot mess. No flooding. And doesn't cost $10,000.
LOL ....YUK :puke:
I have a survival shelter and before I even built the thing, my first problem was figuring out waste disposal. I live above a
aquifer and didn't want to contaminate that but eventually came up with a good solution. Most people think short term. Big mistake.
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There are quite a few innovative products in the pipe line but very little certainty as to when most will become commercially available, if ever.

Gates has not said when these toilets will hit the market. In fact it sounds more like a pitch to secure further research funding than the announcement of an actual breakthrough.


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