A Bed Wetter's End... a Basic Universal Income....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

I posted this here because the title of the thread alone will get it sent to that badlands, but the point of the thread isn't really just intended to insult moonbat parasites. In fact there is no intent to insult or even really make fun of anyone here which is almost exotic considering it's one of MY THREADS.

In fact the concept of UBI is one of the lenses upon which I once viewed the future of humanity, people like Elon Musk, Andrew Yang (Schmuckerberg of AssBook is not "people" it's an animated douche) may have read the book
A Childhood's End and also envision a future of humanity where human labor has basically become obsolete.

It's a great Sci-Fi book I read in the early 90's and the idea that humanity could be absolved of having to provide for itself, be given unlimited luxury lifestyles provided by robotic labor and not fall into a behavioral sink is a great fantasy.

That said we may be on the verge of a period in which the "first world" no longer is required to "work" or really be all that "productive". I view it as dystopian of course, because it would require extreme regulation on prices, wages, and behavior to the extent humanity becomes little more than insects. These fantastic stories of machines doing all our labor and "the gov't" just handing out checks is absurd. There is always something NO ONE can avoid, repress or subjugate, (nor should they be able too) is the ambition of another cognizant individual to pursue something better.

Until you get into the realm of spirits and souls, you're always going to have the dude who wants something faster, tastier, shinier, bigger or otherwise covetous to someone else. If for no other reason that just to have someone else covet the shit they have.

Where did the money that has been "created" to boost Wall Street for all these years come from? It's all free money. Why shouldn't everyone benefit?
Once tyrants don't need slave labor, what shall become of us?

Very scary.

I posted this here because the title of the thread alone will get it sent to that badlands, but the point of the thread isn't really just intended to insult moonbat parasites. In fact there is no intent to insult or even really make fun of anyone here which is almost exotic considering it's one of MY THREADS.

In fact the concept of UBI is one of the lenses upon which I once viewed the future of humanity, people like Elon Musk, Andrew Yang (Schmuckerberg of AssBook is not "people" it's an animated douche) may have read the book
A Childhood's End and also envision a future of humanity where human labor has basically become obsolete.

It's a great Sci-Fi book I read in the early 90's and the idea that humanity could be absolved of having to provide for itself, be given unlimited luxury lifestyles provided by robotic labor and not fall into a behavioral sink is a great fantasy.

That said we may be on the verge of a period in which the "first world" no longer is required to "work" or really be all that "productive". I view it as dystopian of course, because it would require extreme regulation on prices, wages, and behavior to the extent humanity becomes little more than insects. These fantastic stories of machines doing all our labor and "the gov't" just handing out checks is absurd. There is always something NO ONE can avoid, repress or subjugate, (nor should they be able too) is the ambition of another cognizant individual to pursue something better.

Until you get into the realm of spirits and souls, you're always going to have the dude who wants something faster, tastier, shinier, bigger or otherwise covetous to someone else. If for no other reason that just to have someone else covet the shit they have.


Do they say who is going to work to provide the income? Just a minor point I know

Hey. I just assume my threads will be moved by certains always....cough....cough

So I'm never disappointed, and once in awhile I'm tickled it stuck after getting an exam like one of those drug smugglers on the Customs shows on the tube

Well, when robots automate everything, 90% of the public will need some kind of assistance to get by.

There won't be any work.

Illegal immigrants will be a thing of the past.
Where did the money that has been "created" to boost Wall Street for all these years come from? It's all free money. Why shouldn't everyone benefit?
It came from 401ks mostly by people at their jobs ninny

You couldn't make a financial plan for a hamster
Do they say who is going to work to provide the income? Just a minor point I know

Hey. I just assume my threads will be moved by certains always....cough....cough

So I'm never disappointed, and once in awhile I'm tickled it stuck after getting an exam like one of those drug smugglers on the Customs shows on the tube
Well robots and computer s are what is sucking up all the jobs. So I imagine that is who will do the work. Likely there is a computer as smart as man right now. There will be no jobs before you know it. I get bored awfully easy so this brave new world we are approaching isn't appealing to me.
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Do they say who is going to work to provide the income? Just a minor point I know

Hey. I just assume my threads will be moved by certains always....cough....cough

So I'm never disappointed, and once in awhile I'm tickled it stuck after getting an exam like one of those drug smugglers on the Customs shows on the tube

Another thing I failed to bring up is how humanity would (and in the first world have already begun to) slip into a behavioral sink.

We are already entering into a new dark age if you look at society objectively.

There is no legitimate law enforcement.

We are in the midst of being terrorized by a "plague" (as if COVID is anything like Bubonic Fever).

Our government is slowly imploding, the money is losing it's value and there are hordes of foreign soldiers and infiltrators on our border as well as entities that want to destroy us.

As a nation we have lost our relationship with Christ.

UBI will eventually be inevitable. It's impossible to know the timeline, but sooner or later too much of the human labor market will disappear. Otis is right.
Where did the money that has been "created" to boost Wall Street for all these years come from? It's all free money. Why shouldn't everyone benefit?
No one benefits, because if you lose all the workers who make beautiful things so they can veg out, nobody wants the pablum left over from removing productivity and excellence in the process. Some people would be depressed if they didn't have a job to obtain nicer things in life. Others would be overjoyed nobody had better stuff than they. And no one would be allowed to say so or not say the "correct" thing which would be mandated by the oligarches in Congress I mean, the deep state some more.

I posted this here because the title of the thread alone will get it sent to that badlands, but the point of the thread isn't really just intended to insult moonbat parasites. In fact there is no intent to insult or even really make fun of anyone here which is almost exotic considering it's one of MY THREADS.

In fact the concept of UBI is one of the lenses upon which I once viewed the future of humanity, people like Elon Musk, Andrew Yang (Schmuckerberg of AssBook is not "people" it's an animated douche) may have read the book
A Childhood's End and also envision a future of humanity where human labor has basically become obsolete.

It's a great Sci-Fi book I read in the early 90's and the idea that humanity could be absolved of having to provide for itself, be given unlimited luxury lifestyles provided by robotic labor and not fall into a behavioral sink is a great fantasy.

That said we may be on the verge of a period in which the "first world" no longer is required to "work" or really be all that "productive". I view it as dystopian of course, because it would require extreme regulation on prices, wages, and behavior to the extent humanity becomes little more than insects. These fantastic stories of machines doing all our labor and "the gov't" just handing out checks is absurd. There is always something NO ONE can avoid, repress or subjugate, (nor should they be able too) is the ambition of another cognizant individual to pursue something better.

Until you get into the realm of spirits and souls, you're always going to have the dude who wants something faster, tastier, shinier, bigger or otherwise covetous to someone else. If for no other reason that just to have someone else covet the shit they have.


Your point referencing the "first world" is where this takes a left turn. The DNC/Globalist/Equity mongers are doing their level best to make the first world a thing of the past.
No one benefits, because if you lose all the workers who make beautiful things so they can veg out, nobody wants the pablum left over from removing productivity and excellence in the process. Some people would be depressed if they didn't have a job to obtain nicer things in life. Others would be overjoyed nobody had better stuff than they. And no one would be allowed to say so or not say the "correct" thing which would be mandated by the oligarches in Congress I mean, the deep state some more.
Seems to me, that at some point, those of us who desire (and work for) nicer things will eventually gravitate to one another and we will have nice neighborhoods and ghettos AGAIN.

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