A 2,700-year-old seal found in Jerusalem confirms the words of the Bible


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
ARCHEOLOGY Only the Bible had already mentioned the existence of a governor of the holy city ..

The seal was found in a building on the esplanade of the Western Wall in Jerusalem
(illustration). — MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP

"To the governor of the city"
On the coin are two men in robes facing each other and holding out their hands, with what appears to be a moon between the two outstretched hands. Below this representation, an inscription in Old Hebrew indicates: "To the governor of the city", which corresponds to the functions of mayor.

The seal served as "a logo or a little souvenir, sent in the name of the governor of the city," said Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, who is involved in the excavations of the Antiquities Authority.
First mention in an archaeological context
"The importance of this discovery lies in the fact that until now we only knew the governor of the city through the Bible," she said. This is the first time we find this mention in a context
The seal does not mention the name of the ruler of Jerusalem, but Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah thinks he is referring to the Old City because he was found in the same building where other artefacts had been found. The scientific examinations that will be practiced soon should confirm the link with Jerusalem, says the scientist.

Un sceau vieux de 2.700 ans découvert à Jérusalem vient confirmer les dires de la Bible
And note it was a Shalem (Evening Star-Night) seal not a morning star(day) seal.
The Judaic legend of The city of Shalem is that it becomes the city of Shalom (Peace) when the Night removes the Day.
Islam tells of this legend as the Al Isra (Night Journey), When the Night ascends to Jerusalem (city in his name)there will be peace.
The Judaic legend of The city of Shalem is that it becomes the city of Shalom (Peace) when the Night removes the Day.
What happens if night removes the day?

Darkness comes, a devil usurps a place that is not his, 666 tattooed on the forehead of brown nosed dorks, the population is robbed blind, A high priest and holy butcher has a back yard barbecue in Lucifer's paradise throwing scraps to the poor (if they have their own plate.)

and you are his messenger?

Sounds suspicious...
ARCHEOLOGY Only the Bible had already mentioned the existence of a governor of the holy city ..

For decades the lack of historical evidence for Pontius Pilate was used as a club to beat the Bible. It was claimed that he should have left some record and the lack of extra-Biblical records proved he didn't exist.
Until it was proven that he did. Historical Notes: Pontius Pilate: a name set in stone
ARCHEOLOGY Only the Bible had already mentioned the existence of a governor of the holy city ..

For decades the lack of historical evidence for Pontius Pilate was used as a club to beat the Bible. It was claimed that he should have left some record and the lack of extra-Biblical records proved he didn't exist.
Until it was proven that he did. Historical Notes: Pontius Pilate: a name set in stone
Thank you, I am not an expert on the issue I wanted to share the information with you.
Trump is right again.
The Judaic legend of The city of Shalem is that it becomes the city of Shalom (Peace) when the Night removes the Day.
What happens if night removes the day?

Darkness comes, a devil usurps a place that is not his, 666 tattooed on the forehead of brown nosed dorks, the population is robbed blind, A high priest and holy butcher has a back yard barbecue in Lucifer's paradise throwing scraps to the poor (if they have their own plate.)

and you are his messenger?

Sounds suspicious...
You just inadvertantly admited Jesus (morning star) is Lucifer (physical light mysticsm nonsense=sun worship).
In Judaism Spiritual Light is knowledge and truth and Darkness is lies and ignorance.
Physical rays of light between the sun and earth was described as the
Nazarene or Hanotzrim's god=ignorance & lie=Spiritual Darkness.
While physical darkness increases your Pineal gland activity thus seratonin (melatonin) =intuitive thought is increased at Night in retraction of Physical ( Luciferous) light.
You would know this if you had
SPIRITUAL LIGHT, but you chose spiritual darkness as your guide instead.
In Judaism the Groom comes to
the bride at NIGHT NOT at day.

To the poster of the Charlie Day video, that joke has been done already a few years ago, by me no less. :)

Is it wrong that I like the "Day-man" song by Dennis better for the-Ahh ahhhh part then Charlies Night-Man song??

Baal Jesus=666 in ASCll (one in the same mythology) thus they say:
"father and son as one"
There secrets the number of the image's name.
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ARCHEOLOGY Only the Bible had already mentioned the existence of a governor of the holy city ..

For decades the lack of historical evidence for Pontius Pilate was used as a club to beat the Bible. It was claimed that he should have left some record and the lack of extra-Biblical records proved he didn't exist.
Until it was proven that he did. Historical Notes: Pontius Pilate: a name set in stone
Thanks for that info, I always wondered if he was historical, but there is a problem.
Pilate era is the AD era where the only christ character was Theudas by the Jordan who's apostles were the martyrs of the story, however this is a far cry from the same Christ (Yehuda the Galilean died 6bc)at the time of King Herod(4bc) and Lysanias (died 35bc) in the COMPILED Jesus story and image. And worse far from the Yeshu son of the harlot Mary figure in 100bc where the widows mite coin*, fleeing to Egypt, & passover stoning(slew) and hanging on a tree) comes fom. *The coin was Jannaeus era as it was a Jannaeus Alexander coin.
ARCHEOLOGY Only the Bible had already mentioned the existence of a governor of the holy city ..

The seal was found in a building on the esplanade of the Western Wall in Jerusalem
(illustration). — MENAHEM KAHANA / AFP

"To the governor of the city"
On the coin are two men in robes facing each other and holding out their hands, with what appears to be a moon between the two outstretched hands. Below this representation, an inscription in Old Hebrew indicates: "To the governor of the city", which corresponds to the functions of mayor.

The seal served as "a logo or a little souvenir, sent in the name of the governor of the city," said Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, who is involved in the excavations of the Antiquities Authority.
First mention in an archaeological context
"The importance of this discovery lies in the fact that until now we only knew the governor of the city through the Bible," she said. This is the first time we find this mention in a context
The seal does not mention the name of the ruler of Jerusalem, but Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah thinks he is referring to the Old City because he was found in the same building where other artefacts had been found. The scientific examinations that will be practiced soon should confirm the link with Jerusalem, says the scientist.

Un sceau vieux de 2.700 ans découvert à Jérusalem vient confirmer les dires de la Bible
One day, those Muslim squatters in East Jerusalem will be evicted for good. Count on it.

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