9th Circuit Court overturned over 80% of the time on appeal. They are not a real court

Can you imagine the snowflake and ACLU outrage if there was a CRIMINAL COURT that had over 80% of their CONVICTIONS OVERTURNED?

The decision is 100% bogus. The State of Washington does not get to determine the foreign threats to America.

Maybe the State should fund their own defense.

They're just political HACKS not real judges!!


They do not determine if the laws in question are Constitutional.

If they don't LIKE the law, they claim anyone invoking the law is violating the Constitution.

If they LIKE the law, they claim it's Constitutional.
Can you imagine the snowflake and ACLU outrage if there was a CRIMINAL COURT that had over 80% of their CONVICTIONS OVERTURNED?

The decision is 100% bogus. The State of Washington does not get to determine the foreign threats to America.

Maybe the State should fund their own defense.

The 9th Federal district court of appeals is a court. If the Comrade wants to challenge it, then it will go to the US Supreme Court.

That's the way it works in this country.
This is Werth
Judges don't get to decide that, only Congress does.

Huh? Only Congress gets to decide the terms of executive orders? I like Steely Dan, but this pretzel logic is beyond me.
Only Congress has the power to judge the actions of president when they are within his authority(impeachment, holding cabinet members in contempt of congress etc)

Even the idiots on the 9th circuit admitted that the Judicial branch is not one of the "political branches".

Well, when you block an EO that is 100% CONSTITUTIONAL, it's political.

And that is why Trump won't appeal the 9th Circuit's decision to the Supreme Court? Because the decision was political?

Honestly, I think the administration will simply redraft the EO with some real lawyers and will reissue. I think that will render the current controversy moot and the Supreme Court won't touch it. The less signs you see of the administration asking for cert, the more likely a reissue is. IMHO.

This is what happens when you add another Judicial branch, called FOX NEWS and put Rudi Giuliani n charge of it-- LOL

The Comrades blunder was not consulting the acting attorney General, Sally Watts in this matter. Instead he called one of the members of his pompom squad and had him write it. They fucked it up good.

But now that the courts know what his intent was (to ban Muslims), which is unconstitutional under the Establisment Clause, I doubt they're going to adhere to, or much less, respect another one that they'll concoct.
This is Werth
Huh? Only Congress gets to decide the terms of executive orders? I like Steely Dan, but this pretzel logic is beyond me.
Only Congress has the power to judge the actions of president when they are within his authority(impeachment, holding cabinet members in contempt of congress etc)

Even the idiots on the 9th circuit admitted that the Judicial branch is not one of the "political branches".

Well, when you block an EO that is 100% CONSTITUTIONAL, it's political.

And that is why Trump won't appeal the 9th Circuit's decision to the Supreme Court? Because the decision was political?

Honestly, I think the administration will simply redraft the EO with some real lawyers and will reissue. I think that will render the current controversy moot and the Supreme Court won't touch it. The less signs you see of the administration asking for cert, the more likely a reissue is. IMHO.

This is what happens when you add another Judicial branch, called FOX NEWS and put Rudi Giuliani n charge of it-- LOL

The Comrades blunder was not consulting the acting attorney General, Sally Watts in this matter. Instead he called one of the members of his pompom squad and had him write it. They fucked it up good.

But now that the courts know what his intent was (to ban Muslims), which is unconstitutional under the Establisment Clause, I doubt they're going to adhere to, or much less, respect another one that they'll concoct.

Nice smugness, but absolutely wrong.
This is Werth
Huh? Only Congress gets to decide the terms of executive orders? I like Steely Dan, but this pretzel logic is beyond me.
Only Congress has the power to judge the actions of president when they are within his authority(impeachment, holding cabinet members in contempt of congress etc)

Even the idiots on the 9th circuit admitted that the Judicial branch is not one of the "political branches".

Well, when you block an EO that is 100% CONSTITUTIONAL, it's political.

And that is why Trump won't appeal the 9th Circuit's decision to the Supreme Court? Because the decision was political?

Honestly, I think the administration will simply redraft the EO with some real lawyers and will reissue. I think that will render the current controversy moot and the Supreme Court won't touch it. The less signs you see of the administration asking for cert, the more likely a reissue is. IMHO.

This is what happens when you add another Judicial branch, called FOX NEWS and put Rudi Giuliani n charge of it-- LOL

The Comrades blunder was not consulting the acting attorney General, Sally Watts in this matter. Instead he called one of the members of his pompom squad and had him write it. They fucked it up good.

But now that the courts know what his intent was (to ban Muslims), which is unconstitutional under the Establisment Clause, I doubt they're going to adhere to, or much less, respect another one that they'll concoct.

So who the fuck lives in India?
Can you imagine the snowflake and ACLU outrage if there was a CRIMINAL COURT that had over 80% of their CONVICTIONS OVERTURNED?

The decision is 100% bogus. The State of Washington does not get to determine the foreign threats to America.

Maybe the State should fund their own defense.

The 9th Federal district court of appeals is a court. If the Comrade wants to challenge it, then it will go to the US Supreme Court.

That's the way it works in this country.

Or he can issue another EO. That would be fun.
There is nothing to suggest that anyone from those countries are a threat to our nation anymore than anyone else is from around the world.

Stop being such a snowflake.

Bogus, these are nations that Obama administration has determined a severe national security risk.

What is more bogus is that the courts get to decide what's good for the country or not. That's not their jobs, they don't make laws... they uphold them.

This is just a demonstration of how far the far left will go in order to try to undermine Trump. There simply is no action that's beyond them. Screw these judicial activists.
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