95% say we need tax reform


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
"It’s worth noting that, under our current system, the tax rate on small businesses is even higher than it is for large ones. Thanks in part to the 2013 tax increases and to Obamacare, the top federal rate on small business income is 43.4 percent, versus 35 percent for large corporations. This needs to change."

"It’s worth noting that, under our current system, the tax rate on small businesses is even higher than it is for large ones. Thanks in part to the 2013 tax increases and to Obamacare, the top federal rate on small business income is 43.4 percent, versus 35 percent for large corporations. This needs to change."

Thanks Obama
And the other 5 percent is...You get a Bugatti Veyron to park on your yacht if you can guess who that might be...
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.

and that makes no sense at all....you act like money given to the same politicians who took our money in taxes and then spent that money on themselves and their own power...or wasted it or lost it.....and are the same people who created the deficit and national debt since they controlled that process...you think giving them more tax money will somehow end up having them use it to fix the deficit and the national debt.......

That makes no sense at all...any money you give them they will spend...and spend even more...

The only way to stop them is to stop giving them our tax money...the less we give the less they spend...it is as simple as that....
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.

What you are saying is essentially this...

Your accountant embezzles money from you....and you think to yourself....wow....I need to make more money to give to this same accountant to make up for the money he embezzled from me....

That is what you just said in your post.....
"It’s worth noting that, under our current system, the tax rate on small businesses is even higher than it is for large ones. Thanks in part to the 2013 tax increases and to Obamacare, the top federal rate on small business income is 43.4 percent, versus 35 percent for large corporations. This needs to change."

TAX REFORM: Stop wasting tax dollars. Stop the fraud and corruption associated with tax dollars. Start investing tax dollars in America instead of foreign countries. Stop funding the care and support of illegal immigrants with tax dollars. Stop funding senseless deadly costly wars. Stop the subsidies to rich farmers and big oil. Stop allowing huge corporation to pay NO taxes. Stop excessive military spending. Stop government no-bid contracts. Severely punish those that avoid paying taxes by hiding money off-shore. End the ridiculous perks and benefits given to member of Congress. End all tax loopholes. Do not build any more mosques on foreign soil. Stop supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. Stop exploring the far reaches of the universe until we can afford to do so. Stop building planes and ships that the military doesn't need nor want. Severely punish Medicare and Medicaid fraud. End pork spending. Stop spending on stupid projects such as the FENCE along our southern border.

Spend tax dollars on infrastructure, education, job training, alternative energy sources, cleaning up the environment, and other beneficial programs that taxpayers can see and appreciate.

Generate tax revenue by putting America back to work, producing what America uses and consumes. Create an economic environment where citizens have self-supporting living wage opportunities, thus putting spendable income in their pockets in order to support the retail market. This can be accomplished by re-writing our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, so that they become fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade agreements and policies.

There are many other ways to generate tax revenue, and to save taxes that are now being spent unwisely and wasted. But, by concentrating on the above, and addressing the issues mentioned, the government could not only generate tax revenue, but save hundreds of $Billions now spent unwisely and wasted. In my opinion, by addressing the issues mentioned, there would be no need to raise taxes, nor impose new taxes, until we see a need after cutting waste, fraud, and obvious abuse of current tax dollars.
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.

and that makes no sense at all....you act like money given to the same politicians who took our money in taxes and then spent that money on themselves and their own power...or wasted it or lost it.....and are the same people who created the deficit and national debt since they controlled that process...you think giving them more tax money will somehow end up having them use it to fix the deficit and the national debt.......

That makes no sense at all...any money you give them they will spend...and spend even more...

The only way to stop them is to stop giving them our tax money...the less we give the less they spend...it is as simple as that....
huh? Our country is collecting less in taxes as a percent of our economy (gdp) than ever in your and my lifetime....

How in the world is adding to the deficit by giving tax breaks going to ever get us out of this mess..........?


We have to keep or raise tax revenues, AND we need to cut spending....

just cutting taxes solves nothing, nada, nilch zip.

Tax reform is needed, but this piece meal crapola, giving the wealthies 0.0002% of the population with hundreds of billions in tax breaks through eliminating the estate taxes, and now business owners, who are MUCH MUCH MUCH better off than the average joe if they are paying the highest tax rate out there for small businesses, are just FAVORS by our politicians to their donors and NOT helping you and me and the middle class gain one iota out of this....

IT'S BULLCRUD favoritism....tit for tat by our politicians and once again you all buy in to this crapola and lick it up like you are zombies sucking blood.

Do tax reform, but NONE of this stupid, idiotic, favoritism game...

do the whole damn thing at once.
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.

and that makes no sense at all....you act like money given to the same politicians who took our money in taxes and then spent that money on themselves and their own power...or wasted it or lost it.....and are the same people who created the deficit and national debt since they controlled that process...you think giving them more tax money will somehow end up having them use it to fix the deficit and the national debt.......

That makes no sense at all...any money you give them they will spend...and spend even more...

The only way to stop them is to stop giving them our tax money...the less we give the less they spend...it is as simple as that....
huh? Our country is collecting less in taxes as a percent of our economy (gdp) than ever in your and my lifetime....

How in the world is adding to the deficit by giving tax breaks going to ever get us out of this mess..........?


We have to keep or raise tax revenues, AND we need to cut spending....

just cutting taxes solves nothing, nada, nilch zip.

Tax reform is needed, but this piece meal crapola, giving the wealthies 0.0002% of the population with hundreds of billions in tax breaks through eliminating the estate taxes, and now business owners, who are MUCH MUCH MUCH better off than the average joe if they are paying the highest tax rate out there for small businesses, are just FAVORS by our politicians to their donors and NOT helping you and me and the middle class gain one iota out of this....

IT'S BULLCRUD favoritism....tit for tat by our politicians and once again you all buy in to this crapola and lick it up like you are zombies sucking blood.

Do tax reform, but NONE of this stupid, idiotic, favoritism game...

do the whole damn thing at once.

Again....you want to keep giving money to the very people who created the deficit and the debt.....and who will not fix either one no matter how much money you give them...right? So if they aren't going to use the money to fix the problem...what point is there in giving them even more money...right?
Whatever money you want to give small businesses because they are paying more than the BIG businesses in taxes should be offset by raising the taxes on the BIG business to fund the tax break on the small businesses. In no way should a tax break be given otherwise....not with our deficit and National Debt.
That's the most convoluted diatribe of stupid I've seen here for a while. Please continue.
Horse crap. The poor lose, as always.

How do you figure they lose by living in a country built mostly with other people's money?

Isn't that what civilization is all about? Using the skills and resources of different people to allow for a growing economy that allows for a higher chance of success?

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