95% of the media are democrat party members, here is their strategy against Trump....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is a breakdown of the attack strategy by the main stream media.......democrat party members of the press..........

The Coronavirus

The corporate media spent March, April, May, and June demonizing Republicans and lauding Democrats for their handlings of a disease that killed three times as many people in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New York as the recently targeted states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Utah combined.

Since the end of May and through June, corporate media have actively promoted and adoringly lauded giant national public gatherings (and riots) for racial justice, communism, anti-policing, and even black transsexuals, plus multiple packed and politicized funerals. And over the past week, headlines have excitedly blared rising numbers of identified coronavirus cases in Republican states.

The number of deaths correlating to these numbers is curiously absent from any headlines. This isn’t surprising: When corporate media were working to destroy South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s hands-off approach to the virus, the startling number of cases at a pork-processing plant The New York Times dubbed the “Country’s Biggest Coronavirus Hotspot” were touted by the paper and the dozens of brave reporters who rushed to parrot it.

The death count from this apparent death factory eventually clocked in at two, although this didn’t warrant a follow-up from either The Times or its followers — it didn’t fit the narrative.

To find this inconvenient fact, readers would have to dig into the kind of local South Dakota reporting that treated their neighbors’ lives and livelihoods as more than just points on a national board.


The Economy
The same corporate media that hand-selects its virus statistics to batter and frighten Republican politicians routinely plays the fool when discussing the once-historic-and-now-plummeting economy of the United States. After years of striving to deny Republicans credit for an economic boom under their watch, the corporate media and its friends in government now champion the lockdown that dramatically ended the boom.

To resist this lockdown is called selfish at best and murder at worst; to so much as mention the country that unleashed the disease and lied to the world about it for months is labeled xenophobic. For Republicans, the choices presented are economic suicide or certain death, sprinkled with racism.

Democrats like Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis, on the other hand, are given a pass while following a similar playbook as his GOP colleagues. And all of the sins, yet none of the wins, seem to fall on the president’s head. You don’t say.

Police Reform
While not nearly as effective a bludgeon yet, next up is the defeat of Republican Sen. Tim Scott’s federal police reform after the alleged murder of George Floyd. Corporate media’s audience might recognize Scott as the South Carolina politician routinely characterized as the “GOP’s only black senator,” despite being one of three total. His bill, backed by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the White House, didn’t get a vote — Democrats, you see, said it wasn’t even worth considering.

Indeed, during the Democratic filibuster of the reform bill, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi characterized Scott’s attempt as “trying to get away with murder, actually — the murder of George Floyd.” NBC’s Peter Alexander, to his credit, pressed Pelosi for an apology, but was rebuffed and the story went away.

Strategy is simple

Let Trump be Trump and keep the cameras rolling

Except that your constant lying shows that that is not your strategy.

Funny that you think you have to lie, to beat him. When if you really believed the shit you say, you would not.
The camera doesn’t lie

Sure it does. You show an out of context clip and then lie about what he said.

You guys do it all the time.

YOu know that. You are lying now.

That you feel a need to lie, to fight the President, shows that you KNOW, that your accusations against him are false.
Strategy is simple

Let Trump be Trump and keep the cameras rolling

Except that your constant lying shows that that is not your strategy.

Funny that you think you have to lie, to beat him. When if you really believed the shit you say, you would not.
The camera doesn’t lie
Which is what we have to rely on, when the content isn't being cherry picked and played out of context, because it's painfully true that the majority of what your democrat propaganda wing writes is pure horse shit.
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The media in this country are preaching to the choir.

No one in this country respects the media.

And few people even read/watch the media.

For all intents and purposes, print newspapers are gone.

And digital papers are not that lucrative.

When the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., becomes the 46th president, there will no more reason for a Resistance media, and -- happily-- many rags (maybe even the New York Times) will finally go bankrupt.
The problem with our media is they are too soft on Trump

No other President has gotten away with the lies, misinformation and gross incompetence that Trump has
Strategy is simple

Let Trump be Trump and keep the cameras rolling

Except that your constant lying shows that that is not your strategy.

Funny that you think you have to lie, to beat him. When if you really believed the shit you say, you would not.
The camera doesn’t lie

You're right.

Journalists are just people with a job they have that they are interested in. There is no selection committee to make sure of political equilibrium in the workforce. The U.S. has as free a press as there can be. If there is a perception that the majority of reporters is on one side of an issue, not much can be done but try to support the view one prefers.
Having been "in the trenches", it quickly become evident that reporting itself affects the news. Things sometimes happen because there is a reporter present. Things sometimes don't happen because a reporter is present. You can only photograph, talk about, present one thing at a time. One thing comes before another. The impact on a viewer is shaped by that and there is nothing to be done about that except not report at all.
Complaining about the natural course of things is childish. Having expected objectivity is naïve. Do what you can to get your message out and, if you like, try to get people to believe you are objective.
Here is a breakdown of the attack strategy by the main stream media.......democrat party members of the press..........

The Coronavirus

The corporate media spent March, April, May, and June demonizing Republicans and lauding Democrats for their handlings of a disease that killed three times as many people in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New York as the recently targeted states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Utah combined.

Since the end of May and through June, corporate media have actively promoted and adoringly lauded giant national public gatherings (and riots) for racial justice, communism, anti-policing, and even black transsexuals, plus multiple packed and politicized funerals. And over the past week, headlines have excitedly blared rising numbers of identified coronavirus cases in Republican states.

The number of deaths correlating to these numbers is curiously absent from any headlines. This isn’t surprising: When corporate media were working to destroy South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s hands-off approach to the virus, the startling number of cases at a pork-processing plant The New York Times dubbed the “Country’s Biggest Coronavirus Hotspot” were touted by the paper and the dozens of brave reporters who rushed to parrot it.

The death count from this apparent death factory eventually clocked in at two, although this didn’t warrant a follow-up from either The Times or its followers — it didn’t fit the narrative.

To find this inconvenient fact, readers would have to dig into the kind of local South Dakota reporting that treated their neighbors’ lives and livelihoods as more than just points on a national board.


The Economy
The same corporate media that hand-selects its virus statistics to batter and frighten Republican politicians routinely plays the fool when discussing the once-historic-and-now-plummeting economy of the United States. After years of striving to deny Republicans credit for an economic boom under their watch, the corporate media and its friends in government now champion the lockdown that dramatically ended the boom.

To resist this lockdown is called selfish at best and murder at worst; to so much as mention the country that unleashed the disease and lied to the world about it for months is labeled xenophobic. For Republicans, the choices presented are economic suicide or certain death, sprinkled with racism.

Democrats like Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis, on the other hand, are given a pass while following a similar playbook as his GOP colleagues. And all of the sins, yet none of the wins, seem to fall on the president’s head. You don’t say.

Police Reform
While not nearly as effective a bludgeon yet, next up is the defeat of Republican Sen. Tim Scott’s federal police reform after the alleged murder of George Floyd. Corporate media’s audience might recognize Scott as the South Carolina politician routinely characterized as the “GOP’s only black senator,” despite being one of three total. His bill, backed by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the White House, didn’t get a vote — Democrats, you see, said it wasn’t even worth considering.

Indeed, during the Democratic filibuster of the reform bill, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi characterized Scott’s attempt as “trying to get away with murder, actually — the murder of George Floyd.” NBC’s Peter Alexander, to his credit, pressed Pelosi for an apology, but was rebuffed and the story went away.

In other words 'to do what they have always do' lie, cover up, and lie some more. They are lucky so many have shoe sizes above their IQ's.
Strategy is simple
Let Trump be Trump and keep the cameras rolling
Well, that was the strategy in 2016, and it essentially worked as far as the popular vote was concerned.

It seems like the right thing to do this time around, but who knows for sure.

Except then why do the libs and the media lie so much?

It is almost like they are not on the same page with you.

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