911 and The Exodus.... case studies of how Judaism really behaves....


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Most people take da Bible literally.

Jesus walked on water because the Bible says so. Who saw Jesus walk on water? Two disciples. When Jesus went into the water to meet John the Baptist, Jesus' feet sank to the bottom. When given a chance to walk on water at his trial, Jesus refused....

Let's check out EXODUS....

Here we have "Moses" leading the "Israelites" out of bondage in Egypt. Moses initially escapes and is given refuge/job/wife/home in Midian. Was Moses a Midianite or a Levite? The Bible says Levite. Moses' behavior suggests Midianite. He went home....

When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he "looked different." Really....

That night, the Levites slaughter 3500 Israelites for "dancing around a golden calf..." Really... nobody there could explain to them that the golden calf was really not a deity??

When the re-conquest of the Promised Land starts, Moses and Joshua lead the Israelite army to one magnificent win after another. Then they arrive at MIDIAN. Seriously, Midian should have been a city/state Moses should've helped/repaid for their extreme generosity and kindness earlier. But the "looked different" Moses didn't see it that way. He attacked Midian, and with the Midianites on their knees in surrender, "Moses" came out of the tent and personally ordered their extermination... except the hot young virgins for Weinstein and Franken....

In reality, Moses was killed on top of Mt. Sinai and replaced with a Levite priest. The 3500 who were slaughtered that night were the Midianites who knew the guy who came down was a fraud. So did the people of Midian....

After 911, we were told we needed to give up all our privacy and freedom to fight "islamic terror." In reality, "Islamic terror" had nothing to do with 911.

So what does NSA really do?

It does EXACTLY what the "looked different" Moses did - it IDs and offs those noticing too much truth about Judaism's FRAUD.....

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