9 Political Enemies Of America


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
9 people whom are actively trying to bring down free speech on our airwaves with an anti talk radio campaign. They have been named. They are a present danger to our freedom.

Matthew Mitchell: An Altamont Springs, Florida resident who tweets as @CaptMurdock.

Nancy Padak: A former Kent State University education professor

Jason Rey: Georgia resident who tweets as @FranticQuark.

Lauren Reynolds:

Cherie Richards: Ohio resident and fellow Internet rating aficionado.

Sarah Smyea Rivers: California resident who actively tweets as @eurekasue49.

Dennis William Rohner: Florida resident.

Linda Kotsenburg Swanholm:

Carol Kernahan Wallin: California resident and anonymous Daily Kos writer who tweets as @Flushfools and @hr
9 people whom are actively trying to bring down free speech on our airwaves with an anti talk radio campaign. They have been named. They are a present danger to our freedom.

Unless these people work for the government, you really have no conception of what freedom of speech means.
Unless these people work for the government, you really have no conception of what freedom of speech means.[/QUOTE]

Really? what does contacting advertisers and threatening them with boycotts have to do with free speech? I think you're the one that needs a reeducation on the phrase free speech.
Really? what does contacting advertisers and threatening them with boycotts have to do with free speech? I think you're the one that needs a reeducation on the phrase free speech.

Nothing at all. Do YOU think it does?
Who told the OP to post this thread?

No one. I don't need to be told to do the right thing. little a-holes like these 9 anti American slime hide in the shadows. We are shining the light of truth on this vermin once and for all. No more hiding, no more sneak attacks on freedom loving people will be tolerated without exposing them to the world.
The left is not a friend of freedom. Never has been and never will be.
Who told the OP to post this thread?

No one. I don't need to be told to do the right thing. little a-holes like these 9 anti American slime hide in the shadows. We are shining the light of truth on this vermin once and for all. No more hiding, no more sneak attacks on freedom loving people will be tolerated without exposing them to the world.
The left is not a friend of freedom. Never has been and never will be.

Who is "we"?

You were turned on to that list by someone. Who was it? Who gave you that list?
[/QUOTE]Nothing at all. Do YOU think it does?[/QUOTE]

Not at all...It's an attempt to suppress. Can't you see that?
"You were turned on to that list by someone. Who was it? Who gave you that list?"

We have our ways of weeding out cowards...As we converse their names are being plastered all over the internet with more names to come. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Nothing at all. Do YOU think it does?

Not at all...It's an attempt to suppress. Can't you see that?

The first amendment protects us from coerced suppression, and only government is authorized to do that. The first amendment doesn't demand that other people listen to our ranting or provide us with a platform.

Honestly, it's this kind dimwitted idiocy that is the most dangerous threat to real freedom of speech, because you don't even fucking know what it is.
"You were turned on to that list by someone. Who was it? Who gave you that list?"

We have our ways of weeding out cowards...As we converse their names are being plastered all over the internet with more names to come. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

Who is "we"?

It appears as though you are attempting to intimidate these people and silence them. Is that the case?

Intimidate? No... they want to attack from the cover of darkness and we are not playing that game anymore. It's called Push Back.
Look I found a picture of Push Back!

We out the enemies of freedom...that is what we do. Get used to it there is much more to come.
You know what Old school? you really should take a break from the message boards. You're a real aging hippie and it shows with every post you insert.

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