81% rate hike for Obamacare - enough yet?

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
OMG. Obamacare has saved thousands of lives.
Trumpcare : zero
Trump has sabatoged the ACA so idiots like you can carry his water..

There is no such thing as Trumpcare.
Ha ha ha exactly.... because Trump and the GOP were miserable failures trying to implement it.

Are you saying that everyone getting care under Obamacare that didn't have coverage prior lived and none of them died?

Something that doesn't exist can't be evaluated.

Keep kissing that Obama black ass, NL.
Jeebus what a disgusting hater dupe...98% chance racist...

Yes you are when you think Obama being black made him qualified.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
After years of the GOP and crony insurers sabotaging it, of course it needs fixing. Scumbags and dupes, the New BS GOP, brainwashed functional racist shyttehead.

It needed abandoning before the left wing morons you pucker up to passed it.

Why is the white man expected to fix what the black boy fucked up?
The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
OMG. Obamacare has saved thousands of lives.
Trumpcare : zero
Trump has sabatoged the ACA so idiots like you can carry his water..

There is no such thing as Trumpcare.
Ha ha ha exactly.... because Trump and the GOP were miserable failures trying to implement it.

Are you saying that everyone getting care under Obamacare that didn't have coverage prior lived and none of them died?

Something that doesn't exist can't be evaluated.

Keep kissing that Obama black ass, NL.
Don't put words in my mouth fuckwad. ..
thousands of lives were saved b/c of the ACA.
The smart thing would have been to improve the ACA. But we all know Trump and the GOP never do the right thing.
Their failure was collossal

You have too much of Obama's ass in your mouth to have anything else put there.

You can't improve something that is so bad it should be abandoned.

The right thing is to get government out of healthcare. If you want to provide those that say they can't afford it with it, prove it by buying their coverage with YOUR money. They aren't my problem nor my responsibility. If they aren't willing to do for themselves what they should be doing for themselves and you aren't willing to pick up their slack, let them do without. I have mine for me and my family and WE are my only responsibility.
Rampant fraud in government run Medicare/Medicaid, vets are left to die in government run VA healthcare, right lets have government run the entire healthcare system /SARCASM
Like the typical ignorant Trumpette., you know shit & promote the Trump lies.

The VA can only do what it can with its facilities & funding.

Medicare is very efficiently run you stupid fuck.
OMG. Obamacare has saved thousands of lives.
Trumpcare : zero
Trump has sabatoged the ACA so idiots like you can carry his water..

There is no such thing as Trumpcare.
Ha ha ha exactly.... because Trump and the GOP were miserable failures trying to implement it.

Are you saying that everyone getting care under Obamacare that didn't have coverage prior lived and none of them died?

Something that doesn't exist can't be evaluated.

Keep kissing that Obama black ass, NL.
Don't put words in my mouth fuckwad. ..
thousands of lives were saved b/c of the ACA.
The smart thing would have been to improve the ACA. But we all know Trump and the GOP never do the right thing.
Their failure was collossal

You have too much of Obama's ass in your mouth to have anything else put there.

You can't improve something that is so bad it should be abandoned.

The right thing is to get government out of healthcare. If you want to provide those that say they can't afford it with it, prove it by buying their coverage with YOUR money. They aren't my problem nor my responsibility. If they aren't willing to do for themselves what they should be doing for themselves and you aren't willing to pick up their slack, let them do without. I have mine for me and my family and WE are my only responsibility.
Wow, you are sofa king full of shit, you have no clue how the ACA was funded.

I guarantee a low life dumbass like you paid none of the taxes that fund it.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
After years of the GOP and crony insurers sabotaging it, of course it needs fixing. Scumbags and dupes, the New BS GOP, brainwashed functional racist shyttehead.

It needed abandoning before the left wing morons you pucker up to passed it.

Why is the white man expected to fix what the black boy fucked up?
Typical Trumpette. A racist POS ignorant fool.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
After years of the GOP and crony insurers sabotaging it, of course it needs fixing. Scumbags and dupes, the New BS GOP, brainwashed functional racist shyttehead.

It needed abandoning before the left wing morons you pucker up to passed it.

Why is the white man expected to fix what the black boy fucked up?
So, Trumpettes. This is your chance to prove you are not all racist POS assholes.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.
/----/ Fix what? Libs claim Obozocare is just fine.


Health Insurers in Idaho Request Premium Rate Hikes As High As 81%

Health care insurers in Idaho have requested premium rate hikes as high as 81 percent for next year, according to the state's Department of Insurance.

The five insurers serving the individual market in Idaho are Blue Cross of Idaho Health Service, Mountain Health Co-Op, PacificSource Health Plans, Regence BlueShield of Idaho, and SelectHealth.

For all plans, insurers requested rates ranging from a low of 25 percent to a high of 51 percent for a combined average statewide rate increase of 38 percent. For Obamacare's popular Silver plan, the average rate increase among all insurers was even higher at 50 percent, with one insurer requesting a high of 81 percent.

"I am deeply disappointed and frustrated to share these rates," said Dean Cameron, who directs the department. "I understand how difficult it will be for Idahoans to afford reasonable coverage, especially those without a subsidy."

Some victims of The "Affordable Care" Act (read "Obamacare) are now paying more for health insurance than for their house mortgage/tax escrow montly. For some having deciding whether to have "affordable health care" or a place to live.

Congratulations liberals (off both parties)! You're quickly achieving the goal of turning Americans into welfare drones - 'cause then they get Obamacaid (Medicaid) ffor free. Well, free to THEM but straight out of YOUR pocket.
They would have hiked them regardless.

Stop listening to healthcare Giants Republicans and idiots
More sabotage...Obama btw originally didn't think a mandate was necessary.

The American people do not want Obamacare hence the election of president Trump.
They don't want to face the reality of the cost of health care under Big Health/GOP a-holes. Better pie in the sky promises and brainwashing...

Just admit it you want other people to work hard, then you want to confiscate THEIR money and use it to pay other peoples bills. Health insurance, housing, food, education, goddamn your side resembles the Borg.
I want tax cuts and cheap college and training for YOU, dupe. And you dupes have got the richest paying less %wise than the middle class and getting all the new wealth. You morons believe the rich pay too much! Absolute brainwashed idiocy...
How does it feel to be envious all your life? Lol
How does it feel to be a total dumbass all of YOUR life?
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
After years of the GOP and crony insurers sabotaging it, of course it needs fixing. Scumbags and dupes, the New BS GOP, brainwashed functional racist shyttehead.

It needed abandoning before the left wing morons you pucker up to passed it.

Why is the white man expected to fix what the black boy fucked up?
So, Trumpettes. This is your chance to prove you are not all racist POS assholes.
In your eyes, how would we do that?

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app


Health Insurers in Idaho Request Premium Rate Hikes As High As 81%

Health care insurers in Idaho have requested premium rate hikes as high as 81 percent for next year, according to the state's Department of Insurance.

The five insurers serving the individual market in Idaho are Blue Cross of Idaho Health Service, Mountain Health Co-Op, PacificSource Health Plans, Regence BlueShield of Idaho, and SelectHealth.

For all plans, insurers requested rates ranging from a low of 25 percent to a high of 51 percent for a combined average statewide rate increase of 38 percent. For Obamacare's popular Silver plan, the average rate increase among all insurers was even higher at 50 percent, with one insurer requesting a high of 81 percent.

"I am deeply disappointed and frustrated to share these rates," said Dean Cameron, who directs the department. "I understand how difficult it will be for Idahoans to afford reasonable coverage, especially those without a subsidy."

Some victims of The "Affordable Care" Act (read "Obamacare) are now paying more for health insurance than for their house mortgage/tax escrow montly. For some having deciding whether to have "affordable health care" or a place to live.

Congratulations liberals (off both parties)! You're quickly achieving the goal of turning Americans into welfare drones - 'cause then they get Obamacaid (Medicaid) ffor free. Well, free to THEM but straight out of YOUR pocket.
They would have hiked them regardless.

Stop listening to healthcare Giants Republicans and idiots
They wouldn't be hiking them by 81%, moron.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
The American people do not want Obamacare hence the election of president Trump.
They don't want to face the reality of the cost of health care under Big Health/GOP a-holes. Better pie in the sky promises and brainwashing...

Just admit it you want other people to work hard, then you want to confiscate THEIR money and use it to pay other peoples bills. Health insurance, housing, food, education, goddamn your side resembles the Borg.
I want tax cuts and cheap college and training for YOU, dupe. And you dupes have got the richest paying less %wise than the middle class and getting all the new wealth. You morons believe the rich pay too much! Absolute brainwashed idiocy...
How does it feel to be envious all your life? Lol
How does it feel to be a total dumbass all of YOUR life?
You tell us.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

The disgrace is an unqualified black man putting a faulty system in place then expecting the white President to fix it.
After years of the GOP and crony insurers sabotaging it, of course it needs fixing. Scumbags and dupes, the New BS GOP, brainwashed functional racist shyttehead.

It needed abandoning before the left wing morons you pucker up to passed it.

Why is the white man expected to fix what the black boy fucked up?
So, Trumpettes. This is your chance to prove you are not all racist POS assholes.
In your eyes, how would we do that?

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
I knew you couldn't.
They don't want to face the reality of the cost of health care under Big Health/GOP a-holes. Better pie in the sky promises and brainwashing...

Just admit it you want other people to work hard, then you want to confiscate THEIR money and use it to pay other peoples bills. Health insurance, housing, food, education, goddamn your side resembles the Borg.
I want tax cuts and cheap college and training for YOU, dupe. And you dupes have got the richest paying less %wise than the middle class and getting all the new wealth. You morons believe the rich pay too much! Absolute brainwashed idiocy...
How does it feel to be envious all your life? Lol
How does it feel to be a total dumbass all of YOUR life?
You tell us.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Of all those who post here, you would have the most knowledge on this.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

Let the house of cards come down in a heap like the Hindenburg

Dems own it

Then the Phoenix will rise from the ashes

About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

Let the house of cards come down in a heap like the Hindenburg

Dems own it

Then the Phoenix will rise from the ashes

The Republicans already put their hands on it & altered its path.

But I am not surprised. You think that the ACA with crash & you propose nothing be done to stop not or providing help for those it would harm.

Typical America hating attitude from yet another Trumpette.

Your guys had 7 years to come up with a plan. They had 22 years since they blocked Hillarycare. Years with control of Congress & the White House.

They did SHIT. They were unable to do shit.

And yet you are sofa king stupid you think they can if the ACA would collapse? Based on what?

My God you are a fucking moron.
About time the GOP and its crony insurers stopped sabotaging and began fixing. Only the BS GOP propaganda machine and the dupes thought this was supposed to be a finished perfection. Go after costs which after all are the problem- our Big Health system costs much more than anywhere else, and only worked thru scams, cut offs, and not covering those with pre-existing. A GOP disgrace.

Let the house of cards come down in a heap like the Hindenburg

Dems own it

Then the Phoenix will rise from the ashes

The Republicans already put their hands on it & altered its path.

But I am not surprised. You think that the ACA with crash & you propose nothing be done to stop not or providing help for those it would harm.

Typical America hating attitude from yet another Trumpette.

Your guys had 7 years to come up with a plan. They had 22 years since they blocked Hillarycare. Years with control of Congress & the White House.

They did SHIT. They were unable to do shit.

And yet you are sofa king stupid you think they can if the ACA would collapse? Based on what?

My God you are a fucking moron.

I'm not a Republican and really don't give a shit.

The Obamacare fiasco will soon be a bad memory

Let it crash and everyone is own their own

More sabotage...Obama btw originally didn't think a mandate was necessary.

The American people do not want Obamacare hence the election of president Trump.
They don't want to face the reality of the cost of health care under Big Health/GOP a-holes. Better pie in the sky promises and brainwashing...

Just admit it you want other people to work hard, then you want to confiscate THEIR money and use it to pay other peoples bills. Health insurance, housing, food, education, goddamn your side resembles the Borg.
I want tax cuts and cheap college and training for YOU, dupe. And you dupes have got the richest paying less %wise than the middle class and getting all the new wealth. You morons believe the rich pay too much! Absolute brainwashed idiocy...

FACT: The 'rich' already pay the lions share of the taxes, your dumb ass "% wise" argument is bull shit. Thankfully MY money is safe from you mooching socialists while Trump is president, hands off my wallet moochers, get a job pay your own damn bills.

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