8 years without Ella

The family of Ella Abuksis marks 8 years without their daughter, Ella.

On Saturday, January 15th 2005, Ella Abuksis, 17, came back from her activity in "Bnei Akiva" youth movement, along with her young sibling, Tamir Ya'acov, 10. When code red alarm sounded, she embraced her brother, protecting him.

The rocket fell near the two children, Badly wounding Ella, Tamir Yaakov was also wounded.

Ella was transferred to a hospital where she died after a week.


Ella Abukasis, 17, laid to rest (Teenage girl killed by Palestinian terror)

very sad.

but you know the terrorist supporters like dead jews.

actually, it seems like the jewish state supporters are the ones who like dead jews, as evidenced by lipush digging up an eight year old tragedy and parading a dead girl in front of people as though she is fodder for the zionist propaganda mill and your ridiculous comment.

The Hypocrisy, Seal!

There is no problem bringing the same kind of atricles of Palestinian deaths, but when a "Zionist" does it, is to serve propaganda!?

There is no greatest propagandonist than the Anti-Zionist!
Nah, Palestinian animals shooting rockets indescriminately at civilian targets such as schools are the cause of her death. But you already knew that.
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:
Nah, Palestinian animals shooting rockets indescriminately at civilian targets such as schools are the cause of her death. But you already knew that.
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:

Neither do suicide bus bombers
Nah, Palestinian animals shooting rockets indescriminately at civilian targets such as schools are the cause of her death. But you already knew that.
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:

Neither do suicide bus bombers

Which haven't existed for almost a decade now......:cool:....but you already knew that.
Nah, Palestinian animals shooting rockets indescriminately at civilian targets such as schools are the cause of her death. But you already knew that.
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:

yes that is true ----which is why I believe it would be FAIR ----if
Israel would return fire----in the general direction of gaza city---
with a few thousand Kassams-----every now and then-----and---
wherever else in gaza-----and at -----various places

excellent idea you have there, sunni
Great idea rosie !! That's the only fair way !

aw shucks, toast-----thanks I have lots of ideas----they just COME
to me -----probably from--HEAVEN? ----or as a kind of divine inspiration.
I do not wish to GRAB the glory..... the meek shall inherit.....
Hamas is the cause of her death. Not anyone else.

The opinion of a Zionist, whose eyes are blind to the truth about the Occupation! No eyes to see or ears to hear truth!

There is not even ONE Israeli Inside the Gaza strip! so which "occupation" do the people of Gaza refer to?

Stop the foolishness and the same old mantra! Gaza is NOT occupied!

All the legal authorities agree that it is, many people refer to it as a concentration camp. Israel controls Gaza, imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza, controlling access by air and sea to Gaza, and whenever she feels like it, carries out massacres of innocent men and women and children inside Gaza and carries out regular invasions into Gaza. Along the border, a great deal of their land the people of Gaza cannot even walk onto without being shot by the Zionist Regime.

Gaza remains occupied!
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:

Neither do suicide bus bombers

Which haven't existed for almost a decade now......:cool:....but you already knew that.

Thanks to the fence..One got through...But you already knew that

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv busBombing is the first of its kind in Israel’s cultural capital in more than six years

By Gabe Fisher November 21, 2012

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus | The Times of Israel
The opinion of a Zionist, whose eyes are blind to the truth about the Occupation! No eyes to see or ears to hear truth!

There is not even ONE Israeli Inside the Gaza strip! so which "occupation" do the people of Gaza refer to?

Stop the foolishness and the same old mantra! Gaza is NOT occupied!

All the legal authorities agree that it is, many people refer to it as a concentration camp. Israel controls Gaza, imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza, controlling access by air and sea to Gaza, and whenever she feels like it, carries out massacres of innocent men and women and children inside Gaza and carries out regular invasions into Gaza. Along the border, a great deal of their land the people of Gaza cannot even walk onto without being shot by the Zionist Regime.

Gaza remains occupied!

More commentary from the mental case:cuckoo:
Neither do suicide bus bombers

Which haven't existed for almost a decade now......:cool:....but you already knew that.

Thanks to the fence..One got through...But you already knew that

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv busBombing is the first of its kind in Israel’s cultural capital in more than six years

By Gabe Fisher November 21, 2012

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus | The Times of Israel

That wasn't a suicide bomber, it was an individual who tossed a grenade and was upset over Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in 177 killed Palestinians and thousands wounded. Just like Lipush said, cause and effect.
Nah, Palestinian animals shooting rockets indescriminately at civilian targets such as schools are the cause of her death. But you already knew that.
The Gaza freedom fighter's rockets do not have a guidance system so they aren't able to specifically target anything.

But you already knew that...... :cool:
Only a Muslim neanderthal would make a such a claim that when Palestinian animals point their rockets toward civilian areas, they don't "intend" to target or kill anybody in particular. As long as Jews get killed, of course. That's what really counts. What a fuckin' retard!
Which haven't existed for almost a decade now......:cool:....but you already knew that.

Thanks to the fence..One got through...But you already knew that

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv busBombing is the first of its kind in Israel’s cultural capital in more than six years

By Gabe Fisher November 21, 2012

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus | The Times of Israel

That wasn't a suicide bomber, it was an individual who tossed a grenade and was upset over Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in 177 killed Palestinians and thousands wounded. Just like Lipush said, cause and effect.

notice the use of the term "individual" I got my lessons in islamic
terrorism and the LOGIC THEREOF-----more than 45 years ago---
when the pigs were doing their thing at airports The idea is this---
when a pig or sow murders in the name of allah----it does so
NOT WEARING A UNIFORM that way no country can be blamed.
get it? The islamo nazi pigs expect you to believe that the
whores and sluts who tie bombs on their stinking asses ---just cook
up a bomb at home-----decide to blow the brains out of a few
HER VERY OWN STINKING WHORE SELF----can't blame the ummah
for that RIGHT? keep in mind----Osama was also
just an individual-----he was not a member of a military---held
no rank other than PIOUS MUSLIM
Which haven't existed for almost a decade now......:cool:....but you already knew that.

Thanks to the fence..One got through...But you already knew that

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv busBombing is the first of its kind in Israel’s cultural capital in more than six years

By Gabe Fisher November 21, 2012

21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus | The Times of Israel

That wasn't a suicide bomber, it was an individual who tossed a grenade and was upset over Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in 177 killed Palestinians and thousands wounded. Just like Lipush said, cause and effect.

Hamas is responsible for all the casualties on both sides
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The opinion of a Zionist, whose eyes are blind to the truth about the Occupation! No eyes to see or ears to hear truth!

There is not even ONE Israeli Inside the Gaza strip! so which "occupation" do the people of Gaza refer to?

Stop the foolishness and the same old mantra! Gaza is NOT occupied!

All the legal authorities agree that it is, many people refer to it as a concentration camp. Israel controls Gaza, imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza, controlling access by air and sea to Gaza, and whenever she feels like it, carries out massacres of innocent men and women and children inside Gaza and carries out regular invasions into Gaza. Along the border, a great deal of their land the people of Gaza cannot even walk onto without being shot by the Zionist Regime.

Gaza remains occupied!
Did the Sherri-Thing vomit her hate again? Cuckoo! cuckoo! cuckoo!
Even Gazans I have encountered did not claim that Gaza is
a concentration camp-----what I heard was how good things
got after 1967 They did not mention OCCUPATION---
but if there is "occupation" it certainly is an improvement
over 'non-occupation' I do have a question----from 1948 to 1967 was GAZA "OCCUPIED"
The opinion of a Zionist, whose eyes are blind to the truth about the Occupation! No eyes to see or ears to hear truth!

There is not even ONE Israeli Inside the Gaza strip! so which "occupation" do the people of Gaza refer to?

Stop the foolishness and the same old mantra! Gaza is NOT occupied!

All the legal authorities agree that it is, many people refer to it as a concentration camp. Israel controls Gaza, imposes an illegal Blockade against Gaza, controlling access by air and sea to Gaza, and whenever she feels like it, carries out massacres of innocent men and women and children inside Gaza and carries out regular invasions into Gaza. Along the border, a great deal of their land the people of Gaza cannot even walk onto without being shot by the Zionist Regime.

Gaza remains occupied!
I just checked the online WSJ and I couldn't find any of Sherri's claims. Where is she getting all this war news?

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