7 yr old vanishes from school...

A former landscaper for missing Oregon 7-year-old Kyron Horman told police that the boy's stepmother offered him a large sum of money in exchange for killing her husband, Oregonlive.com reported.

The landscaper reportedly claimed that Terri Moulton Horman discussed the so-called murder-for-hire plot with him six months before Kyron vanished, according to Oregonlive.com.

When detectives revealed the plan to Kyron's father, Kaine Horman, last week, he filed for a restraining order against Terri Moulton Horman as well as filed for divorce, the website reported. He took the couple's 19-month-old daughter with him.

FOXNews.com - Landscaper Reportedly Claims Missing Oregon Boy's Stepmother Offered Him Money to Kill Husband
Police have said Terri Horman told them she took Kyron to school on the morning of June 4. The school was having a science fair before classes began, and Terri Horman took a photo of Kyron in front of his project.

She has told police that she last saw him walking down a hallway toward his second-grade classroom, wearing a "CSI" T-shirt and dark cargo pants.

A. I wouldn't expect the stepmother to harm the boy after taking a picture of him, but it would be interesting to know: How often did she take his picture? If this was the first time....I'd think it was oddly coincidental

B. How was the boy supposed to get home? Most kids that get dropped off by parents get picked up by parents, and most schools, which get all riled up if a kid brings an aspirin or penknife to school, are pretty damn strict about visitors. Also, almost all schools these days have entrances and exits covered by cameras: WTF there should be photographic evidence of the boy leaving the school......unless he's still there.
i would say the police have been over that building with dogs...etc....i dont think he is in the building...did the school have cameras? and if you simply look like you know what your doing...you can get into the schools....and it was science fair day
The school is in a semi rural area of West Portland. Portland schools also bus kids a lot.

Portland schools don't have cameras at the exits. However, all school doors except the doors next to the office are electronically locked. No one can get into a Portland school without going past the office after school starts. Teachers have keyes, of course.

Portland schools also require photo ID of anyone taking the kid out of the school. In primary grades, the school busses are monitored by teachers as the kids get on, but there is no monitoring after the kids get off the bus.

For primary grade students the drivers are supposed to know which stop the kid is supposed to get off at, and are not supposed to let them off elsewhere. (I had a problem with this when my daughter stayed on the bus to do a play date,and the driver wouldn't let her off and took her back to school.)

The cops are not saying anything, but they seem to be doubting the step mom's story. They went searching for the kid on sauvie's island which is where the step mom was during most of the day, but is a long way away from the school

They have search billboards all over town in English, spanish, russian and Vietnamese with his picture on them.
Missing Ore. boy: Police chase 1,200 tips - Life- msnbc.com

Kyron was last seen about 9 a.m. Friday, shortly after the boy and his stepmother attended a science fair at the school. She last saw him walking down a hallway toward his second-grade classroom, wearing a "CSI" T-shirt and dark cargo pants

maybe i am out of step here...but she didnt watch him walk into the classroom?

Kyron's dad has now divorced his wife, Kyron's stepmother. The two adults have a baby between them, about 18 months old, approx.
my first thought when i read it days ago....

you didnt walk him to the room...or watch to make sure...

that just doesnt sound right to me

I saw this thread when you first posted and was hoping like hell he would have been found by now. It doesn't look like a very good outcome, but we'll all hope for the best. Our prayers are for this young man, as with so many others in similar, or sadly, the same situation repeated over and over anymore, where ever they are. :eusa_pray:

I could go on with more dialog but it won't change anything, mankind needs some serious genetic assistance. I hope I expressed my thoughts correctly.

Genetic assistance?
What on earth is genetic assistance? :eusa_eh::confused:
They aren't divorced yet; he just filed for divorce. It takes a little time.

BTW, stepmom used to be a teacher. Kinda freaky.
I was just watching Fox and Friends and they said the step mom failed two polygraphs. They showed the biological mom pleading with the step mom to cooperate with police. I got the impression she believes he's still alive, which is good.
if he is alive..where would you stash a kid that everyone is looking for...i would say the kid is whining and crying wanting to see his dad and all....bm mentioned they are looking on an island where she was most of that day....that gives me the hebee gebees....too many damn people drowning their kids....

i just dont really get the motive either..unless she wants to hurt the father...and please perhaps its my skewed view of this growing up where i did...but how hard is it to hire a hit man? says the step mother tried to hire a hit man?
my first thought when i read it days ago....

you didnt walk him to the room...or watch to make sure...

that just doesnt sound right to me

I saw this thread when you first posted and was hoping like hell he would have been found by now. It doesn't look like a very good outcome, but we'll all hope for the best. Our prayers are for this young man, as with so many others in similar, or sadly, the same situation repeated over and over anymore, where ever they are. :eusa_pray:

I could go on with more dialog but it won't change anything, mankind needs some serious genetic assistance. I hope I expressed my thoughts correctly.

Genetic assistance?
What on earth is genetic assistance? :eusa_eh::confused:

I think Gatekeeper believes we should procreate with angels more often.:eusa_angel:

I cannot believe its the stepmom. My money's on the school janitor.
The case of missing Oregon boy Kyron Horman has taken another bizarre twist, as the boy’s stepmother — who reportedly tried to hire a gardener to kill her now-estranged husband — has been accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with her husband's high school friend and attempting to abduct her own daughter.

Court documents filed Monday show that Kyron's stepmom, Terri Horman, sent the friend nude images of her engaging in "graphic sexual activity" and hundreds of other explicit and solicitous text messages, the Oregonian reported.

Kyron's father Kaine Horman fled the house he shared with Terri at the end of June, filing for divorce and seeking a restraining order against her in order to retain custody of their daughter Kiara.

But just hours before that restraining order went into effect, Terri allegedly went to her husband's gym while he was working out and tried to "abduct" the 20-month-old girl from a day care session.

FOXNews.com - Missing Ore. Boy's Stepmother Accused of Abduction Attempt
This woman the media are so busy convicting could not have abducted her own child. There was no court order in place, and even if there had been, the charge would have been custodial interference, not abduction.

Whatever allegations her husband may make on court papers, the allegations are unproved. Ever been divorced yourselves? Remember the ugly things you thought about your ex at the time? Now add in the fact that the child is missing and the media has turned it into a tragedy. I dunno about you, but they'd be plucking me off the ceiling -- and my accusations would reflect it.

If she's killed this child, may she burn in hell. But till there is some actual evidence that she is guilty, how's about we stop jumping her shit?

And why is no one looking funny at dad? Or mom? Why didn't she have custody?

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