7 stories Barack Obama doesn't want told


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
7 stories Barack Obama doesn't want told - John F. Harris - POLITICO.com

Presidential politics is about storytelling. Presented with a vivid storyline, voters naturally tend to fit every new event or piece of information into a picture that is already neatly framed in their minds.

No one understands this better than Barack Obama and his team, who won the 2008 election in part because they were better storytellers than the opposition. The pro-Obama narrative featured an almost mystically talented young idealist who stood for change in a disciplined and thoughtful way. This easily outpowered the anti-Obama narrative, featuring an opportunistic Chicago pol with dubious relationships who was more liberal than he was letting on.

A year into his presidency, however, Obama’s gift for controlling his image shows signs of faltering. As Washington returns to work from the Thanksgiving holiday, there are several anti-Obama storylines gaining momentum.
I think quite a few of those stories are true. The Obama "magic" is gone. "hope and change" were really just slogans. Hollering: It's BOOOOOOSH's FAULT !!! won't work next time. The 2010 midterms loom large.

Face it folks, whether you love him , hate him, or are someplace in the middle, we hired a man with no experience and now it is showing. I'd like to see him succeed. The only way to do that is by electing a Republican House and Senate.
It's like this Kids... 40-45% of People are going to Vote (D) and another 40-45% are going to Vote (R)...

Barry was Reaching for the 10-20% who were Moveable...

He will again in 2012.

If things have NOT Improved Substantially from 10%+ Unemployment, he will be WAY OUT on his Ass...

If they have, he will Probably be Re-Elected.

That's how this Game Works.

Shortsighted and Emotionally Driven, that 10-20% are.


The "He's a push over" angle is something I can really sink my teeth in.

Now what is this talk about ancient history again?
The "He's a push over" angle is something I can really sink my teeth in.

Now what is this talk about ancient history again?

Quite a few of these are likely to be his undoing. I thought the 'President of the World' angle was a good one. He is way too concerned with the worlds view of us and not concerned enough of our own best interests. Obviously, how the world views us is important but it's not gonna put bread on the table of American famillies during this recession. His priorities are fucked.
Nobody, except you, is talking about ancient history, bub. :rolleyes:

that is the problem in this country....anything over 4 or 5 years is ancient history....

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

George Santayana

I think the point is that people cannot keep excusing the failings of the current Administration on the past one. Like you, I think we need to learn the error of our ways - my personal view, as I have said before, is that American voters need to stop electing idiots - on both sides! It is the partisan whining and justifying that sickens me.
Nobody, except you, is talking about ancient history, bub. :rolleyes:

that is the problem in this country....anything over 4 or 5 years is ancient history....

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

George Santayana

As a nation it is likely our largest problem.

and nothing is ancient history when one is still living with the results of that history.
Why do you people insist on forgetting that the Bailout was done by Bush?

It was not Obama.

This is what happens when idiots call what happened just one year ago "ancient history".
The constitution is ancient history as you see it?
Laws made by previous congresses that are still in effect are ancient history?
Why do you people insist on forgetting that the Bailout was done by Bush?

It was not Obama.

This is what happens when idiots call what happened just one year ago "ancient history".

You know that this thread is about 7 stories about Obama, right? Did you even read the link before you start whining about Bush?

It's no wonder the country's a mess. Americans have the attention span of a peanut.
"Economists and business leaders from across the ideological spectrum were urging the new president on last winter when he signed onto more than a trillion in stimulus spending and bank and auto bailouts during his first weeks in office. Many, though far from all, of these same people now agree that these actions helped avert an even worse financial catastrophe."

The bank bailouts were done by Bush.
Why do you people insist on forgetting that the Bailout was done by Bush?

It was not Obama.

This is what happens when idiots call what happened just one year ago "ancient history".
The first bailout.

The second round of bailouts, the nearly $1 trillion succubus package, subsequent earmark-laden omnibus bill, takeover of GM & Chrysler, laughable clunker program and 10% unemployment rate --the aversion of which was one of the claimed reasons for the succubus bill-- all lie on Barry the Manchild's doorstep.

Work harder on your deflections next time.
"Along the way, however, it is clear Obama underestimated the political consequences that flow from the perception that he is a profligate spender. He also misjudged the anger in middle America about bailouts with weak and sporadic public explanations of why he believed they were necessary. "

The bailout was Paulson under Bush

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