7 day creation story doesnt seem possible

Notice in the account of His various creations, God sort of stands back, looks at it and declares it good or whatever. In the case of light, He found it good. He separated light from darkness. He is the light out of the darkness. Paul picks up on this theme and says, "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

It's a description of the creator creating. The Bible is not a science journal. It's actually not real mysterious when you look at it as a way to learn to know God rather than something to make fun of it.
I believe i am asking logical questions.
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.
The spirit of God had not moved yet so the common human was without form תוהו (empty, desolate, emptiness, comparable to a sperm that hasn't swam upstream to find an unfertilized egg yet, a place of waste, a vain creature, nothing).
This is one reason as to why the very name of G-d is ineffable... to the Jew. Remember that this book is 2000 years older than Jews in historical terms.

Elohim - Creator ... created first in mind and then created the physical in sound/deed.

In the beginning doesn't mean at an exact moment. It was not creation in and of itself.

It was the entire creation. G-d, being one, contains everything so he divided an area, quite like a programmer would design a sandbox today.

And in there, the deeds were done. I'm trying to modernize it a bit ...
Fair enough.
I actually think the hebrew word is "yom" which just means beginning and end? Maybe "day" and it being in order is just translation?
This is why i paged you lol
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Notice in the account of His various creations, God sort of stands back, looks at it and declares it good or whatever. In the case of light, He found it good. He separated light from darkness. He is the light out of the darkness. Paul picks up on this theme and says, "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

It's a description of the creator creating. The Bible is not a science journal. It's actually not real mysterious when you look at it as a way to learn to know God rather than something to make fun of it.
I believe i am asking logical questions.
Good for you. I believe I offered a reasonable answer. Forgive me if I was snippy. That wide open mouthed Zuckeramn avi makes me urpy, which makes me grumpy.
Fair enough.
I actually think the hebrew word is "yom" which just means beginning and end? Maybe "day" and it being in order is just translation?
This is why i paged you lol
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?

Someone already told you that the translation to "Days" was referring to "periods" of time, not neccessarily a 24 hour day. Yet you persist. And you ignore the general accuracy of the order of things, just to not bother your head about ACTUALLY wondering and expanding the story..
On day 1 it says the ocean depths were dark. How was there water before anything else? We have found water that is older than the earth. Also, without the sun, water wouldnt be in a liquid state.

No form on Day one. No oceans. probably a screwed translation. Since the SEAS came much later. Globs of material, like the hot plasma that formed the Earth could be "an ocean".. Just not an ocean of water. But an ocean of material that is the precursor to planet formation..
A translation i just read and one you posted both mentions water. But that is VERY possible. Thats why i asked for my hebrew friends lol
Fair enough.
I actually think the hebrew word is "yom" which just means beginning and end? Maybe "day" and it being in order is just translation?
This is why i paged you lol
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Thats my point, though. Inconsistencies lead me to lose credibility in something. Why is it fact until it is proven wrong and then you get the "well, maybe every christian ever shouldnt have took it so literally"... doesnt bode well with me.
Notice in the account of His various creations, God sort of stands back, looks at it and declares it good or whatever. In the case of light, He found it good. He separated light from darkness. He is the light out of the darkness. Paul picks up on this theme and says, "For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."

It's a description of the creator creating. The Bible is not a science journal. It's actually not real mysterious when you look at it as a way to learn to know God rather than something to make fun of it.
I believe i am asking logical questions.
Good for you. I believe I offered a reasonable answer. Forgive me if I was snippy. That wide open mouthed Zuckeramn avi makes me urpy, which makes me grumpy.
thats why i have that cockzucker as an avi :badgrin:
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Are you looking for personal confirmation or pity? :dunno:
Im just looking for answers.
Does the account in Genesis make sense to you?

As a literal explanation, probably not. But, as an analogy created for Iron Age people's, it's an interesting explanation for something they had no way of knowing.
That's the fascinating part to me. Someone knew, didn't they?
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Thats my point, though. Inconsistencies lead me to lose credibility in something. Why is it fact until it is proven wrong and then you get the "well, maybe every christian ever shouldnt have took it so literally"... doesnt bode well with me.
IMO, that is taking "consistency" too far. Like the flat earth, we figured it out. Do you mean to tell me you don't want to believe the earth is round(ish) because once we believed it was flat because we didn't know any better?
The other thing is, maybe people DIDN'T necessarily take the creation story literally, but who would speak up about it back in those days? Nasty things happened. So maybe they said "Yeah, right" in their heads.
OK TN.. I found a dude had snapped a pic of the solar system getting created 4.6 BIll years ago. It must have been an old-timey camera. But this is the LEGAL SCIENTIFIC view of "Day one and two of creation.


No clear "dome" of light from our POV. LOTS of light. Maybe not clearly day and night ---- yet.

Here's your "oceans" without water..


You got better science than this?
Last edited:
I like the "Let their be light" part.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?

Someone already told you that the translation to "Days" was referring to "periods" of time, not neccessarily a 24 hour day. Yet you persist. And you ignore the general accuracy of the order of things, just to not bother your head about ACTUALLY wondering and expanding the story..
Whoa! You're reading me ALL wrong, there, FCT.
I find it fascinating.
I actually used to think that was crap too. But further research led me to believe God is the actual light. IDK it just makes sense.
You know, as light comes from the sun. lol
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Thats my point, though. Inconsistencies lead me to lose credibility in something. Why is it fact until it is proven wrong and then you get the "well, maybe every christian ever shouldnt have took it so literally"... doesnt bode well with me.
IMO, that is taking "consistency" too far. Like the flat earth, we figured it out. Do you mean to tell me you don't want to believe the earth is round(ish) because once we believed it was flat because we didn't know any better?
The other thing is, maybe people DIDN'T necessarily take the creation story literally, but who would speak up about it back in those days? Nasty things happened. So maybe they said "Yeah, right" in their heads.
But they wouldnt have known these answers back then. So why would they question it?
"we figured it out" I thought Gods revelation was so that we could get to know him and cherish him? Isnt the bible HIS word? Pretty sure it says it in the bible that is a couple/few times.
I didn't say anything was crap. It just can't be taken literally, as in 7 days of magic. There has been a lot of interesting interpretation based on translations like HaShev's and comparing it to Big Bang theory. I'm not laughing at anyone.
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Thats my point, though. Inconsistencies lead me to lose credibility in something. Why is it fact until it is proven wrong and then you get the "well, maybe every christian ever shouldnt have took it so literally"... doesnt bode well with me.
IMO, that is taking "consistency" too far. Like the flat earth, we figured it out. Do you mean to tell me you don't want to believe the earth is round(ish) because once we believed it was flat because we didn't know any better?
The other thing is, maybe people DIDN'T necessarily take the creation story literally, but who would speak up about it back in those days? Nasty things happened. So maybe they said "Yeah, right" in their heads.
But they wouldnt have known these answers back then. So why would they question it?
"we figured it out" I thought Gods revelation was so that we could get to know him and cherish him? Isnt the bible HIS word? Pretty sure it says it in the bible that is a couple/few times.
This is where I bow out. I don't believe in God quite the way religious Christians do.
How do you create earth after day and night? Day and night depends on rotation of the sphere. At that point, the Earth was still unformed.
How were plants created before the sun? Plants require the sun
How do you have lamps (sun and moon) giving their own light? The moon reflects light from the sun

Any explanations other than How much better and more satisfying it is to accept Scripture as it stands. It doesn't need to be fully understood and explained by modern scientific thought; it just needs to be believed and obeyed like found on ICR.com?
Not with all the coffee breaks you take.
OK TN.. I found a dude had snapped a pic of the solar system getting created 4.6 BIll years ago. It must have been an old-timey camera. But this is the LEGAL SCIENTIFIC view of "Day one and two of creation.


No clear "dome" of light from our POV. LOTS of light. Maybe not clearly day and night ---- yet.

Here's your "oceans" without water..


You got better science than this?
No lol Science is the reason i started this..
Our(english) translations say water. Again, thats why i was asking for hebrew. I have no doubt in my mind a lot of what christians(or anyone really) know about the bible could be incorrect. All it takes is one word..
I did. I meant along with the questions in my OP. Not you.
If the answer is "it cant be taken literally" then why was it taken literally? Sounds like a new (new-er lol) talking point.. We accepted the earth was flat for millennia... Remember people freaking out because ol christopher was going to fall off our planet?
It was taken literally until we knew better. What is so hard about that?
Are you hanging around with people freaking out because most of America doesn't believe God created the planet and us in 7 days?
Thats my point, though. Inconsistencies lead me to lose credibility in something. Why is it fact until it is proven wrong and then you get the "well, maybe every christian ever shouldnt have took it so literally"... doesnt bode well with me.
IMO, that is taking "consistency" too far. Like the flat earth, we figured it out. Do you mean to tell me you don't want to believe the earth is round(ish) because once we believed it was flat because we didn't know any better?
The other thing is, maybe people DIDN'T necessarily take the creation story literally, but who would speak up about it back in those days? Nasty things happened. So maybe they said "Yeah, right" in their heads.
But they wouldnt have known these answers back then. So why would they question it?
"we figured it out" I thought Gods revelation was so that we could get to know him and cherish him? Isnt the bible HIS word? Pretty sure it says it in the bible that is a couple/few times.
This is where I bow out. I don't believe in God quite the way religious Christians do.
Where did you get your beliefs from then?

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