66% of Child Torture Victims "Homeschooled"


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
And of course they are. If you had designs to torture, starve, beat and neglect your children, why in the world would you daily send them to a place of mandatory reporters?

You wouldn't. You would either withdraw or never enroll them. Which is exactly what the study below found.

This is a serious and growing problem in the homeschooling community which, true to form, homeschoolers are not addressing except to fight oversight. This WILL have a negative effect not only on the perception of homeschooling but also on their success rate over time.

Particularly severe abuse cases that involve school-age children also tend to involve homeschooling. In a 2014 study of child torture, Barbara Knox, a pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin, found that 47% of school-age victims had been withdrawn from school for homeschooling and an additional 29% had never been enrolled.

The Turpin child abuse story fits a widespread and disturbing homeschooling pattern
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.

Who has been accusing public school teachers of abuse here? And where has that accusation been used as a reason to abolish public schools?
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.

Who has been accusing public school teachers of abuse here? And where has that accusation been used as a reason to abolish public schools?

Teachers Told To Favor Black Students In ‘Racial Equity’ Training
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.
We've always known that in Child Protective circles. Neglect, physical and sexual abuse, etc. "Torturers" are extremely rare, but where it's easy, parents who are too lazy to care for their kids or who beat them or screw them will pull them from school after the first mandated report. Those kinds of parents aren't rare at all, although they are probably only a small percentage of homeschool parents, overall Anything can be abused, and homeschooling is no different.

I don't agree with the government poking its nose into people's homes, though, Sue. I've seen too much of that bureaucratic rule making that won't approve a family to adopt because their bedroom window is 6 inches too small. Parents who wish to homeschool shouldn't be burdened with that kind of folderol. "The State" doesn't need to be knocking on their door just because they want to teach their children themselves. I do agree with periodic mandatory testing for all these homeschooled children, though, showing that they are somewhere close to grade level with their peers. If not, the child should be in school.

Neighbors, relatives and doctors/other healthcare providers are going to have to be the ones to blow the whistle on the abusers.
That's my opinion.
And of course they are. If you had designs to torture, starve, beat and neglect your children, why in the world would you daily send them to a place of mandatory reporters?

You wouldn't. You would either withdraw or never enroll them. Which is exactly what the study below found.

This is a serious and growing problem in the homeschooling community which, true to form, homeschoolers are not addressing except to fight oversight. This WILL have a negative effect not only on the perception of homeschooling but also on their success rate over time.

Shhhh.. Sue, that kind of talk will get you thrown out of the Right Wing, no matter how much Islamophobic Twattery you engage in.
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates

The State does not own your children Penny
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates

The State does not own your children Penny

Well then, keep them at home or carry vaccinations card for each child when out in the public. No federal assistance either, like Chip, food stamps, or Hud, unless you put them in public schools. Every child should be accounted for everyday.
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates
In my years of teaching, I can think offhand of three homeschooled students who were among the best and brightest I ever had.

Homeschooling can be awesome when it is done well.
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates
In my years of teaching, I can think offhand of three homeschooled students who were among the best and brightest I ever had.

Homeschooling can be awesome when it is done well.

Why were they homeschooled and are you a public teacher, and what were their parents like? The norm is religious zealots want them homeschooled.
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.

Who has been accusing public school teachers of abuse here? And where has that accusation been used as a reason to abolish public schools?

Teachers Told To Favor Black Students In ‘Racial Equity’ Training
That's hardly torture or abuse
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates
No one should tell other people how to raise their own kids.

The vast majority of people who home school are loving and attentive parents and home schooled kids outperform public school kids on nearly all metrics
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates

The State does not own your children Penny

Well then, keep them at home or carry vaccinations card for each child when out in the public. No federal assistance either, like Chip, food stamps, or Hud, unless you put them in public schools. Every child should be accounted for everyday.

You're a good little Jackboot Totalitarian Penny

Have you ever been fitted for Jackboots? Do you know what Jackboots are. Do you ever feel the need to check people to see if they have the right papers?

You're very scary Penny. I mean that.
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates

The State does not own your children Penny

Well then, keep them at home or carry vaccinations card for each child when out in the public. No federal assistance either, like Chip, food stamps, or Hud, unless you put them in public schools. Every child should be accounted for everyday.


Penny. You're lovely.
Since they really don't visit homes of homes of homeschooling and small daycares (6 or less), I am against them all. Put your child into a decent daycare, a larger one not a 6 child one, and no one should homeschool their kids.
I am pro public schools , that is why we pay taxes. The gov. should not fund parochial schools nor private schools and states should not either.
Michigan court approves public funding for private school mandates
No one should tell other people how to raise their own kids.

The vast majority of people who home school are loving and attentive parents and home schooled kids outperform public school kids on nearly all metrics

I agree with this but there's a growing problem in homeschooling. It's outlined in the OP
And how many children is that exactly?

Percentages are meaningless without the total number on which they are based

The vast majority of parents who homeschool do not torture their kids

Of course this is true.

But it is also true that the small number of parents who are vicious psychopaths will pull their kids out of public schools so they can torture them.

And btw, no one who wants to bash the public schools here says anything like "the vast number of teachers in public schools are not child abusers", which is also quite true, but doesn't stop them from wanting to "abolish the public schools" and other mouth-breathing, hyperbolic overstatements.

Who has been accusing public school teachers of abuse here? And where has that accusation been used as a reason to abolish public schools?

Teachers Told To Favor Black Students In ‘Racial Equity’ Training
That's hardly torture or abuse

I'm not saying that. I'm pointing out the poster who said "Putting your child in public school is abuse" in the first line

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