63% of Trump supporters believe media are an " enemy of the people"

"Enemy of the People"

This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it.

I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.

It is the enemy of the people, when in your lfie time have you seen people go at it with each other as we have during Trump, and really much of it started during Obama.

When have you seen media writing such hate towards a President

You have tv shows spewing Trump hate
You have musicians coming out with Hate towards Trump
Every where there is media it's hate Trump

All of that ='s leftist indoctrnation because they can't figure out real information from fake, they can't seem to figure out the MSM puts these lies out there to creat tension and more hate towards the President.

Look up MK ULTRA
If they're an enemy of the people, what should be done to them?

I am sure you have heard the term " Enemy within" ....................... well think about it and connet it to the uprising we have today. Take names of power you see that keep coming up

it's all in plain view.............. MSM included.
With the results of a newly released poll demonstrating the deepening partisan divide in America, a panel at the leftist Brookings Institution placed blame for that divide on President Trump and Republican voters, who are allegedly driven by “fear” and ethnonationalism.
Leftists Blame Trump, Republicans for “Spanish Civil War” Mentality in America

You would think the population could and would pick up on mass mind control, or controlled thinking created by a controlled MSM, but zombies of the world just don't seem to get it. Once again their heads are still so far up Obama and Clinton's ass they'll never see the day of light nor reality as to what these crooked losers are doing and to this day they still have gov. control and as they get more pissed how it's not going their way the more bs that will come out on Trump to discredit him anyway they can do it. Those of us not in zombie land realize that it's the sheep who can't get out of their trance.
If you belive that what the democrats have to say is the gospel truth you are a sheep or a zombie. If you belive what the republicans have to say is the gospel truth you are a sheep or zombie. Unfortunately in order to be an informed voter it is not as easy as just seeing a D or an R in front of the name. Obama and Clinton are yesterday the republicans hold both houses and the presidency. Now lets forget R and D and hold the fucks who are currently in power responsible for what they accomplish while they are there. If they do well re-elect them. If they do poorly then vote against them at election time.

I am not a DEM nor a REP I am awake dude and for a looooong time.
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Can't be doing "call-out" threads in any forums other than the Taunting Forums. No member names in the OP. You're free to start this topic again. With EMPHASIS on I/P -- not the US Presidency.

Moved to Badlands -- feel free to get all those bottled-up flames out there.. :dev3:
With the results of a newly released poll demonstrating the deepening partisan divide in America, a panel at the leftist Brookings Institution placed blame for that divide on President Trump and Republican voters, who are allegedly driven by “fear” and ethnonationalism.
Leftists Blame Trump, Republicans for “Spanish Civil War” Mentality in America

You would think the population could and would pick up on mass mind control, or controlled thinking created by a controlled MSM, but zombies of the world just don't seem to get it. Once again their heads are still so far up Obama and Clinton's ass they'll never see the day of light nor reality as to what these crooked losers are doing and to this day they still have gov. control and as they get more pissed how it's not going their way the more bs that will come out on Trump to discredit him anyway they can do it. Those of us not in zombie land realize that it's the sheep who can't get out of their trance.
If you belive that what the democrats have to say is the gospel truth you are a sheep or a zombie. If you belive what the republicans have to say is the gospel truth you are a sheep or zombie. Unfortunately in order to be an informed voter it is not as easy as just seeing a D or an R in front of the name. Obama and Clinton are yesterday the republicans hold both houses and the presidency. Now lets forget R and D and hold the fucks who are currently in power responsible for what they accomplish while they are there. If they do well re-elect them. If they do poorly then vote against them at election time.


and Obama and Clinton used it all along the way........................ the Left are pure dumbasses so are the fake republicans.
I've documented before how one time 4 out of the 7 top headlines on ABC news were anti-white
that was on the title page--not over a few days
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Well, enemy, if anything.

I guess I just don't understand this stuff.
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?

We can't get them to see how " if you are white you are hated" if you are a white gun owner you hated" they wnat to discredit the white race. They can't understand how these liberal colleges are teaching their kids to " Hate being white" WTF while on the same tune state love who you are these fkn c........ts are mental cases and this is all being engineered to stir up mass mental illness.
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Well, enemy, if anything.

I guess I just don't understand this stuff.

Sounds to me like you understand fine.

SOmeone that wants to see you dead and buried is your enemy.
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Well, enemy, if anything.

I guess I just don't understand this stuff.

Tools are there to help you understand. Jus step out of the comfort zone of the news sources you choose.

Obama deception and end game, fall of the republic are excellent videos to wake you up and connect the dots problem is most don't know how to figure out it's not bs information . But once you get onto that track even if it takes a year the crap you start to see begins to make sense..
"Enemy of the People"

This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it.

I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.

It is the enemy of the people, when in your lfie time have you seen people go at it with each other as we have during Trump, and really much of it started during Obama.

When have you seen media writing such hate towards a President

You have tv shows spewing Trump hate
You have musicians coming out with Hate towards Trump
Every where there is media it's hate Trump

All of that ='s leftist indoctrnation because they can't figure out real information from fake, they can't seem to figure out the MSM puts these lies out there to creat tension and more hate towards the President.

Look up MK ULTRA
If they're an enemy of the people, what should be done to them?

"Enemy of the People"

This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it.

I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.

It is the enemy of the people, when in your lfie time have you seen people go at it with each other as we have during Trump, and really much of it started during Obama.

When have you seen media writing such hate towards a President

You have tv shows spewing Trump hate
You have musicians coming out with Hate towards Trump
Every where there is media it's hate Trump

All of that ='s leftist indoctrnation because they can't figure out real information from fake, they can't seem to figure out the MSM puts these lies out there to creat tension and more hate towards the President.

Look up MK ULTRA
Ya, where were you when they were raking Obama over the coals. I bet you were talking about hate towards a pres then right? If you are mayor, county engineer, dog catcher, president, or any public figure you are subject to bad press. This is the way it is. This is the way it always has been. It is the way it will be in the future, but you just continue to call yourself a consevative and attack the constitution. I have had some not so true things said about myself in the paper before. This being said I had to do somethng to bring on this ire myself. I did not go around crying, I realize if I put my opinions out in a public forum I will be open to critisizm.Trump can not escape this any more than you or I can.This is what open and free society looks like. It is messy and it takes work.
"Enemy of the People"
This is the kind of absurd hyperbole that is causing so many people to lose their shit after they buy into it. I do hope cooler heads prevail pretty fucking soon. If there are any left.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Well, enemy, if anything.

I guess I just don't understand this stuff.

Sounds to me like you understand fine.

SOmeone that wants to see you dead and buried is your enemy.
I guess I just don't think of things in those terms.
I've not lost my shit. I'm just done with playing nice with assholes how call me "deplorable" and similar bull.
Serious question, because I never know what to believe: Do you take the "enemy of the people" thing literally or figuratively?

I was just at the gym. MSNBC was on, and they were discussing how some polling showed that "white America" was "old and tired" and would soon be "dead and buried".

It was closed captioned, so, I got no tone or inflection, but they certainly seemed to be considering this a good thing and a development they were supporting.

If I wanted to see you dead and buried Mac, would you consider me a friend or an enemy?
Well, enemy, if anything.

I guess I just don't understand this stuff.

Sounds to me like you understand fine.

SOmeone that wants to see you dead and buried is your enemy.
I guess I just don't think of things in those terms.

Which part? You don't sit around fantasizing about your political opponents being "dead and buried"?

I didn't think that you did. YOu don't seem to be full of hate.

I don't do it either.

But I'm not going to ignore the fact that many of those on the Left do.

Have you even discussed with Rightwinger his vision of the future? He used to insist that it would be wonderful.
That's all true. The media is the propaganda arm of the democratic party.

But not ALL the media, only like 90% of it that is taken over by Marxist thugs.
Fake news? More like fake conservatives. Thats right keep attacking the constitution and calling your self a conservative. I am no longer buying that you are stupid, you have no respect for the truth or the constitution.
Given the way almost all polls are done now ( using 2004 models ) the 63% number is actually waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher. Not really news...........after 15 months of relentless Trump bashing by almost all segments of the media, he cakewalked to the nomination........all you need to know. In 2017, people who vote can spot fakery in news from a million miles away.:2up:. If the masses were duped by fake news, Aunt Hilda wins in a landslide.........but she got her clock cleaned.

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