US military on high alert ahead of Trump's announcment to move US embassy to Jerusalem


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The U.S. Military has deployed additional forces throughout the Middle East in advance of President Trump’s announcement that the US Embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in anticipation of widespread political unrest and even terror attacks.

US Military on High Alert Ahead of Trump’s Announcement to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem

Well this should be interesting dangling in the winds of world war three since Obama, but O jackass is going to make sure it blows off on Trump's watch so he looks even worse in the eyes of assholes who don't ever get the clue of " shadow government" and how they work no matter how much you tell these idiots where they are, what they say they're IQ levels teach them it's a conspiracy. Hmmm Hitler lead his people down the road of stupidity we see where they ended up.
Muslims are pissed now. They had 8 years of a fake president who did everything he could to enable their terrorist agenda against the U.S. Now there's a REAL President who acts on behalf of his country and our enemies, both foreign and domestic (i.e. Democrats) are foaming at the mouth as they see their dreams of destroying freedom and democracy circling the drain.

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