61% of Liberals Favor Socialism

No one ever said the propagandists weren't good at their jobs. They know how to distort and misrepresent the issues to favor the special interests who can pay for their services.

They've managed to convince guys who'll never make much more than minimum wage that taxing the rich at fair rates is a bad idea.

They managed to convice guys who'll die long before their times that universal health care is a bad idea.

They manage to convince guys who'll drift from one dead-end job to another that protecting American jobs is a bad idea.

They call it free-market capitalism, wrap it in the flag and shove it down the dupes' throats and they love it.

Go figure.

Why do you think the rightwing propagandists, who are in a significantly distinct minority among propagandists, are so much more effective in getting people to respond to their message than is your side?

Could it be that you're interpreting the conservative message entirely wrong?

All the major media firms are rightwing. If you need a reason for the effectiveness of rightwing propaganda, focus on that. Virtually everything you hear or see in the broadcast and cable media is skewed to the right.

Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.
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I doubt 10% of Americans could define socialism as something other than "just like communism! Commie Bastards!"

I was hoping that someone would make that point, so that I was able to include

an indictment of the US school system, erroneously referred to as an education system.

Since the Gallup Poll so clearly indicates the large positive approval of free market, etc., and yet a sizeable portion of the citizenry, at least those polled, have a positive view of socialism, someone must have dropped the ball somewhere.

I think an argument could be made, though, that many of those folks who signed on to socialism, merely view the term as Democode for the Democratic Party-

but I am not saying that most are not Wilson-Dewey-Obama-Progressive-Liberals.

They probably are: note one of the above posts, a poster who syncretically attempts to claim to be a happy socialist, yet, it seems, has not moved to the EU yet.

Maybe that 61% is smarter than you think they are. We have not had a purely capitalistic system in a very long time. It makes me wonder about all the republicans and conservatives who found it negative. I wonder if they know we've had 'socialist elements' in our system for most of the existence off the Constitution. There are even some none pure capitalist elements in the constitution.

"...Maybe that 61% is smarter than you think they are..."
What makes you think that I am referring to the intelligence of those on the other side?

"It makes me wonder about all the republicans and conservatives who found it negative."
This sentence is unclear.

"I wonder if they know we've had 'socialist elements' in our system for most of the existence off the Constitution."
While there are elements in society that are socialist, many good ideas as well, and some that could be arguably socialist, we must define terms.

The Constitution is based on a certain understanding of human nature, that it is neither perfect nor perfectible. Thus, checks and balances.

The government is not meant to be all-encompassing, but, rather, a limitation on the power of government, and separated so as to limit the accumulation of power.

Socialism marches in a different direction. Centralized power, and control.

This is why President Woodrow Wilson represents the demise of the Constitution: he was the first President to openly criticize it, and the Declaration of Independence, and call for a 'living Constitution,' one that could be changed to centaralize government.

The strength of socialism in American can be marked from the early 19th century.

President Wilson, our first ph.d President, was certainly not lacking in intelligence, nor are thost 61%.
They are simply wrong in their understanding of people and of the role of government.
In my estimation.
The recent big employment improvement, excluding construction, is in leisure and hospitality sector employment. The recent retail sales improvement is most spectacular in the high-end retail sales. High-End chains reported major same stores sales increases.

It is further widely noted that small business in fact has not been hiring, and is having the most major credit access problems

So when malicious California Girl shows as follows:

"Quote: Originally Posted by Vast LWC
Oh, and anything that is not "Socialism" in a country where corporations have as much influence as they do here, is basically support for "Corporate Oligarchy", by default.

There is the lacunae in your understanding of the intersections of American society and economy.

The largest employer is the small business.

The impetus is opportunity."

The largest employer appears to not have much of the money, much of the influence, or even much of any new "impetus" of "opportunity!"

Adam Smith knew that. FDR knew that. Karl Marx knew that. Mother Theresa knew that! The Cross-over GOP vote for Obama: Seems to have known that. The Ivy League seems to know that!

"Can't We Just All,. . . .Get Along," and have a race riot, or something?

The Obama-Biden Administration is of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich so far. Nancy Pelosi and Senator Reid appear mainly to have discovered that everyone else was MIA at Executive Branch. NAACP has been to the White House, with the message: Just this week!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Make Old Squaws come to reservation! Old Squaws then put coins in slots in Casinos! See How Gardens Grow at many nation's lands!)
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The USA is a socialist country.
No, that would be you pussies.

Christ, you losers couldn't function without your government coddling you from cradle to grave.

And how about you losers sending over 75% of your neo-natal critical care patients to the US for treatment because you losers lack both the facilities and expertise to care for them.

It's just one more example of socialism being an abject failure!

Christ, canadians are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
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"Know wonder"
and you claim we are uneducated.

Yukon is to stupid to know he can't reason write or spell.

"I see (democrats) stupid people, there everywhere, the problem is they don't even know they are stupid"

"to stupid" should be too stupid; a comma should separate reason and write; the syntax of the final sentence is one which might be acceptable if English is not your native language, and "democrats" (if you meant a member of the Democratic Party) should be capitalized.

It makes me hot when you correct grammar!
Why do you think the rightwing propagandists, who are in a significantly distinct minority among propagandists, are so much more effective in getting people to respond to their message than is your side?

Could it be that you're interpreting the conservative message entirely wrong?

All the major media firms are rightwing. If you need a reason for the effectiveness of rightwing propaganda, focus on that. Virtually everything you hear or see in the broadcast and cable media is skewed to the right.

Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.

Eh, I do believe we need to establish a reference point as to right or, left.
With joe steel, and his ideologue.....everything is to the right.
Makes a person wonder just how far left that boy really is.
Yukon is to stupid to know he can't reason write or spell.

"I see (democrats) stupid people, there everywhere, the problem is they don't even know they are stupid"

"to stupid" should be too stupid; a comma should separate reason and write; the syntax of the final sentence is one which might be acceptable if English is not your native language, and "democrats" (if you meant a member of the Democratic Party) should be capitalized.

It makes me hot when you correct grammar!

wry has to bolster his own ego, PC.
If we have Capitalism, what do we do with the ones who cannot survive? With Socialism, those who have resent keeping up those who have not. And why would you need Communism, if you can only take out what you put in, you can do that own your own without the label. What ever happened to what made this country great, working together for a better tomorrow?

The implication of your post is that either side is calling for total or pure forms of either one or the other. No, the question is one of degree.

The other assumption of the post is that a capitalist society is cruel and heartless, a socialist society the opposite.
If this is your premise, it is simply false.

If you will allow the following, i.e., conservativism supports capitalism, while liberalism is more consonant with socialism, as the Gallup Poll indicates, it can be easily demonstrated that Conservatives are far more charitable:

"-- Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

-- Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood. "

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

"Looking at the ten-year total of Biden’s giving, one percent would have been $24,500. One half of one percent would have been $12,250. One quarter of one percent would have been $6,125. And one eighth of one percent would have been $3,062 — just below what Biden actually contributed."

“The average American household gives about two percent of adjusted gross income,” says Arthur Brooks, the Syracuse University scholar, soon to take over as head of the American Enterprise Institute, who has done extensive research on American giving. “On average, [Biden] is not giving more than one tenth as much as the average American household, and that is evidence that he doesn’t share charitable values with the average American.”
Byron York 9/15/08 NR

"Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings."(Sam Stein Huffington Post)

While the media has made a wonderful case for the left caring for those who need help, when it comes to putting one's dinero where one puts one's dinner, it is not the case.
Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.

Great, then you should have no trouble giving us a recent example of a non-right-wing source that proves just that.

Say in the last couple of years.
"...that general well-being of a nation's populace is the measure of a "beneficial" system,..."


That is why I champion capitalism, and eschew socialism.

"In its modern beginnings, socialism was optimistic and well intentioned, without the overlay of its contemporary varieties that tend to bemoan prosperity, romanticize poverty, and promote a view that place individual rights are a secondary concern. This is to say that the earliest socialists sought the fullest possible flourishing of humanity, “the common good.”

Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society."

From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

But again, this assumes the radical extreme case of Socialism, and also wrongly assumes that a partially socialist society, like those of modern day Europe will eventually devolve into complete Socialism. This is a fault of modern conservative American thinking, that every policy modification is black and white.

You guys have an "all or nothing" way of going about things. There are many shades of grey on issues like this.

Oh, and: "Euroideology"? LOL.

Love it. Nice word.
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All the major media firms are rightwing. If you need a reason for the effectiveness of rightwing propaganda, focus on that. Virtually everything you hear or see in the broadcast and cable media is skewed to the right.

Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.

Eh, I do believe we need to establish a reference point as to right or, left.
With joe steel, and his ideologue.....everything is to the right.
Makes a person wonder just how far left that boy really is.


Well you may have a point there.

I do think there are many leftists who are to the right of say Karl Marx. And probably none of us have every single one of our points of view engraved in an ideological granite.

But, you never know. There could be exceptions.
Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.

Great, then you should have no trouble giving us a recent example of a non-right-wing source that proves just that.

Say in the last couple of years.

Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss

All card-carrying liberals. So, which of them spread nasty notions about Democrats?

The left-wing media types gush over Leftist Pols, such as this one, where Beschloss tells all how smart President Obama is...but can't document any of it.
Here is Beschloss making a fool of himself of Imus show:
FREEDOM EDEN: Mike Beschloss, Don Imus, and Barack Obama's IQ

Here is Linda Douglas shilling for the Obama healthplan, and nailed by Howard Kurtz, CNN, as she lies about Obama and single payer, and supports snitching on Americans:

[youtube]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6IA0bTNa9As&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6IA0bTNa9As&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Chris Matthews expressed his latest over the top admiration for Obama's speaking skills as the MSNBC anchor admitted that Obama's speech created a "thrill" in his leg:

Read more: Matthews: Obama Speech Caused 'Thrill Going Up My Leg' | NewsBusters.org

And which of the following tow the right wing line:
NYTimes, LATime, Boston Globe, Washington Post.

Sorry, but ALL studies, all scientific polls, and ALL competent analysis of the mainstream American media, even that done by leftwingers, comes to the same conclusion that it is mostly leftwing. The relatively rare by comparison conservative program is vastly outnumbered by the number of sources, amount of print, and number of hours broadcast by the Left.

Until you acknowledge that, you will have no credibility in this line of discussion.

Great, then you should have no trouble giving us a recent example of a non-right-wing source that proves just that.

Say in the last couple of years.

The studies I've seen roughly span the last 20 years. The one I have at easy disposal and don't have to expend time that I don't have looking for should be recent enough as there has been no significant shift to the left or right of any mainstream media entity that I know of in the last ten years or so.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

This is assuming that you accept UCLA as an entity not known for its rightwing emphasis, point of view, or ideology.
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Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O&#8217;Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss

All card-carrying liberals. So, which of them spread nasty notions about Democrats?

The left-wing media types gush over Leftist Pols, such as this one, where Beschloss tells all how smart President Obama is...but can't document any of it.
Here is Beschloss making a fool of himself of Imus show:
FREEDOM EDEN: Mike Beschloss, Don Imus, and Barack Obama's IQ

Here is Linda Douglas shilling for the Obama healthplan, and nailed by Howard Kurtz, CNN, as she lies about Obama and single payer, and supports snitching on Americans:

Chris Matthews expressed his latest over the top admiration for Obama's speaking skills as the MSNBC anchor admitted that Obama's speech created a "thrill" in his leg:

Read more:

And which of the following tow the right wing line:
NYTimes, LATime, Boston Globe, Washington Post.


No, certainly not. The above are your opinion and there is no scientific basis in fact.

Which of the following tow the Right-wing line:
FoxNews, ALL OF TALK RADIO, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Post.

I find most actual network anchors, like many of the ones you mentioned to in fact be cautiously moderate. It's all about perception.

I could give you a nice long list of right-wing media personalities too, but I think you know who they are.
Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Edward R. Murrow, Ted Koppel, Andy Rooney, Leslie Stahl, George Stephanopoulos, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ed Bradley, Campbell Brown, Jack Cafferty, Walter Cronkite, Jim Lehrer, Roger Grimsby, Soledad O’Brien, Keith Olbermann, Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer, Bob Schieffer, Paula Zahn, Sam Donaldson, Brian Williams, Judy Woodruff, David Shuster, Bernard Shaw, Jessica Savitch, Harry Reasoner, Sally Quinn, Gwen Ifill, Douglas Kiker, Charles Kuralt, Roger Mudd, Robert MacNeil, Charles Osgood, Douglas Edwards, John Chancellor, Charles Gibson, Christiane Amanpour, Anderson Cooper, Ann Curry, Marvin Kalb, Bryant Gimbel, Andrea Mitchell, Jeanne Moos, Bill Schneider, Daniel Schoor, Richard Threlkeld, Jake Tapper, Ann Compton, Lester Holt, Michael Beschloss

All card-carrying liberals. So, which of them spread nasty notions about Democrats?

The left-wing media types gush over Leftist Pols, such as this one, where Beschloss tells all how smart President Obama is...but can't document any of it.
Here is Beschloss making a fool of himself of Imus show:
FREEDOM EDEN: Mike Beschloss, Don Imus, and Barack Obama's IQ

Here is Linda Douglas shilling for the Obama healthplan, and nailed by Howard Kurtz, CNN, as she lies about Obama and single payer, and supports snitching on Americans:

Chris Matthews expressed his latest over the top admiration for Obama's speaking skills as the MSNBC anchor admitted that Obama's speech created a "thrill" in his leg:

Read more:

And which of the following tow the right wing line:
NYTimes, LATime, Boston Globe, Washington Post.


No, certainly not. The above are your opinion and there is no scientific basis in fact.

Which of the following tow the Right-wing line:
FoxNews, ALL OF TALK RADIO, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Post.

I find most actual network anchors, like many of the ones you mentioned to in fact be cautiously moderate. It's all about perception.

I could give you a nice long list of right-wing media personalities too, but I think you know who they are.

Well look at that UCLA study I posted for you. Most successful talk radio is indeed mostly conservative. FoxNews magazines are also mostly conservative but they do balance with the leftist point of view by some of their commentators and hosts and their news division is rated among the most centrist. The WSJ is very liberal in its news division; conservative in its editorial division. New York Post is decidedly right centered but has a miniscule circulation compared to the New York Times which is much more left centered.
The studies I've seen roughly span the last 20 years. The one I have at easy disposal and don't have to expend time that I don't have looking for should be recent enough as there has been no significant shift to the left or right of any mainstream media entity that I know of in the last ten years or so.

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

This is assuming that you accept UCLA as an entity not known for its rightwing emphasis, point of view, or ideology.

That study was completed 5 years ago and had many issues:

The problems with the Groseclose/Milyo study of media bias - Brendan Nyhan

The media landscape has changed much since then.

Murdoch has expanded his empire radically, Air America folded, and the media has become much more critical of the Democrats of late.

More importantly, outlets like FoxNews have gained viewership. If a million people watch one conservative station and a million people watch 10 other smaller liberal stations, that is the same amount of Media being distributed, one is just more centralized.

Thus for our purposes, the above scenario would represent equal partisan media amounts.

Folks on the right are always bragging about Fox's ratings. That means they can no longer claim the "Mainstream Media" is against them, as numbers like those REPRESENT a major portion of the "Mainstream media".
Well look at that UCLA study I posted for you. Most successful talk radio is indeed mostly conservative. FoxNews magazines are also mostly conservative but they do balance with the leftist point of view by some of their commentators and hosts and their news division is rated among the most centrist. The WSJ is very liberal in its news division; conservative in its editorial division. New York Post is decidedly right centered but has a miniscule circulation compared to the New York Times which is much more left centered.

The Wall Street Journal is no longer "liberal" in ANY division. Murdoch bought the company a few years back and has made significant changes.

I still find it to be a relatively trustworthy news source, but it has a rightward slant in news and an extraordinarily right-wing editorial department.

The New York post is not "left-centered", it is a propaganda rag on the journalistic level of the National Enquirer, except for it's sports section.
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Well look at that UCLA study I posted for you. Most successful talk radio is indeed mostly conservative. FoxNews magazines are also mostly conservative but they do balance with the leftist point of view by some of their commentators and hosts and their news division is rated among the most centrist. The WSJ is very liberal in its news division; conservative in its editorial division. New York Post is decidedly right centered but has a miniscule circulation compared to the New York Times which is much more left centered.

The Wall Street Journal is no longer "liberal" in ANY division. Murdoch bought the company a few years back and has made significant changes.

I still find it to be a relatively trustworthy news source, but it has a rightward slant in news and an extraordinarily right-wing editorial department.

The New York post is not "left-centered", it is a propaganda rag on the journalistic level of the National Enquirer, except for it's sports section.

Baloney. Even the Huffington Post, nobody's idea of a rightwing rag, has detected no change in political emphasis in the WSJ since Murdoch took over. And if THEY think the WSJ is balanced, you can be darn sure that it is decidedly left leaning.


In case you don't know what 'tendentious' means:

Tendentious - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Murdoch has made some changes in the kinds of coverage featured in the WSJ in his bid to provide serious competition for the New York Times; and I have been watching that with a great deal of interest:

How Different Is Murdoch?s New Wall Street Journal? | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
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I doubt 10% of Americans could define socialism as something other than "just like communism! Commie Bastards!"

If your number IS even close to being true. It makes it that much more troubling to me, that 61% of democrats view socialism as favorable.

Socialism is such a broad vague far reaching term that it's very likely that almost every American has a favorable view of some aspect or aspects of socialism.
If I may conjecture that American ideas and ideals are more closely associated with self-reliance, free enterprise, and entrepeneurship, what is one to make of the latest Gallup poll?

"Americans are almost uniformly positive in their reactions to three terms: small business, free enterprise, and entrepreneurs. They are divided on big business and the federal government, with roughly as many Americans saying their view is positive as say it is negative. Americans are more positive than negative on capitalism (61% versus 33%) and more negative than positive on socialism (36% to 58%).

Socialism had the lowest percentage positive rating and the highest negative rating of any term tested. Still, more than a third of Americans say they have a positive image of socialism.

Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term.

There are significant differences in reactions to "socialism" across ideological and partisan groups:

A majority of 53% of Democrats have a positive image of socialism, compared to 17% of Republicans.
Sixty-one percent of liberals say their image of socialism is positive, compared to 39% of moderates and 20% of conservatives."
Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans

It seems that socialism should be included in pantheon of Democrat beliefs.

I love to make up statistics.

99.999% of Republican are white.

99.2% are Christians.

The overwhelming majority of Republicans want gays put to death. 76% of those want it to be a "painful" death. 38% want it televised.

82% of Republican males and 36% of Republican females want to repeal "women's right to vote".

97% of Republican feel "mysticism" should be taught along side "science". 42% of Republicans feel studying science causes "brain damage" and should be banned altogether.

98% of Republicans feel we "won" in Iraq. 97% believe the Iraqi's love the US. 86% of Republicans feel Iraq has converted to Christianity. 91% believe the shoes given to Bush were a "gift". 88% of Republicans feel that Iraq sends us "free" oil.

Statistics compiled by a non partisan organization OOTA (out of thin air).
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