59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.
Lying again I see! It costs America $113 BILLION a year to take care of this infestation, and the WIDELY used cost of removal is $200 Billion, making it a roughly $300 BILLION savings in 5 years!

Donald Trump's Deportation Plan Would Cost $100-200 Billion
So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion. Another estimate from the ...

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 · What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. ($113 Billion in 2015!)


Rant all you want. We both know there is zero chance for mass deportation of Mexicans. It's a stupid idea, and no reasonable person is even considering it.

Trump, isn't what YOU would consider reasonable, but to people with a 3 digit IQ, he makes PERFECT SENSE, and scares the shit out of you, your NeoCommie party, and the feckless RINO elite leadership that will LOSE ALL THIER POWER (as if they had any after Jan. 2015!)

"59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals"

It should be 100 percent – once found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, deportation is a perfectly appropriate penalty.

The problem concerns ignorant, hateful racists and bigots who want to 'deport' undocumented immigrants without first affording them due process of the law as required by the Constitution; or who want to 'deport' US citizen children born in the United States for no other reason than who their parents are.

Otherwise, we see the importance and benefit of living in a Constitutional Republic, where all persons are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – and certainly not opinion polls.
And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.
Lying again I see! It costs America $113 BILLION a year to take care of this infestation, and the WIDELY used cost of removal is $200 Billion, making it a roughly $300 BILLION savings in 5 years!

Donald Trump's Deportation Plan Would Cost $100-200 Billion
So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion. Another estimate from the ...

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 · What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. ($113 Billion in 2015!)


Rant all you want. We both know there is zero chance for mass deportation of Mexicans. It's a stupid idea, and no reasonable person is even considering it.

Trump, isn't what YOU would consider reasonable, but to people with a 3 digit IQ, he makes PERFECT SENSE, and scares the shit out of you, your NeoCommie party, and the feckless RINO elite leadership that will LOSE ALL THIER POWER (as if they had any after Jan. 2015!)


That's funny. Say it again, only this time straiten up your tinfoil hat so it isn't sliding off the side of your head.
"59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals"

It should be 100 percent – once found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, deportation is a perfectly appropriate penalty.

The problem concerns ignorant, hateful racists and bigots who want to 'deport' undocumented immigrants without first affording them due process of the law as required by the Constitution; or who want to 'deport' US citizen children born in the United States for no other reason than who their parents are.

Otherwise, we see the importance and benefit of living in a Constitutional Republic, where all persons are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – and certainly not opinion polls.

Here's a button for you to wear, and feel good about yourself...Shyster (you DO represent these scumbags, don't you?)

And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.
Lying again I see! It costs America $113 BILLION a year to take care of this infestation, and the WIDELY used cost of removal is $200 Billion, making it a roughly $300 BILLION savings in 5 years!

Donald Trump's Deportation Plan Would Cost $100-200 Billion
So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion. Another estimate from the ...

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 · What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration debate. ($113 Billion in 2015!)


Rant all you want. We both know there is zero chance for mass deportation of Mexicans. It's a stupid idea, and no reasonable person is even considering it.

Trump, isn't what YOU would consider reasonable, but to people with a 3 digit IQ, he makes PERFECT SENSE, and scares the shit out of you, your NeoCommie party, and the feckless RINO elite leadership that will LOSE ALL THIER POWER (as if they had any after Jan. 2015!)


That's funny. Say it again, only this time straiten up your tinfoil hat so it isn't sliding off the side of your head.

I see that even having a 5th grader help you with comprehension of the written language, you still get an "F"!!!!
Both the left and the establishment right are attacking Trump on his stance on deportation of illegals.....but surprise, surprise.....59% of Americans actually favor deportation.....

Why? maybe because Americans are fed up with foreigners invading our country, disturbing our society and costing us so much....maybe because they are fed up with politicians breaking the law.....after all if even our leaders break the law why should anybody follow any other law...? i think Americans recognize the fact that if we don't have law and order we no longer have a country....

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals
Meh 95% of Americans were against the bailouts... You dorks keep voting for republicans and democrats that don't give a shit what the American people want.
And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.

More hysterical bullshit figures used as an excuse for doing nothing. Even if it took 20 years, I would still support it. What is the cost of 20 million illegals over 20 years? It's been stated many times that the cost of deporting an illegal is $1,250.

The forum putting out those figures is a CONSERVATIVE forum.
And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.

Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

I went them deported myself. They're taking our jobs, using our resources and destroying our communities. They lower our workers wages.

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!


That's not what I said. Comprehension is really not your thing....
And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.

Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

I went them deported myself. They're taking our jobs, using our resources and destroying our communities. They lower our workers wages.

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

No. That is a lie and YOU just lied. This is the poll that Breitbart references and links to:


p. 42

YouGov poll deportation - Latinos.jpg

62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now. This is the ONLY question in the survey that uses any variation of the word "deport". A quick CRTL-F and inputting the word "deport" while looking at the .pdf will prove that I am right. The only question that has to do with deporting has to do with unaccompanied immigrant CHILDREN. There is no question in the survey like this about deporting illegal immigrant adults. And for the entire poll, it's only 46% who want to see those children deported immediately, not 65%. So, no matter how you look at it, YOU LIED.

You thought you could get away with yet another lie because you thought no one would actually read the poll. Well, I did. Already about a month ago, as a matter of fact.

Righties like you are pathetic. They cannot even quote figures correctly. Righties like you are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like you that start lies. People like you deserve to get their faces broken in.
I made no such suggestion. What's more, I don't think the the deportation is prohibitively expensive to begin with. I'm merely pointing out, that cheaper, time tested options are available, for dealing with invaders.
I made no such suggestion. What's more, I don't think the the deportation is prohibitively expensive to begin with. I'm merely pointing out, that cheaper, time tested options are available, for dealing with invaders.

No. That is exactly the suggestion you are making, otherwise, you would not be mentioning firearms.
This is a common characteristic of Righties: they say something and then they are far too cowardly to admit what they meant, what every other sane person in the room already knows what they meant, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

What, you think that threatening an illegal immigrant with a gun is going to get him to swim the Gulf of Mexico all on his own? Come on, you are talking about cold-blooded murder of a minority.

Yepp, yer a Rightie, for sure.
I made no such suggestion. What's more, I don't think the the deportation is prohibitively expensive to begin with. I'm merely pointing out, that cheaper, time tested options are available, for dealing with invaders.

No. That is exactly the suggestion you are making, otherwise, you would not be mentioning firearms.
This is a common characteristic of Righties: they say something and then they are far too cowardly to admit what they meant, what every other sane person in the room already knows what they meant, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

What, you think that threatening an illegal immigrant with a gun is going to get him to swim the Gulf of Mexico all on his own? Come on, you are talking about cold-blooded murder of a minority.

Yepp, yer a Rightie, for sure.
Put down the bong, and step away from the kool-aid kid... You're gonna hurt yourself.
I still can't find this post where I mentioned "firearms" as you claim...
Carry on o' slayer of straw men. Give em' hell!
Investors Business Daily is a heavily biased to the right media piss outlet. Right up there with Daily Caller, Washington Times, and Fox News. I would trust their poll about as much as they trust Hillary Clinton.

Face it: the majority of the people want the beaners out of here. I think the way number is way too low.

Dude, your opinion is:

And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.

Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

I went them deported myself. They're taking our jobs, using our resources and destroying our communities. They lower our workers wages.

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

No. That is a lie and YOU just lied. This is the poll that Breitbart references and links to:


p. 42

View attachment 49087

62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now. This is the ONLY question in the survey that uses any variation of the word "deport". A quick CRTL-F and inputting the word "deport" while looking at the .pdf will prove that I am right. The only question that has to do with deporting has to do with unaccompanied immigrant CHILDREN. There is no question in the survey like this about deporting illegal immigrant adults. And for the entire poll, it's only 46% who want to see those children deported immediately, not 65%. So, no matter how you look at it, YOU LIED.

You thought you could get away with yet another lie because you thought no one would actually read the poll. Well, I did. Already about a month ago, as a matter of fact.

Righties like you are pathetic. They cannot even quote figures correctly. Righties like you are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like you that start lies. People like you deserve to get their faces broken in.

62% WANT THEM OUT OF HERE....PERIOD!!!!! The only caveat is that they want to know the children have a place to go when deported....BUT DEPORT THEM.... You stupid bastard, any BS to DENY THE TRUTH!!!
And yet there is no link to the poll in the article and neither does it appear on the website for the pollster.

So until we can see the actual poll results this sounds like a T-Rump supporter's wet dream.


However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The cost and disruptions of such a plan, both economically and politically, could be enormous. The conservative American Action Forum, for example, figures it would take 20 years and $420 billion to deport the 12 million illegals here now.

Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

I went them deported myself. They're taking our jobs, using our resources and destroying our communities. They lower our workers wages.

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

No. That is a lie and YOU just lied. This is the poll that Breitbart references and links to:


p. 42

View attachment 49087

62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now. This is the ONLY question in the survey that uses any variation of the word "deport". A quick CRTL-F and inputting the word "deport" while looking at the .pdf will prove that I am right. The only question that has to do with deporting has to do with unaccompanied immigrant CHILDREN. There is no question in the survey like this about deporting illegal immigrant adults. And for the entire poll, it's only 46% who want to see those children deported immediately, not 65%. So, no matter how you look at it, YOU LIED.

You thought you could get away with yet another lie because you thought no one would actually read the poll. Well, I did. Already about a month ago, as a matter of fact.

Righties like you are pathetic. They cannot even quote figures correctly. Righties like you are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like you that start lies. People like you deserve to get their faces broken in.

62% WANT THEM OUT OF HERE....PERIOD!!!!! The only caveat is that they want to know the children have a place to go when deported....BUT DEPORT THEM.... You stupid bastard, any BS to DENY THE TRUTH!!!
Uhm, no.
Are you brain-damaged?
Yes, I think you are. Very.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
However, out of bad, sometimes, good things happen. also from the IDB link:

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

I went them deported myself. They're taking our jobs, using our resources and destroying our communities. They lower our workers wages.

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

No. That is a lie and YOU just lied. This is the poll that Breitbart references and links to:


p. 42

View attachment 49087

62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now. This is the ONLY question in the survey that uses any variation of the word "deport". A quick CRTL-F and inputting the word "deport" while looking at the .pdf will prove that I am right. The only question that has to do with deporting has to do with unaccompanied immigrant CHILDREN. There is no question in the survey like this about deporting illegal immigrant adults. And for the entire poll, it's only 46% who want to see those children deported immediately, not 65%. So, no matter how you look at it, YOU LIED.

You thought you could get away with yet another lie because you thought no one would actually read the poll. Well, I did. Already about a month ago, as a matter of fact.

Righties like you are pathetic. They cannot even quote figures correctly. Righties like you are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like you that start lies. People like you deserve to get their faces broken in.

62% WANT THEM OUT OF HERE....PERIOD!!!!! The only caveat is that they want to know the children have a place to go when deported....BUT DEPORT THEM.... You stupid bastard, any BS to DENY THE TRUTH!!!
Uhm, no.
Are you brain-damaged?
Yes, I think you are. Very.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

" 62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now."

Where did I put a TIME LIMIT ON 62% want them DEPORTED.... I know you have only a 2 digit IQ, but apparently you just DON'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!! You DEFFINITELY have a mental disorder.....LIBERALISM!!!
Oh look!! The lib/prog/commie/democrat doesn't like the poll, but he likes cherry picking the article!!

But who's gonna build the infrastructure if we slash and burn all the illegal immigrants? You fucking slash and burn asshole!

This anger isn’t coming just from “white” Americans, but from Hispanics as well. Breitbart is reporting that a new poll indicates 64 percent of Hispanics want to see illegals deported back to their home country, findings that place the Hispanic demographic almost perfectly in sync with the rest of the nation’s opinion.

No. That is a lie and YOU just lied. This is the poll that Breitbart references and links to:


p. 42

View attachment 49087

62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now. This is the ONLY question in the survey that uses any variation of the word "deport". A quick CRTL-F and inputting the word "deport" while looking at the .pdf will prove that I am right. The only question that has to do with deporting has to do with unaccompanied immigrant CHILDREN. There is no question in the survey like this about deporting illegal immigrant adults. And for the entire poll, it's only 46% who want to see those children deported immediately, not 65%. So, no matter how you look at it, YOU LIED.

You thought you could get away with yet another lie because you thought no one would actually read the poll. Well, I did. Already about a month ago, as a matter of fact.

Righties like you are pathetic. They cannot even quote figures correctly. Righties like you are not worth a bag of shit, since it is because of losers like you that start lies. People like you deserve to get their faces broken in.

62% WANT THEM OUT OF HERE....PERIOD!!!!! The only caveat is that they want to know the children have a place to go when deported....BUT DEPORT THEM.... You stupid bastard, any BS to DENY THE TRUTH!!!
Uhm, no.
Are you brain-damaged?
Yes, I think you are. Very.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

" 62% of Latinos do NOT want to see children deported, they want them to stay until it's certain they have a safe place to return. Only 26% want them deported now."

Where did I put a TIME LIMIT ON 62% want them DEPORTED.... I know you have only a 2 digit IQ, but apparently you just DON'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!! You DEFFINITELY have a mental disorder.....LIBERALISM!!!
Until they can safely return means 'never' for many of them. You really are that stupid, I see. Yepp, yer a Rightie.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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