58% say Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump. What say you?

Biden should tell prosecutors to back off Trump

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Oh look, the mad faggot stalker vomiting more diarrhea. Hundreds of affidavits proving fraud. And NOT ONE arrested for filing a false affidavit. Drop boxes ruled illegal. Mass mailings of ballots ruled illegal. How's it feel to be a low class, uninformed retard who does nothing but project your homosexuality?
"Hundreds of affidavits"? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Submittrd by who? Dotard's fanboi base retards? That outfit that Dotard's campaign hired told him that he didn't know hisss from a hole in the ground. :abgg2q.jpg:

Here's a clue, assface. Biden won, fair & square. Keep crying, it will only get worse. :badgrin:
The President shouldn't be involved aside from the oversight he has to perform (ensuring the law is followed, procedures are being followed, etc.). He should not be getting involved in specific cases. Especially those involving a political opponent. Nor should his staff be coordinating with any state prosecutors.
That is a fact. But the President simply as a moral person should stand up and speak out and ask the political persecutions/prosecutions stop. He doesn't have to interfere with anything to know that it is wrong.
And the most pathetic and DANGEROUS thing is they are prosecuting Trump for crimes that NO OTHER PERSON is every prosecuted for. And they may get away with it. And then we are done as a representative republic for nobody in the minority will ever be protected by the Constitution again.
The federal govt isn't doing that in their two cases.....

State Law enforcement is run by the states, not the federal govt.

If the two states prosecuting him are doing some sort of unfair shenanigans in their own civil and criminal cases against him, then he will get his opportunities for an appeal to prove it, and win.

That's how the system works, and has always worked.
Even if I did think trump was innocent which I don't. I do not believe that the president should interfere in federal prosecutions. That is one of the biggest issues.I had with trump while he was president. The d o j is supposed to be independent and allowed to prosecute crimes without political interference. If Trump is innocent, then the jury will find him innocent.If he is guilty they will find him guilty.
Submitted by poll station workers dumbfuck faggot. Here's a clue crybaby. You're uneducated, uninformed, and you're going to be doing a lot of crying very very soon. And so are the goofs liking your post. Continue your circle jerk as we all laugh at your usual verbal diarrhea.
The judge told Giuliani he could use the affidavits in court that he had vetted....which was required of him to do. The court scolded him for submitting some affidavits that had not been vetted, and were not true.
That is a fact. But the President simply as a moral person should stand up and speak out and ask the political persecutions/prosecutions stop. He doesn't have to interfere with anything to know that it is wrong.
So your dipshit argument is that the President should publicly speak about an ongoing prosecution to make it less political? :dunno: :laugh:
Our justice system has been politicized. Any moron can see that.
Follow up q: Is Bill Barr, Trump’s Attorney General a moron?

He, like many legal experts believe Trump pretty clearly broke the law.

Are you sure you are not the moron here?

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