57% of Americans Support a Public Option

Here is the $900b. deal breaker:

Pelosi also appeared with AARP officials Friday to announce new benefits in the House bill for seniors, a crucial constituency that polls have shown have deep concerns about the pending legislation, in part because it would be paid for by cuts to Medicare providers.

Pelosi said that the bill will close a coverage gap in the Medicare prescription drug benefit over 10 years, instead of the 15 originally envisioned, and also moves up to 2010 from 2011 a new 50 percent discount on brand-name drugs purchased by seniors who fall in the coverage gap. Aides couldn't say how much the changes cost or how they would be paid for.
NYcarbineer, someone on this thread brought up the most accurate Obama/McCain Presidential election poll. I did some looking and this is what I found.

You are not a dumbass. I was, and still am, frustrated by your comments about poll accuracy without understanding what that entails. I am further driven to derogatory comments when you look to me to fix it. You obviously don't want to agree with me, why is it my responsibility to spoon feed you?

I would appreciate a relationship like nodoginnafight has with me. We disagree frequently, but can still joke and reach some level of understanding and agreement at times. It is entirely up to you. The door is open.

I asked you for evidence to support your claims.

I asked you for a simple answer to why the Fordham U study based its conclusion on a preliminary INCORRECT estimate of the election results.

I supplied EVIDENCE for my claims. You supplied nothing but your own unsupported opinions, and call it 'spoonfeeding' for you to be expected to back up your claims with actual evidence.
Seems like I mentioned reform means tort reform among other things and Polk or someone else made a counter argument this would have little effect on health care costs. Might want to check this article:

Healthcare system wastes up to $800 billion a year - Yahoo! News

my favorite parts:

Unnecessary care such as the overuse of antibiotics and lab tests to protect against malpractice exposure makes up 37 percent of healthcare waste or $200to $300 billion a year.

Administrative inefficiency and redundant paperwork account for 18 percent of healthcare waste.

Fraud makes up 22 percent of healthcare waste, or up to $200 billion a year in fraudulent Medicare claims, kickbacks for referrals for unnecessary services and other scams.

So I ask, what is the probability any of these will change under a government run system? These three things account for 77% of "waste".

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