52 Local Democrats Leave Party in 3 Days

Two things going on.

A. Progs are bad man, real bad. They've had this cloud over our heads for approaching a decade. People are wising up to it, or should be.

B. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP........He's a true leader taking on DC and the BS left for him. He has 10 lb balls, lots of energy. His message is mostly solid, simple and straight forward. The polar opposite of prog-thought. Make no mistake, Trump is very intelligent and highly astute. If he's able to turn around a society purposely compromised by progs, wow are we better for it. He'd arguably be one of the 2-3 best POTUS we've ever had.

Warn me before you make a post like that so I can get prepped.

Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
No they dont but they are making a public statement, you Democrats are extreme as fuck.
killing babies is ok now
blackface is ok, if you're a democrat
you guys make up stories like the Russian hoax and Kavanaugh hangrape gangs
and then you have you terrorist wing of Omar and talib
then there is aoc..........

only kooks vote for that shit
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
I'm not way off....Most people stay home because they feel they have no real choice...The people who do vote are still living the lie that ther's an honest difference between the parties.

Even with the freewheeling populist Trump, the GOP leadership and insiders are doing their best to prevent him from making any real honest changes.
You think the 95% turnout in shitholes like El Salvador is because the people have good politicians running? :lmao:
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
I'm not way off....Most people stay home because they feel they have no real choice...The people who do vote are still living the lie that ther's an honest difference between the parties.

Even with the freewheeling populist Trump, the GOP leadership and insiders are doing their best to prevent him from making any real honest changes.
You think the 95% turnout in shitholes like El Salvador is because the people have good politicians running? :lmao:

Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
No they dont but they are making a public statement, you Democrats are extreme as fuck.
killing babies is ok now
blackface is ok, if you're a democrat
you guys make up stories like the Russian hoax and Kavanaugh hangrape gangs
and then you have you terrorist wing of Omar and talib
then there is aoc..........

only kooks vote for that shit

I'm not a "Democrat", dimwit.

I'm asking the OP what he thinks the significance of "belonging to" or not "belonging to" a political party even is. I don't know of any.

Lotta wags on this board seem to be waddling around in the delusion that it's some kind of transformative X-ray thing that, I dunno, wires your brain with a positive ground instead of negative or some shit, has some unknown power over social dynamics, physical appearances, religions, intelligence, sexuality, ten thousand topics that they've never even considered, and even fucking personality traits. Then I ask 'em what about (name of person who changed parties). And they go 'humma humma humma'. Yet they don't get that their own premise was simplistic fucked up false dichotomy in the first place.
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Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

I'm and Independent and have been for decades.

I voted for Trump is 2016 and will be voting for him in 2020.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
why don't they just fix their own party and show some leadership in difficult times?
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
then if trump is doing so well with jobs and the economy, voter turnout in in 2020 should be low; following that line of thought.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
then if trump is doing so well with jobs and the economy, voter turnout in in 2020 should be low; following that line of thought.
Unless the Dem running is a crazy moonbat, which is likely. Then people will turnout to vote against the Dem.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
No they dont but they are making a public statement, you Democrats are extreme as fuck.
killing babies is ok now
blackface is ok, if you're a democrat
you guys make up stories like the Russian hoax and Kavanaugh hangrape gangs
and then you have you terrorist wing of Omar and talib
then there is aoc..........

only kooks vote for that shit

I'm not a "Democrat", dimwit.

I'm asking the OP what he thinks the significance of "belonging to" or not "belonging to" a political party even is. I don't know of any.

Lotta wags on this board seem to be waddling around in the delusion that it's some kind of transformative X-ray thing that, I dunno, wires your brain with a positive ground instead of negative or some shit, has some unknown power over social dynamics, physical appearances, religions, intelligence, sexuality, ten thousand topics that they've never even considered, and even fucking personality traits. Then I ask 'em what about (name of person who changed parties). And they go 'humma humma humma'. Yet they don't get that their own premise was simplistic fucked up false dichotomy in the first place.
Yes, yes, you’re just a confused Commie who has just started his decades long journey into trying to get your mind around how Trump won again.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
I'm not way off....Most people stay home because they feel they have no real choice...The people who do vote are still living the lie that ther's an honest difference between the parties.

Even with the freewheeling populist Trump, the GOP leadership and insiders are doing their best to prevent him from making any real honest changes.
You think the 95% turnout in shitholes like El Salvador is because the people have good politicians running? :lmao:

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You’re dumber than a brick.

My apologies to bricks.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
why don't they just fix their own party and show some leadership in difficult times?

Because the "two parties" are effectively a single entity with two faces, which is why we call them a Duopoly. A cartel if you like, running the whole game.

When a Duopoly runs everything and shuts out all competition, your rival faces don't compete against each other in the real sense. They compete in a race to the bottom. Because each one of those faces knows the other has no incentive to set itself apart. That's why we get a constant diarrhea of bullshit choices amounting to "Bad" and "Worse". Neither one of them needs to break a sweat, and they know it.

If you're selling widgets and your name is Ford, you may compete against GM and Chrysler. But if Tucker bubbles up all three of you are going to run him over.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
why don't they just fix their own party and show some leadership in difficult times?
They're not interested...Controlled opposition never is.

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