5 Questions About China Our Mainstream Media Fails To Ask Our Politicians


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
1)If America's GDP becomes smaller than China's, what strategic changes will America have to make when it is no longer the world's dominant economic power?

2) Should America's primary goal be to improve the lives of its citizens or to preserve it's dominance of global politics. if there are contradictions between the 2 goals, what should be the priority?

3) China is focusing on economic development while limiting it's defense spending. does China want America to also focus on economics with a limited defense or does it want America to bankrupt itself by increasing defense spending asunder?

4) while the world has had many ancient civilizations, the only one to fall down 4 times and still rise again is China. would a cold war with China require the same tactics we used against the Soviets, or are American strategic thinkers capable of developing new analytical frameworks to capture the essence of competition with China?

5) how much is a Chinese leader's mind preoccupied with Marxist ideology and how much is it occupied with the rich history of Chinese civilization? which one takes precedent?


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