5 Firebombs thrown at a bus carrying a Member of Knesset

These guys parents are there. Their families live there. They were born there. They have lived their whole life there.

Then some single digit IQ asshole tells them they are there illegally.

They didn't have residency so they were hiding. End of. Over and out.

Palestinians who were born there are not residents? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Straight back at you :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo:

These terrorists were deemed not to be residents any longer. :eusa_boohoo:
Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

Israeli forces conduct targeted assassinations all the time. Sheik Salah Shehade springs to mind immediately. So does Sheik Amir Yassin.

A legitimate target for one is a legitimate target or another, and political figures are legitimate targets.

Israel has to stop trying to fool the world naand cease settlement building immediately.

Israel's hands are stained with so much blood that they may never be able to wash it off. A large majority of Israeli citizens support these targeted killings. You reap what you sow.

I think both sides are wrong on this, but I don't make the rules.

This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

Move them from one batch of illegal settlements to another.
Either you are for peace or you are for war.

Israeli forces conduct targeted assassinations all the time. Sheik Salah Shehade springs to mind immediately. So does Sheik Amir Yassin.

A legitimate target for one is a legitimate target or another, and political figures are legitimate targets.

Israel has to stop trying to fool the world naand cease settlement building immediately.

Israel's hands are stained with so much blood that they may never be able to wash it off. A large majority of Israeli citizens support these targeted killings. You reap what you sow.

I think both sides are wrong on this, but I don't make the rules.

This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

Move them from one batch of illegal settlements to another.

Settlements are not illegal. Building permissions have been granted. There are thousands of homes which building permissions are still pending. The Gazan evacuees will be housed when the new homes are finished obviously. They need permanent housing now, eight years after eviction.
This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

Move them from one batch of illegal settlements to another.

Settlements are not illegal. Building permissions have been granted. There are thousands of homes which building permissions are still pending. The Gazan evacuees will be housed when the new homes are finished obviously. They need permanent housing now, eight years after eviction.

Israel is shooting itself in the foot with its illegal settlements.

So, carry on.
Move them from one batch of illegal settlements to another.

Settlements are not illegal. Building permissions have been granted. There are thousands of homes which building permissions are still pending. The Gazan evacuees will be housed when the new homes are finished obviously. They need permanent housing now, eight years after eviction.

Israel is shooting itself in the foot with its illegal settlements.

So, carry on.

You state parrot-fashion the settlements are illegal. The only illegal buildings are the tin shacks built without building permission and these are bulldozed. The apartment blocks and houses are however not illegal as they have got planning permission with tenders gone out to the mainly Palestinian construction workers to build them.
A fire-bomb attack on a bus full of civilians is not a "legitimate target" and it's certainly not a military target and the claim that targets "hide amongst civilians" as a means to legitimize strikes into civilians is also unacceptable. You can't have it both ways.
Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

Israeli forces conduct targeted assassinations all the time. Sheik Salah Shehade springs to mind immediately. So does Sheik Amir Yassin.

A legitimate target for one is a legitimate target or another, and political figures are legitimate targets.

Israel has to stop trying to fool the world naand cease settlement building immediately.

Israel's hands are stained with so much blood that they may never be able to wash it off. A large majority of Israeli citizens support these targeted killings. You reap what you sow.

I think both sides are wrong on this, but I don't make the rules.

This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

I have a very hard time with the sole definition of a terrorist belonging to the people with all the guns, first of all. That being said, I did not accuse her of being a "terrorist".

Whether she was a legitimate target or not is another and completely relative matter. I see very little difference though between dropping a bomb or firing artillery into residential areas and throwing a firebomb at a bus.

You don't make the rules either, if you want to go that route, and you should allow Palestinians to fight for their autonomy and freedom by whatever means they choose against those who are robbing them mof it. Israelis do not have manifest destiny. Find some other place to build.

Like I said, you are either for war or for peace. Israel is demonstrating to the entire world that they are for war. They cannot even control their own people's avarice.
Remember, the Palestinians stopped suicide bombing 7 or 8 years ago.
Do they expect sugar on top for that?
(But Israeli propagandists still use it regularly in their terrorist propaganda campaign.)
Because they're dealing with palistanian terrorists, of course.
Hamas has virtually stopped their rockets and are clamping down on others to follow suit.
Virtually, of course.
Of course Israel continues its violence against the Palestinians but it is shooting itself in the foot when it does so.
Then palsitanian claims of getting shot in the head, or in the arse are ridiculous, of course.
Either you are for peace or you are for war.

Israeli forces conduct targeted assassinations all the time. Sheik Salah Shehade springs to mind immediately. So does Sheik Amir Yassin.

A legitimate target for one is a legitimate target or another, and political figures are legitimate targets.

Israel has to stop trying to fool the world naand cease settlement building immediately.

Israel's hands are stained with so much blood that they may never be able to wash it off. A large majority of Israeli citizens support these targeted killings. You reap what you sow.

I think both sides are wrong on this, but I don't make the rules.

This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

I have a very hard time with the sole definition of a terrorist belonging to the people with all the guns, first of all. That being said, I did not accuse her of being a "terrorist".

Whether she was a legitimate target or not is another and completely relative matter. I see very little difference though between dropping a bomb or firing artillery into residential areas and throwing a firebomb at a bus.

You don't make the rules either, if you want to go that route, and you should allow Palestinians to fight for their autonomy and freedom by whatever means they choose against those who are robbing them mof it. Israelis do not have manifest destiny. Find some other place to build.

Like I said, you are either for war or for peace. Israel is demonstrating to the entire world that they are for war. They cannot even control their own people's avarice.

Being as you are new here it seems you haven't been made aware of Israel's legal right to the land. The Palestinians were given their own countries, but the land of Palestine, later to be called Israel was given to the Jews as is specifically worded, a Jewish State. So seeing as it belongs to the Jews the Jews are fully entitled to build. The Palestinians have rejected land so if they don't want it they can go to where they came from - Jordan, Syria, Egypt etc. If they want to stay in Israel and be citizens they need to drop the terrorism and play by the rules.
A fire-bomb attack on a bus full of civilians is not a "legitimate target" and it's certainly not a military target and the claim that targets "hide amongst civilians" as a means to legitimize strikes into civilians is also unacceptable. You can't have it both ways.

Yeah but Israel sings that song all the time.
This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

I have a very hard time with the sole definition of a terrorist belonging to the people with all the guns, first of all. That being said, I did not accuse her of being a "terrorist".

Whether she was a legitimate target or not is another and completely relative matter. I see very little difference though between dropping a bomb or firing artillery into residential areas and throwing a firebomb at a bus.

You don't make the rules either, if you want to go that route, and you should allow Palestinians to fight for their autonomy and freedom by whatever means they choose against those who are robbing them mof it. Israelis do not have manifest destiny. Find some other place to build.

Like I said, you are either for war or for peace. Israel is demonstrating to the entire world that they are for war. They cannot even control their own people's avarice.

Being as you are new here it seems you haven't been made aware of Israel's legal right to the land. The Palestinians were given their own countries, but the land of Palestine, later to be called Israel was given to the Jews as is specifically worded, a Jewish State. So seeing as it belongs to the Jews the Jews are fully entitled to build. The Palestinians have rejected land so if they don't want it they can go to where they came from - Jordan, Syria, Egypt etc. If they want to stay in Israel and be citizens they need to drop the terrorism and play by the rules.

Don't get duped. That is a crock of crap.
This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

I have a very hard time with the sole definition of a terrorist belonging to the people with all the guns, first of all. That being said, I did not accuse her of being a "terrorist".

Whether she was a legitimate target or not is another and completely relative matter. I see very little difference though between dropping a bomb or firing artillery into residential areas and throwing a firebomb at a bus.

You don't make the rules either, if you want to go that route, and you should allow Palestinians to fight for their autonomy and freedom by whatever means they choose against those who are robbing them mof it. Israelis do not have manifest destiny. Find some other place to build.

Like I said, you are either for war or for peace. Israel is demonstrating to the entire world that they are for war. They cannot even control their own people's avarice.

Being as you are new here it seems you haven't been made aware of Israel's legal right to the land. The Palestinians were given their own countries, but the land of Palestine, later to be called Israel was given to the Jews as is specifically worded, a Jewish State. So seeing as it belongs to the Jews the Jews are fully entitled to build. The Palestinians have rejected land so if they don't want it they can go to where they came from - Jordan, Syria, Egypt etc. If they want to stay in Israel and be citizens they need to drop the terrorism and play by the rules.

I think there are other sources for news and history of the Mideast than a handful of Jews and Zionists on the USMB.

Who exactly specifically worded this "legal right" and what exactly did the Palestinians have to say about it.
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Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

That thinking is twisted and wrong
Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

Israeli forces conduct targeted assassinations all the time. Sheik Salah Shehade springs to mind immediately. So does Sheik Amir Yassin.

A legitimate target for one is a legitimate target or another, and political figures are legitimate targets.

Israel has to stop trying to fool the world naand cease settlement building immediately.

Israel's hands are stained with so much blood that they may never be able to wash it off. A large majority of Israeli citizens support these targeted killings. You reap what you sow.

I think both sides are wrong on this, but I don't make the rules.

This woman was not a terrorist. She should not have been targeted.

Israel needs to build. There is a severe housing shortage in Israel. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where to build. They are building on land that the Palestinian Authority knew about before talks started to take place.

Yes, you don't make the rules so therefore you should leave Israel to its building. It is disgusting that out of the evacuees from Gaza in 2005 only 50% have been able to be rehoused with the rest in temporary housing. The sooner these apartments and houses are built, the sooner they can move into permanent housing.

If they need to build they should build on land that is not in dispute.
Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

That thinking is twisted and wrong

What is truly twisted and wrong, as well as deceptive and self serving, is taking the whole body of what I said in reference to a specific situation and then commenting on the single line you had left.

But even on its own, it still stands. Pursue peace single-mindedly or pursue war single-mindedly, but do both honestly.

Here is the question. What is Israel willing to let the Palestinians keep from the remnants of what was once theirs. Do not BS me. Israel wants it all. The only value peace has for them is allowing them more time to steal from those who have next to nothing and I, nor most of the rest of the world, is fooled.

There was a time when almost the entire world supported you and hoped for you, and prayed for you, and bent over backwards to help you. You took that support and that hope and those prayers and pissed it all away with your lies, stalling, deception, and double-talking smarminess.

You pissed it all away. Only the most deluded believe you anymore, and you will make up more lame excuses until you even let them down. It is sad, really. You were given an incredible gift and you destroyed it. Man, you are such a disgruntled lot you cannot even get along with each other.
Not a spontaneous attack? I hope there is a round-up of suspects. :eusa_whistle:

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying Knesset Member

Five firebombs thrown at bus to Hevron carrying MK Orit Struk. 'This was not a spontaneous attack.'

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 11/5/2013, 9:40 AM

Five firebombs were thrown at a bus on Egged's 160 line from Jerusalem to Hevron at midnight, Monday evening, as it passed the Judean Jewish community of Karmei Tzur.
IDF troops immediately arrived at the scene to search the area for the perpetrators; forces found additional bottles ready to be thrown. No one was hurt.

Bayit Yehudi MK Orit Struk, who was returning home from a Knesset session on the bus, commented on the severity of the attack, saying that the ambush appeared to have been "planned in advance."

"The event was unusual in its extent. This was not a spontaneous action of a single strike, but the organized activity of a [terror] squad," she said.

Despite the apparent ferocity of the attack, no injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, last night, IDF forces in Judea and Samaria managed to arrest 7 wanted terrorists. One terrorist was arrested in the Arab settlement of Saida, near Jenin; two were arrested in the settlement of Zeita; 3 wanted men were apprehended in Shechem (Nablus); and one was arrested in the Samaria settlement of Azzun. All of the men were turned over to Israeli security forces for questioning.

The IDF has stepped up efforts to arrest Arab terrorists over the past few weeks, after an increasing wave of violence against Jews has swept across Judea and Samaria.

'Organized' Firebomb Attack on Bus Carrying MK - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Either you are for peace or you are for war.

That thinking is twisted and wrong

I agree...

It's not an either/or - all/or nothing dichotomy because the components that create peace and war are complex and varied for each side.

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