42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

Free college education, love that line, nothing is for free unless someone that makes a living and is taxed flip the bill, in hock for life, bull, I paid for my college, graduate school, and payed for my children's education, and still help pay for their college, and graduate school. The difference is that they majored in disciplines that actually provide a means for making a living. They didn't go to college to just go to college, they all spent a year or more between high school working or serving their country developing an idea and understanding as to what they really wanted to do before entering college. The problem is parents today love their toys, fancy cars, things, and forget that its their responsibility as a parent to teach, guide, and help their children live a better life then we did.

See, now you're trashing our own capitalistic system without even realizing that you're doing so.
Had he been allowed to invest it in the stock market the check would be bigger. Much bigger.

Except when the market crashes.....then you're on your own?

How much in pension funds were lost by Wall Street in 2007-2008?
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.

He just wants us all to live like him and his grandkids.
Burning wood for fire and only have 500,000.00 or less in wealth.
He is such an environmentalist but has his own family burn fossil fuels.
These are his two grandkids.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.
No, that's not what socialism is. It means the government owns the means of production. Having a government and military isn't socialism or all countries would be socialist.
It bounced back. The market has proven long range gains, you don't pull your money out when it goes down.

Moron, when a poor retiree lives from monthly SS check to check......that individual does NOT have the luxury to wait for the market to "bounce back"...and forgo eating or having a roof over his/her head for a year or two.
So why do you want to keep them there like the Dems policies have done?

You're so biased and dense, its not worth responding much more than this.....Get an education and stop watching FOX.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.

Any countries Military is run like a Dictatorship, it has to be done that way.
How a countries Military is run, has nothing to do with Socialism, Communism, or a Dictatorship.
Too bad that that 42% can't go over to Europe and live there for 6 months to a year to find out the bad things of Socialism.
Interesting story:
Back in the late sixties many of us budding socialist hippies, most of us fresh out of community colleges AKA Liberal Indoctrination Centers tapped our hard working steady REP voting parents for the money to 'see the world'. Many of us ended up in places like Tibet/China etc.
We all had vehemently shouted down wicked 'Capitalism!
What a hilarious fucking joke! Some of us stayed and started our own 'American Style' pie shops and burger joints. There was NO WAY we'd live like the ignorant peasants. I rented a beautiful hill top villa with a full time cook and a full time housekeeper for 100 US bucks a month. My 'allowance' from my parents was at the time $500 a month. Many more came home having first made agreements with local fabric business to import CHEAP!!!!!!!!!! goods from these countries. Many still are doing this decades later. ALL of them vote REP now.
Virtually ALL of us ended up being the fucking 'Capitalist Pigs' we hated before we flew from our prosperous REP voting parent's nests.
Maggie Thatcher said: "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money to spend". Give that a think all you silly LIB children.
There's nothing like living in a country living in poverty under a Socialist/Communist government to give you the 'Come To Jesus Moment'.

So let's assume your tale of you and your buds traipsing around that area, Tibet, China, wherever, during the height of the Vietnam War and receiving $3,000 a month allowance ($500 in 1970), and starting "pie shops" and "burger joints". Jesus this is starting to sound like an Adam Sandler movie (the few minutes I've watched of a couple of them anyway). Nah, forget it, I can't force myself to make that assumption, too much strain on my suspension of disbelief abilities. Too many questions.
How bout just one question, how many deferments and were they any more entertaining than Cheney's or Trump's or what's his name who shit his pants to avoid the war?
So why do you want to keep them there like the Dems policies have done?

You're so biased and dense, its not worth responding much more than this.....Get an education and stop watching FOX.

I watch C-Span the most.
When anyone is living in poverty it is extremely hard to get out of.
All of the help we are giving them keeps them down.
How about you get an education.
Anyone does best when they help themselves, not government assistance.
History has proven this over and over again.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.
No, that's not what socialism is. It means the government owns the means of production. Having a government and military isn't socialism or all countries would be socialist.
The US is a mixed economy whether you like it or not. The government owning the production of our huge war machine is exactly what socialism is. And yes, strictly speaking, every country on earth has some degree of socialism. The concept of socialism exists everywhere. I seriously doubt most of that 42% of dems want to get rid of our private market system.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.
No, that's not what socialism is. It means the government owns the means of production. Having a government and military isn't socialism or all countries would be socialist.
The US is a mixed economy whether you like it or not. The government owning the production of our huge war machine is exactly what socialism is. And yes, strictly speaking, every country on has some degree of socialism. The concept of socialism exists everywhere. I seriously doubt most of that 42% of dems want to get rid of our private market system.

Defense contractors bid for government contracts. Not Socialism.
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
What you people fail to understand is that socialism doesnt necessarily mean the absence of capitalism. A mixed economy is what it is. Our defense budget is biggest socialist institution in the world.

Bernie Sanders, for instance, has said nothing about ending capitalism. That isn't even close what his platform is.
No, that's not what socialism is. It means the government owns the means of production. Having a government and military isn't socialism or all countries would be socialist.
The US is a mixed economy whether you like it or not. The government owning the production of our huge war machine is exactly what socialism is. And yes, strictly speaking, every country on has some degree of socialism. The concept of socialism exists everywhere. I seriously doubt most of that 42% of dems want to get rid of our private market system.

Defense contractors bid for government contracts. Not Socialism.
Um no that's still socialism.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Tell me something I don’t know.

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