42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

Capitalism is better than any other system we have right now in getting people out of poverty.

Peaches, after her own little survey, disagrees with the Census Bureau....Go figure !!!
In 2014, the official poverty rate was 14.8 percent. There were 46.7 million people in poverty.
Due to Obama welfare state.

Well, you're entitled to your own biased OPINIONS, but NOT your own facts....
Under GWB, the poverty rate was 53 million people....So, want to thank Obama for the drop in the percentile?
You are free to dismiss reality but considering life in the US, I wouldn't be pointing fingers.

Socialism is not a dirty word, and we have a weaker form of what other nations do better, a mixed-economy. Capitalism is not the solution to every problem, nor was it ever meant to be.

Read the second link, you might just learn something.
Socialism has already destroyed this country as well as every European country, we are living on borrowed time economically...
The little fixes(tax,spend and print policy) every government is trying, are nothing more than a bandaid on a broken arm... Not at all being a fix.
Socialism is a disease and for some reason or another gullible, foolish people will always be drawn too selfishness.

This thread helps to clearly show just how truly ignorant most right wingers are about economic history...relying for their "education" on subjective...not objective, fact-based.....sources like Liberty U. , FOX, and Rush.
Government check?
Yes, I send them one every April. They haven't given me another option so far but after an audit a few years ago I got one for $2. It's in a file around here somewhere...
So you don't work for the government? Certainly you don't get your income from one of them big, bad, capitapistic, tax-providing corporations - do ya?
This thread helps to clearly show just how truly ignorant most right wingers are about economic history...relying for their "education" on subjective...not objective, fact-based.....sources like Liberty U. , FOX, and Rush.

It just reconfirms the fact that the poll cited, since it contains no definition of terms, can only measure the term's emotional content. It tells us nothing about what anyone thinks philosophically, as the thread title imagines. By definition it cannot do that.
Government check?
Yes, I send them one every April. They haven't given me another option so far but after an audit a few years ago I got one for $2. It's in a file around here somewhere...
So you don't work for the government? Certainly you don't get your income from one of them big, bad, capitapistic, tax-providing corporations - do ya?
I get my income from my clients, and it falls under an LLC I own. I'm a capitalist.

And, you never answered the question, does capitalism have any downsides?
Conservative economic theory:

We never change our minds, let's go back to the Bush years when things were great!
Government check?
Yes, I send them one every April. They haven't given me another option so far but after an audit a few years ago I got one for $2. It's in a file around here somewhere...
So you don't work for the government? Certainly you don't get your income from one of them big, bad, capitapistic, tax-providing corporations - do ya?
I get my income from my clients, and it falls under an LLC I own. I'm a capitalist.

And, you never answered the question, does capitalism have any downsides?
This thread helps to clearly show just how truly ignorant most right wingers are about economic history...relying for their "education" on subjective...not objective, fact-based.....sources like Liberty U. , FOX, and Rush.

Capitalism has fed you your entire life. It has been what has made this the greatest country in the history of the world.
Try to be fair about the 42% in favor of socialism...

...communism was not a choice.
Distrusting the federal government in every way is a healthy lifestyle...
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
So, does that mean Bernie will win with 58% of the Democrats vote?

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