40 New Scientific Papers Say Nothing Unusual Happening in Climate Change


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
40 New Scientific Papers Say Nothing Unusual Happening in Climate Change

"The scare about global warming is overhyped, according to more than 40 scientific papers published in just the first three months of 2018.

What their charts show is that “nothing climatically unusual is happening.

Breitbart.com reports: In the chart below from a study by Polovodova et al, we see that 20th century warming is perfectly normal in a long-term historical context. It was no warmer – indeed, is slightly cooler – than either the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warming Period."


LOL.... Over 40 papers showing the AGW is nothing but HYPE.... And the empirical evidence shows that it isn't a problem. Context is a wonderful thing..

And the hits just keep on coming....
"In further bad news for climate alarmists, it seems that two of their favorite bellwethers of global warming doom – Greenland and the South Pole, are cooling not warming.

Here’s Greenland, from a study by Mikkelsen et al.

This puts Greenland’s recent warm spell in its historical context: over 150 years it wasn’t unusual. Temperatures now are cooler than they were in the 1930s."

These papers really blow the whole AGW meme right out of the water...
40 New Scientific Papers Say Nothing Unusual Happening in Climate Change

"The scare about global warming is overhyped, according to more than 40 scientific papers published in just the first three months of 2018.

What their charts show is that “nothing climatically unusual is happening.

Breitbart.com reports: In the chart below from a study by Polovodova et al, we see that 20th century warming is perfectly normal in a long-term historical context. It was no warmer – indeed, is slightly cooler – than either the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warming Period."

View attachment 265649

LOL.... Over 40 papers showing the AGW is nothing but HYPE.... And the empirical evidence shows that it isn't a problem. Context is a wonderful thing..

And the hits just keep on coming....

Most of this news is a slew of proxy reconstructions in 2018.. Which is GOOD, but needs to be tempered with the caveat that not ALL PROXIES, like pollen samples from Korea are as good as others... It all depends on the temporal resolution of the proxy...

Just like with the Mann and Marcott "hockey sticks" -- if you don't have SUB 100 year time resolution on the proxies -------- you just can't compare that history to our little 100 year temperature blip... If that's the case, all you're looking at is a LONG TERM AVERAGE with a rather large "variance bar"... NOT peak and min temperatures....

SOME of these studies are high resolution in time and temperature range, but others are just "flat line" averages that are BOUND to falsely show that climate is more stable than it actually was...

SAME caveat applies to the both claims..
40 New Scientific Papers Say Nothing Unusual Happening in Climate Change

"The scare about global warming is overhyped, according to more than 40 scientific papers published in just the first three months of 2018.

What their charts show is that “nothing climatically unusual is happening.

Breitbart.com reports: In the chart below from a study by Polovodova et al, we see that 20th century warming is perfectly normal in a long-term historical context. It was no warmer – indeed, is slightly cooler – than either the Roman Warm Period or the Medieval Warming Period."

View attachment 265649

LOL.... Over 40 papers showing the AGW is nothing but HYPE.... And the empirical evidence shows that it isn't a problem. Context is a wonderful thing..

And the hits just keep on coming....

Most of this news is a slew of proxy reconstructions in 2018.. Which is GOOD, but needs to be tempered with the caveat that not ALL PROXIES, like pollen samples from Korea are as good as others... It all depends on the temporal resolution of the proxy...

Just like with the Mann and Marcott "hockey sticks" -- if you don't have SUB 100 year time resolution on the proxies -------- you just can't compare that history to our little 100 year temperature blip... If that's the case, all you're looking at is a LONG TERM AVERAGE with a rather large "variance bar"... NOT peak and min temperatures....

SOME of these studies are high resolution in time and temperature range, but others are just "flat line" averages that are BOUND to falsely show that climate is more stable than it actually was...

SAME caveat applies to the both claims..
Context is everything when we evaluate the papers. I am just getting a good start on three of these with solid footings in empirical temperatures and atmospheric process. They are however a good start at reconsidering the AGW hyperbole.
I see our local alarmists are dropping shit pellets and refuting nothing...
Playing devil's advocate, then why are the polar caps melting?

North Pole sea ice is in decline. HAS been in decline since the 80s.. But only truely in the summer time.. The variance from long winter levels is pretty trivial..

Ice is NOT a great thermometer.. You can melt as ice with a single 1degC above freezing day as you can with a 10 days at 0.1DegC above freezing. Which means the effect can't be separated from short term weather patterns.

In addition, -- there is not just ONE "climate zone" on the planet. The North pole has the MOST sensitivity to ANY forcing of the equilibrium surface temperatures. Even THO -- for convenience, most GW papers ASSUME a single "climate sensitivity number" for the entire planet.. And that's ridiculous..

The south pole sea ice is not showing the same pattern.. It's actually a desert down there with very little precipt. So just increases in summer precipt at the north pole can make a diff..

Ice sucks as a global thermometer
Wow.. not even one beat down and no one else wants to play...

Looking like the Climate Crisis is slowly crashing as a topic for the upcoming presidential election. With so many papers blowing holes through the premise there isn't much for the left wing climastrologists to hang on to...

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