4 More Years!

Concession accepted, I love how the left loves their old, rich, white guys.
The complete lack of self awareness amongst Trumpophile and the Muskovites, is sometimes hard to fathom.

I will, however, concede you're pretty low on the IQ scale even for a MAGADUMIAN.
The complete lack of self awareness amongst Trumpophile and the Muskovites, is sometimes hard to fathom.

I will, however, concede you're pretty low on the IQ scale even for a MAGADUMIAN.
Personal insults when you are beat. Interesting behavior. BTW numb nuts I never voted or supported Trump he was worse than Biden, both are morons and don’t deserve the office of president. You are the moron that elects rich old white guys.
Personal insults when you are beat. Interesting behavior. BTW numb nuts I never voted or supported Trump he was worse than Biden, both are morons and don’t deserve the office of president. You are the moron that elects rich old white guys.
I, oh ye of tiny mind, vote for the person most closely aligned with my views WHO HAS A CHANCE TO WIN.

Good luck with Trump MAGAT.

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