3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

You seem to believe that this is your own personal area. It's not. It's a public discussion group. That means when you put something out there, everyone and anyone can join in. You like to pick on the weaker ones of the herd and you don't like it when one of the stronger ones stands between you and the weaker ones. I hate Bullies. And you just waved your red flag once too often. Tell me, is your Sign that of a Taurus? It would fit nicely.

You keep trying to say that anyone not 100% agreeing with you has no knowledge of the subject. I don't agree with you 100% and I don't fit inside your little world you have spun for anyone counter to your thoughts. I would think you would do a rethink or have some sort of revelation or epiphany or something at some point. So you get to win the coveted.

View attachment 251027
That's rich because you think anyone who disagrees with you is a screwball or a fruitcake

Go play with your picture books now Corky

It's okay to disagree with me. Makes the world more interesting. But do it as an adult. You fruitcakhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-459_1o13.pdfes don't seem to understand that. So you win another bronze cluster on your
View attachment 251090
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096
^ Worst trash talk ever. :laugh:
I'm still here. I have been here for a decade. You just showed up to support your other fruitcakes. Well, they need better support than you.

Now about whether you can silence me or not. Just how can you do that? I don't wish to silence you. You are just too much of a riot for me to ever want to silence. It's the Internet, stupid.

And, I almost forgot.

View attachment 251030
Ive been here a lot longer than you, DARYL, so shut up.
Here since 2008 & has yet to learn anything.
Ive learned that youre a douche that everyone hates.

Wow, the old 7 year old comeback. "Nobody Likes You" sure does crush another 7 year old. One problem for you. We aren't 7 and haven't been for decades. You just won another bronze cluster.

View attachment 251089
Even 7 year olds are right sometimes.
I wasnt talking to you, DARYL. Quit shoehorning your way into our conversation just so you can use it as a springboard to pretend to be a gun expert. Youre showing off in a transparent way, like a child whos desperate for attention, and its really embarrasing, so kick rocks, DARYL.

You seem to believe that this is your own personal area. It's not. It's a public discussion group. That means when you put something out there, everyone and anyone can join in. You like to pick on the weaker ones of the herd and you don't like it when one of the stronger ones stands between you and the weaker ones. I hate Bullies. And you just waved your red flag once too often. Tell me, is your Sign that of a Taurus? It would fit nicely.

You keep trying to say that anyone not 100% agreeing with you has no knowledge of the subject. I don't agree with you 100% and I don't fit inside your little world you have spun for anyone counter to your thoughts. I would think you would do a rethink or have some sort of revelation or epiphany or something at some point. So you get to win the coveted.

View attachment 251027
That's rich because you think anyone who disagrees with you is a screwball or a fruitcake

Go play with your picture books now Corky

It's okay to disagree with me. Makes the world more interesting. But do it as an adult. You fruitcakhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-459_1o13.pdfes don't seem to understand that. So you win another bronze cluster on your
View attachment 251090
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096

Silly Corky too dumb to realize you keep making my point
You seem to believe that this is your own personal area. It's not. It's a public discussion group. That means when you put something out there, everyone and anyone can join in. You like to pick on the weaker ones of the herd and you don't like it when one of the stronger ones stands between you and the weaker ones. I hate Bullies. And you just waved your red flag once too often. Tell me, is your Sign that of a Taurus? It would fit nicely.

You keep trying to say that anyone not 100% agreeing with you has no knowledge of the subject. I don't agree with you 100% and I don't fit inside your little world you have spun for anyone counter to your thoughts. I would think you would do a rethink or have some sort of revelation or epiphany or something at some point. So you get to win the coveted.

View attachment 251027
That's rich because you think anyone who disagrees with you is a screwball or a fruitcake

Go play with your picture books now Corky

It's okay to disagree with me. Makes the world more interesting. But do it as an adult. You fruitcakhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-459_1o13.pdfes don't seem to understand that. So you win another bronze cluster on your
View attachment 251090
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096

Silly Corky too dumb to realize you keep making my point
That's rich because you think anyone who disagrees with you is a screwball or a fruitcake

Go play with your picture books now Corky

It's okay to disagree with me. Makes the world more interesting. But do it as an adult. You fruitcakhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-459_1o13.pdfes don't seem to understand that. So you win another bronze cluster on your
View attachment 251090
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096

Silly Corky too dumb to realize you keep making my point
View attachment 251101

My mama told me it's not polite to laugh at the retarded children but then again I never listened her anyway

Funny Corky here's your favorite crayon don't eat it all at once now.
You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.
So, the solution is to pass guns out at the door. Or put all children everywhere at risk because you can't live without tever guin ever made.

No, the first solution is to deal with society and the increase in Fatherless boys. Next, you deal with the revolving door policy that democrat judges, politicians and prosecutors have for repeat, known, violent gun offenders......why do they keep releasing these shooters? Then, you end gun free zones, allowing normal, law abiding people to carry their legal guns with them ..... this will keep mass public shooters away, and we know this because actual mass public shooters say so.

So, we have this problem & you want to give then access to Assault type weapons?

Then you want to give shooters the OK to freely walk into schools armed to kill. Nothing can be done until the shooting starts.

What problem? We had 117 people killed, total, in mass public shootings in 2017...... 38,000 were killed in cars....which problem are you more concerned about?

Cars serve a needed urpose. Assault type rifles don't.

Rifles save lives....they stop rioters from destroying private businesses when the democrats foment riots and looting.

Cars kill more people than guns do...therefore, according to you, they need to be banned......the difference in deaths isn't even close.
You are too stupid for words. Virginia Tech happened in 2007......and any number of places are easy pickings for a shooter because they are gun free zones, where people are unarmed in the face of an attacker....

The AR-15 is a lousy weapon.....it isn't even a full size battle rifle, you mope.
So, the solution is to pass guns out at the door. Or put all children everywhere at risk because you can't live without tever guin ever made.

No, the first solution is to deal with society and the increase in Fatherless boys. Next, you deal with the revolving door policy that democrat judges, politicians and prosecutors have for repeat, known, violent gun offenders......why do they keep releasing these shooters? Then, you end gun free zones, allowing normal, law abiding people to carry their legal guns with them ..... this will keep mass public shooters away, and we know this because actual mass public shooters say so.

So, we have this problem & you want to give then access to Assault type weapons?

Then you want to give shooters the OK to freely walk into schools armed to kill. Nothing can be done until the shooting starts.

Wow, the dumb in your post is strong....

The AR-15 is not an assault type weapon.....it is a normal semi-automatic rifle just like all other semi-automatic firearms, no difference.

The shooters are not currently stopped by the Gun Free Zone sign on the door right now....or haven't you noticed? The only people who can't bring guns into a gun free zone are the normal, good people who own and carry guns to stop mass shooters and other criminals.

Are you this dumb in real life, or only when you post?
Fuck off with your " OMG OMG OMG its not an assault rifle" bullshit.

You people can't be this fucking stupid.

So, say a policeman sees someone carrying a gun who walks into a school. According to you, he can tell a "good guy" from a "bad guy" by just looking at him.

Yep. The bad guy is shooting unarmed people. The good guy has his gun in a holster as he drops off his kids lunch, picks up his kid for a doctor appointment, or is going in for a meeting with a teacher.......

And, moron, the actual school shooter is not stopped by gun free zones ....right now.....they ignore them currently......we know this since they do this when they enter a gun free zone and shoot people....
It's okay to disagree with me. Makes the world more interesting. But do it as an adult. You fruitcakhttps://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/17-459_1o13.pdfes don't seem to understand that. So you win another bronze cluster on your
View attachment 251090
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096

Silly Corky too dumb to realize you keep making my point
View attachment 251101

My mama told me it's not polite to laugh at the retarded children but then again I never listened her anyway

Funny Corky here's your favorite crayon don't eat it all at once now.
Adults don't use picture books

And you cant;accept the fact that millions of people don't agree with you on the AR which is why you whine about it so much

Run along now Corky and remember not to eat the paste and the crayons

View attachment 251096

Silly Corky too dumb to realize you keep making my point
View attachment 251101

My mama told me it's not polite to laugh at the retarded children but then again I never listened her anyway

Funny Corky here's your favorite crayon don't eat it all at once now.
View attachment 251149
I think Corky needs some new picture books so he can expand his vocabulary

Maybe someone should start a Go Fund ME

My mama told me it's not polite to laugh at the retarded children but then again I never listened her anyway

Funny Corky here's your favorite crayon don't eat it all at once now.
View attachment 251149
I think Corky needs some new picture books so he can expand his vocabulary

Maybe someone should start a Go Fund ME

The more you post, the more you reinforce.....


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