3 dozen lawmakers want proof of Obama eligibility

too funny.....doggy is once again running away from the debate and focusing on his whining about the rules....

anyways...back to the topic, are you going to address the issues i've repeatedly raised or this to be yet another doggy runs away thread?
How is H.B. 1503 a conspiracy theory when in fact it has been filed in the house?

H.R. 1503: To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of... (GovTrack.us)

Sponsor: Rep. Bill Posey [R-FL15]show cosponsors (11)
Cosponsors:Marsha Blackburn [R-TN7]Dan Burton [R-IN5]John Campbell [R-CA48]John Carter [R-TX31]John Culberson [R-TX7]Trent Franks [R-AZ2] Louis Gohmert [R-TX1]Robert Goodlatte [R-VA6]Kenny Marchant [R-TX24]Randy Neugebauer [R-TX19]Ted Poe [R-TX2]

Text: Summary | Full Text
Status: Introduced Mar 12, 2009
Referred to Committee View Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee ...
House Vote ...
Senate Vote ...
Signed by President ...

This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Jan 5, 2010 10:24PM]

Fact: Obama has given enough evidence according to the law to prove he is a citizen of the United states. This is from WND, which is Birther central. They can try to paint this as a bill as anything but Obama but it's about Obama. Even in the article, one of them questions "Obama's loyalty."

The bill itself is not conspiracy. However, the content of itself is just another attempt by the Birthers to attack Obama. You guys are the gift that keeps on giving.
too funny.....doggy is once again running away from the debate and focusing on his whining about the rules....

anyways...back to the topic, are you going to address the issues i've repeatedly raised or this to be yet another doggy runs away thread?

I'm addressing the issues. This has been debated hundreds of times on this board and not only that but by me too. I'm not going to address the same partisan bullshit a hundred times over. If you want my responses, go to the previous threads on this same shit and look.

I'm also trying to help him with the rules so he doesn't get the thread closed. Otherwise that would just result him in more whining from him about the mods which will result in a nice little vacation. Have you even bothered to help the guy or are you just attacking me? Why don't you direct him where to go? I've done more to help him than you.
I believe birtherism is a moondoggie conspiracy, but if such a bill were filed in the House, then it should be discussed appropriately, and that is not in the flame zone.
I believe birtherism is a moondoggie conspiracy, but if such a bill were filed in the House, then it should be discussed appropriately, and that is not in the flame zone.

It was filed as far as I understand from reading the links.
"What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself. Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, etc., it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare arms and organise in militias."

-- Orly Taitz, queen of the racist birther handjobs, illegally calling for the overthrow of a legally elected president, Link
Here is HB 1503 by Posey but this is not the bill the lawmaker in Arizona has proposed for states in order for candidates to be on when running for office.

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee’s statement of organization a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


Congress finds that under section 5 of article II of the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years.


(a) In General- Section 303(b) of the Federal Election Campaign Act (2 U.S.C. 433(b)) is amended--

(1) by striking ‘and’ at the end of paragraph (5);

(2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (6) and inserting ‘; and’; and

(3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

‘(7) in the case of a principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President, a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under section 5 of article II of the Constitution.’.

(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to the election for the office of President held in 2012 and each succeeding election for the office of President.
too funny.....doggy is once again running away from the debate and focusing on his whining about the rules....

anyways...back to the topic, are you going to address the issues i've repeatedly raised or this to be yet another doggy runs away thread?

I'm addressing the issues. This has been debated hundreds of times on this board and not only that but by me too. I'm not going to address the same partisan bullshit a hundred times over. If you want my responses, go to the previous threads on this same shit and look.

I'm also trying to help him with the rules so he doesn't get the thread closed. Otherwise that would just result him in more whining from him about the mods which will result in a nice little vacation. Have you even bothered to help the guy or are you just attacking me? Why don't you direct him where to go? I've done more to help him than you.

you're just a pathetic liar....you have not addressed the points i raised in THIS thread. they have not been raised/debated hundreds of times before.

i have helped you sack of cowdung. what business is it of yours? what you a mrs. peabody, you have to your nose in everyone's business?

now address my points or admit you're once again running away.

1. how is this bill a conspiracy? and what in this thread is a conspiracy?

2. why is it bad to verify the eligibility of a candite for the office of potus?

3. as this bill doesn't take effect until 2012, how is it only about obama?

you have made false claims that this bill is a conspiracy. and that the OP is nothing but a conspiracy. you have said this bill is stupid and nothing but birther issues, despite the fact i showed you this bill doesn't even go into effect until 2012. you have done nothing but scream your head off over this bill. you have falsely mischaracterized it, spread lies about and basically blown a fuse.

now, calm down and address the points.
you're not running away again are you dogbert?

The only one who needs to stop whining and calm down is you Yurt. You are a overemotional child, and having just graduated high school a year ago, I know them when I see them.

You want to falsely claim I complained to the mods, I didn't. The bill itself is in just promoting the birther conspiracy about Obama. The bill itself and it's existence is not a conspiracy and I never said it was. The OP is a birther and this thread is obviously to promote the birther movement.

I don't know why it's in the conspiracy forum as I'm not a mod and I didn't move it here. If you have such a problem, ask a mod. You keep questioning the mod's decision as if I had something to do with it.

I would have no problem with this bill if it wasn't for the fact it is tailormade to act as if Obama illegally won the Presidency. It is instilling it without saying it.
you're not running away again are you dogbert?

The only one who needs to stop whining and calm down is you Yurt. You are a overemotional child, and having just graduated high school a year ago, I know them when I see them.

You want to falsely claim I complained to the mods, I didn't. The bill itself is in just promoting the birther conspiracy about Obama. The bill itself and it's existence is not a conspiracy and I never said it was. The OP is a birther and this thread is obviously to promote the birther movement.

I don't know why it's in the conspiracy forum as I'm not a mod and I didn't move it here. If you have such a problem, ask a mod. You keep questioning the mod's decision as if I had something to do with it.

I would have no problem with this bill if it wasn't for the fact it is tailormade to act as if Obama illegally won the Presidency. It is instilling it without saying it.

lol...its so easy to catch you in lies...you still have not addressed my 3 simple points, i am not surprised you're running away again. i am sure we will be treated to another pissed and screaming post by you, yet what we will probably not be treated to is a post that addresses the issues.

i said you "probably" whined to the mods. i never made the claim that you did, given your massive whining in this thread, i wouldn't be surprised if you did.

you never said it is a conspiracy? really.....

It's a conspiracy because the theory they're putting forth is a conspiracy.

care to own up to your dishonesty now?

1. what exactly in the bill is tailormade to obama?

2. what exactly in the bill makes it appear obama won illegally?

here are the other questions you keep running from (post 50)

1. how is this bill a conspiracy? and what in this thread is a conspiracy?

2. why is it bad to verify the eligibility of a candidate for the office of potus?

3. as this bill doesn't take effect until 2012, how is it only about obama?

let's see if you can calmly and rationally address the 5 issues.

Listen, I don't notice this thread often because I'm not in the Conspiracy Zone 99% of the time. Nor do I see it often on new posts. I have other threads to post in as well.

If you consider me not posting in a thread after an hour means I'm scared then you are fucking more stupid than I originally thought.
lol...its so easy to catch you in lies...you still have not addressed my 3 simple points, i am not surprised you're running away again. i am sure we will be treated to another pissed and screaming post by you, yet what we will probably not be treated to is a post that addresses the issues.

i said you "probably" whined to the mods. i never made the claim that you did, given your massive whining in this thread, i wouldn't be surprised if you did.

you never said it is a conspiracy? really.....

It's a conspiracy because the theory they're putting forth is a conspiracy.

care to own up to your dishonesty now?

1. what exactly in the bill is tailormade to obama?

2. what exactly in the bill makes it appear obama won illegally?

here are the other questions you keep running from (post 50)

1. how is this bill a conspiracy? and what in this thread is a conspiracy?

2. why is it bad to verify the eligibility of a candidate for the office of potus?

3. as this bill doesn't take effect until 2012, how is it only about obama?

let's see if you can calmly and rationally address the 5 issues.

Find a mod that said I whined about this thread to them in a pm or apologize. Fucking dishonest hack that you are. I already answered your questions, but since you're too stupid to read.

1.) The bill is practically saying that someone illegally won the Presidency when that is not so. That's why it's wrong in my opinion.

2.) See #1

3.) I never said the existence of the bill was a conspiracy, rather the contents that once again suggest that Obama is an illegal. And in this thread, the OP is a birther and said WND is a viable source. WND is about as much of a viable source as the writings on a bathroom wall.

4.) I never said it was bad, I'm saying it's unnecessary as a President who has taken office has not been illegal yet. And we've had how many elections? You do the math.

5.) Because they don't want to come off as birthers to the voters.

Now, I have answered all of your questions in the order you asked them in the last post. I'm not scared nor I am running you pathetic hack. Now, I am going to go focus my attention on other threads because I have wasted enough time here dealing with your childish babble. I'm not going to sit here like Divecon does with the truthers and put up with the bullshit constantly day in and day out when the matter is settled.
3 dozen Arizona state legislators? Who cares?

More federal lawmakers than that wanted the last president impeached.

Again who cares.
We SHOULD care. It goes beyond ridiculing those who have raised doubts.

It was hard to imagine how there could be any doubt, but if one is open minded and looks at the complicated laws and chronology surounding their enactment, it looks like this could happen again. It's ironic that suspicions were raised about McCain, though he was born to an American family deployed to an American military base, while his dad was on active duty. Questions were raised and roof had to be supplied.

You have to take the implications for chaos and destruction of our prime document seriously.
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lol...its so easy to catch you in lies...you still have not addressed my 3 simple points, i am not surprised you're running away again. i am sure we will be treated to another pissed and screaming post by you, yet what we will probably not be treated to is a post that addresses the issues.

i said you "probably" whined to the mods. i never made the claim that you did, given your massive whining in this thread, i wouldn't be surprised if you did.

you never said it is a conspiracy? really.....

It's a conspiracy because the theory they're putting forth is a conspiracy.

care to own up to your dishonesty now?

1. what exactly in the bill is tailormade to obama?

2. what exactly in the bill makes it appear obama won illegally?

here are the other questions you keep running from (post 50)

1. how is this bill a conspiracy? and what in this thread is a conspiracy?

2. why is it bad to verify the eligibility of a candidate for the office of potus?

3. as this bill doesn't take effect until 2012, how is it only about obama?

let's see if you can calmly and rationally address the 5 issues.

Find a mod that said I whined about this thread to them in a pm or apologize. Fucking dishonest hack that you are. I already answered your questions, but since you're too stupid to read.

1.) The bill is practically saying that someone illegally won the Presidency when that is not so. That's why it's wrong in my opinion.

2.) See #1

3.) I never said the existence of the bill was a conspiracy, rather the contents that once again suggest that Obama is an illegal. And in this thread, the OP is a birther and said WND is a viable source. WND is about as much of a viable source as the writings on a bathroom wall.

4.) I never said it was bad, I'm saying it's unnecessary as a President who has taken office has not been illegal yet. And we've had how many elections? You do the math.

5.) Because they don't want to come off as birthers to the voters.

Now, I have answered all of your questions in the order you asked them in the last post. I'm not scared nor I am running you pathetic hack. Now, I am going to go focus my attention on other threads because I have wasted enough time here dealing with your childish babble. I'm not going to sit here like Divecon does with the truthers and put up with the bullshit constantly day in and day out when the matter is settled.

still having a hissy fit....calm down buckaroo...you're too worked up, spazzo

i'm not apologizing, i said probably, that is not a lie, it is my opinion. and given how many times in other threads you whine to mods about merging or moving threads, i still believe you whined.... i suggest you learn the difference before you call others liars, because it really just shows how ignorant and stupid you are.

1. the bill does not say that. i have repeatedly asked you for specifics, you once again fail to give any. your false characterization of the bill does not make it so. until you show me from the bill that it says what you are claiming, then you haven't addressed it at all. i believe you fail to give specifics because none exist and now you're just desperate to not look like an idiot so you continue this nonsense without ever actually pointing to specifics in the bill.

2. see #1

3. you're lying. i gave you your exact quote. It's a conspiracy because the theory they're putting forth is a conspiracy. . once again you have failed to explain what the conspiracy is and where it is in the bill. the bill doesn't even apply to obama right now, it is beyond stupid for you to continue this nonsense.

4. all you've done is bitch about it and say we don't need it, that is saying it is a bad idea. we had two candidates last time where the birth issue was raised, if this bill was in place, the issue would have been resolved in the beginning. it is illogical to say: its never happened.....well, 9/11 never happened....fact is the issue was raised for BOTH candidates last time. it is wholly necessary.

5. your response is so partisan, lacking any merit and completely trash, i will say nothing further about it.

i responded despite you saying you're going to other threads because you claim you don't run away. you've repeatedly run away from this thread and are now openly proclaiming you're running away. you're a mental coward and you're dishonest. you are in fact running away because you know your claims are false and without any merit.

thanks for proving me right that you run away from threads. :lol:

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