2nd Presidential Debate: Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney
Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political Correspondent)

The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.

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obama needs a game changer here. As a supporter of his i see defeat at the moment but the debate might give him a chance as the underdog now to change the course of this election.

But another bad debate and without doubt this election is over and romney has won.
obama needs a game changer here. As a supporter of his i see defeat at the moment but the debate might give him a chance as the underdog now to change the course of this election.

But another bad debate and without doubt this election is over and romney has won.

I generally agree with you - except, I would refer to it as the "perception" of another bad debate. I still contend that Obama won the first debate based on facts and substance; however, apparently many others had a different perception. I believe Obama now thoroughly understands the Romney/Ryan distorting and lying debate style. I suspect Obama will be more than ready for Romney in the next two debates. Having said the above, I realize that "perception" will determine the outcome on November 6.
Your right that he be will be more ready but he has to be careful that he does not get too rude or disrespectful to romney as it allows his side to get away with any mistrues he saids.

Also yes on substance i think he wins in my view but perception throughout history in england and american election matters. The fact was obama made classic mistakes in first debate. Not looking at romney, not defending his views , waffled on too long and being far too subdued. While romney looked animated and kept his points short and snappy.

The promblem president got now os romney can play defence which he likes to do . He did it all the time in primarys against the likes of newt and rick.

also townhall debate is a rick for being on frontfoot to romney. One of the reason this is you don,t know what questions are going to be like as they are not from a moderator but from everyday people.

Also because both are moving about a lot their a risk obama won,t be able to nail romney down on any thing he said as might have back to him at times.

most important thing though he produces a confident asserative but not rude performance that can persuade those undecided to vote for him over mitt romney.

big pressure and he has to deliver. Otherwise he hard to see how he can win.
obama needs a game changer here. As a supporter of his i see defeat at the moment but the debate might give him a chance as the underdog now to change the course of this election.

But another bad debate and without doubt this election is over and romney has won.

I generally agree with you - except, I would refer to it as the "perception" of another bad debate. I still contend that Obama won the first debate based on facts and substance; however, apparently many others had a different perception. I believe Obama now thoroughly understands the Romney/Ryan distorting and lying debate style. I suspect Obama will be more than ready for Romney in the next two debates. Having said the above, I realize that "perception" will determine the outcome on November 6.


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s0n........those razors...........get 'em out. Your guy is gonna get blown out. I said it months ago. We need your ass around here to abuse..........so no idea's of cliff diving s0n..........

that is very bad news for obama. if he doe not win even those safe blue seat that he should be winning then this race is over before its started.

so your right to be gleeful. if romney wins one of those states it going be very very big victory for your guy.
There's more potential for Barry because of the town hall format in my opinion. Whether he can take advantage of it remains to be seen.

If I was a supporter I'd be more concerned about the final debate which is a format akin to the first one and the topic is foreign policy. That's sticky wicket for Obama as he and members of his team have lied their way into a corner over the tragic events in Benghazi and there's no way out short of finally fessing up, but that then would be an admission their entire Middle East policy is a failure just 14 days out from the election.

Also, as it's the last debate it'll be one of the last impressions voters have of him so if he gets his ass kicked again it could have very serious repercussions at the ballot box.
There's more potential for Barry because of the town hall format in my opinion. Whether he can take advantage of it remains to be seen.

If I was a supporter I'd be more concerned about the final debate which is a format akin to the first one and the topic is foreign policy. That's sticky wicket for Obama as he and members of his team have lied their way into a corner over the tragic events in Benghazi and there's no way out short of finally fessing up, but that then would be an admission their entire Middle East policy is a failure just 14 days out from the election.

Also, as it's the last debate it'll be one of the last impressions voters have of him so if he gets his ass kicked again it could have very serious repercussions at the ballot box.
Everything you say is true. Well i think townhall debate it his best chance of launching a comeback but their no sure thing about it. he can,t afford to lose it that for sure.

also even if he get through that unhurt it hard to see how next debate covering foreging affairs won,t hurt him. yes he got postives like killing binladen and ending iraq war. But it going to be dominated by admin poor handling of the attacks of the embasay in libya. That will be hard to get out from and could be nail in the coffin.

in the end you get feeing romney massive odds on to win which must please you guys. It hard to see him loosing unless he does another major gaffe on a big scale.
If it's true each guy only has 2 minutes, then I think Obama is in trouble cuz it takes him awhile to get going and get his points out. He's going need a better command of the facts and be able to make his argument quickly or the moderator is going to have to give him some extra time. I think Romney will do fine, from what I've seen he's ready to go right away.

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