2nd Ammendment Alive and Well- Proposal to Ban AR-15 FAILS"Green Tip" Ammunition


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Yes, its always awesome to see the Constitution shine


Congress will continue to steadfastly protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens and it is entirely inappropriate for President Obama to stretch his regulatory authority to implement partisan policies that Congress has refused to enact. Such an abuse of power would impact many law-abiding gun owners and restrict the American people’s ability to legally and responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights," House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in a statement. “I and other members of the House Judiciary Committee will continue to keep a watchful eye on the Obama Administration so that we protect Americans’ constitutional rights. We cannot allow the President of the United States to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights afforded to all Americans.”

BREAKING ATF Temporarily Pulls Proposal to Ban AR-15 Green Tip Ammunition - Katie Pavlich
Guns are the crack of the partisan hacks. Courage is an imaginary passion for them and thus the gun huggers cling to the source of their only strength, an empty bravado. They are like a child with its blankee who cries when separated. Drugs, even when they are hard metal talismans of courage are not something the frightened can part with. They have come to represent freedom for the unfree, teetered as they are to the gun lobby and the NRA, and a gross misrepresentation of the 2nd amendment. They need their fix and their fix is an object of imaginary security, an object that gives meaning to a senselessness that only programmed Americans can believe is real. Oh, and I laugh too that the NRA removed the word 'militia' from their retard headquarters misuse of the second amendment.

"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."

What right does he have to demand I lose my rights Page 67 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"In late October, Mr. Metcalf wrote a column that the magazine titled “Let’s Talk Limits,” which debated gun laws. “The fact is,” wrote Mr. Metcalf, who has taught history at Cornell and Yale, “all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be.” [.] The backlash was swift, and fierce. Readers threatened to cancel their subscriptions. Death threats poured in by email. His television program was pulled from the air."


Suffering and the Second Amendment Debate' Simon Waxman

Suffering and the Second Amendment Debate Boston Review
Guns are the crack of the partisan hacks
Indeed -- the Democrats/liberals simply will not leave will enough alone, as illustrated by the attempts to drive up ammo costs by banning SS109 ammo.
Courage is an imaginary passion for them and thus the gun huggers cling to the source of their only strength, an empty bravado. They are like a child with its blankee who cries when separated. Drugs, even when they are hard metal talismans of courage are not something the frightened can part with.
Mindless ad-homs in place of a meaningful argument? Unsurprising.
"In 1991, Warren E. Burger, the conservative chief justice of the Supreme Court, was interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour about the meaning of the Second Amendment's "right to keep and bear arms." Burger answered that the Second Amendment "has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud--I repeat the word 'fraud'--on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In a speech in 1992, Burger declared that "the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to have firearms at all. "In his view, the purpose of the Second Amendment was "to ensure that the 'state armies'--'the militia'--would be maintained for the defense of the state."
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Why do you choose to be wrong?
I cant understand why some folks just cant MYOB. I'll tell you what

I'll leave the fags alone who want to marry if the gun grabbers leave us alone :badgrin:


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