28% of Republicans support Same Sex Marriage


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Why are Republicans always 20 years behind the times?

America's "unprecedented" support for gay marriage: By the numbers - The Week

Percentage of Americans who believe "same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages," according to Gallup. "This clearly looks like the beginning of the end of the same-sex marriage debate," says Robert P. Jones at The Huffington Post.

Percentage of Americans who supported legal same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of Americans who say same-sex marriage "should not be valid," according to Gallup

Percentage of Americans who said same-sex marriage "should not be valid" in a 1996 Gallup poll. "To go from 41 points behind to 8 points ahead in a decade and a half must count as one of the most successful political and social campaigns in history," says Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast.

Percentage of Democrats who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of Democrats who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of independents who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of independents who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of Republicans who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of Republicans who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds who support legalizing same-sex marriage, up 16 percentage points from 2010. This "overwhelming" number in favor of marriage equality "makes the trend toward growing acceptance both clear and unstoppable," says Jon Walker at Firedoglake.

States that allow legal same-sex marriages: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The District of Columbia also allows them. "At the moment, those advocating changes in constitutions and laws to allow same-sex marriage in additional states can take heart in the apparent shift in national sentiment in their direction," says Gallup's Frank Newport.
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Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.

Why are Republicans always 20 years behind the times?

America's "unprecedented" support for gay marriage: By the numbers - The Week

Percentage of Americans who believe "same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages," according to Gallup. "This clearly looks like the beginning of the end of the same-sex marriage debate," says Robert P. Jones at The Huffington Post.

Percentage of Americans who supported legal same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of Americans who say same-sex marriage "should not be valid," according to Gallup

Percentage of Americans who said same-sex marriage "should not be valid" in a 1996 Gallup poll. "To go from 41 points behind to 8 points ahead in a decade and a half must count as one of the most successful political and social campaigns in history," says Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast.

Percentage of Democrats who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of Democrats who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of independents who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of independents who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of Republicans who now support legalizing same-sex marriage

Percentage of Republicans with a 'wide stance'.:lol:

Percentage of Republicans who supported legalizing same-sex marriage in last year's Gallup poll

Percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds who support legalizing same-sex marriage, up 16 percentage points from 2010. This "overwhelming" number in favor of marriage equality "makes the trend toward growing acceptance both clear and unstoppable," says Jon Walker at Firedoglake.

States that allow legal same-sex marriages: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The District of Columbia also allows them. "At the moment, those advocating changes in constitutions and laws to allow same-sex marriage in additional states can take heart in the apparent shift in national sentiment in their direction," says Gallup's Frank Newport.

More fun to just 'live in sin' whatever the sexual preferance:lol:
Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.


See Defense of Marriage Act
Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.


Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.
What is amazing is that 28% of Republicans supported gay marriage a year ago and 28% support it today. While all other groups are seeing wide swings in support of gay marriage, Republicans keep their heads in the sand
What is amazing is that 28% of Republicans supported gay marriage a year ago and 28% support it today. While all other groups are seeing wide swings in support of gay marriage, Republicans keep their heads in the sand

Don't give up on them. More and more of THEIR kids are coming out and it will be increasingly difficult for them to maintain their position. Just look at the marriage equality fight in NY where Conservative donors have out donated any other groups.
Obama has the same homophobe view of marriage as most republicans, no difference.
Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.


Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.

translation: "i'm gonna stay uncommitted as long as i can so i can milk all the votes i possibly can. i've never been committed to anything nor any belief except that from which i can personally benefit. send money."


he's not like the others.......:lol:
Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.


Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.

translation: "i'm gonna stay uncommitted as long as i can so i can milk all the votes i possibly can. i've never been committed to anything nor any belief except that from which i can personally benefit. send money."


he's not like the others.......:lol:

Poor thing. You can't marry your butt buddy.
Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.

translation: "i'm gonna stay uncommitted as long as i can so i can milk all the votes i possibly can. i've never been committed to anything nor any belief except that from which i can personally benefit. send money."


he's not like the others.......:lol:

Poor thing. You can't marry your butt buddy.

it's a little early to be hitting the mad dog isn't it?

Please use your next post to address the difference between Obama's and the most far right wing republican's view on gay marriage.


Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.

translation: "i'm gonna stay uncommitted as long as i can so i can milk all the votes i possibly can. i've never been committed to anything nor any belief except that from which i can personally benefit. send money."


he's not like the others.......:lol:

Spot on translation

"I'm against gay marriage, but I'm not against gays voting for me."
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Look out, Obama is ruling like a dictator, starting more wars, expanding others and can't even spend a trillion dollars right to keep UE under what he says... That makes it time to talk about you guessed it, GAY MARRAIGE!

Yes folks, you hated how Bush did things, but now Obama runs the country in nothing but a more extreme manger than Bush (even on the topic of GAY MARRAIGE!) but don't let that affect your vote! Vote Democrats because while helping destroy the US and world economy (with the Republicans *neocons*) you can now rest assure that they will vote almost 100% the same as Republicans on Gay rights issues!

When Dems had the House, Senate and President they tried sooOooOoo very hard to be the party of Gay marriage because it was important to them! You tell me why they did NOTHING to get gay marriage passed? Maybe if you vote for a Dem President, a Dem house and Senate again maybe that time won’t be squandered as well…

BTW, I’m a conservative for Gay marriage as the constitution does not discriminate against someone based on Sexuality nor race. Of course I don’t need the constitution to tell me that.

Now, what % of Dems were against Gay marriage… Makes me wonder what libertarians wee at too.
Well, to start with, he's willing to look at civil unions. Few "far right" republicans are. The President has also made this statement recently:

My feelings are constantly evolving. At this point, what I've said is that my baseline is a strong civil union that provides them the protections and the legal rights that married couples have, and I think that's the right thing to do.

But I recognize that from their perspective it is not enough, and I think this is something that we're going to continue to debate, and I personally am going to continue to wrestle with going forward.

translation: "i'm gonna stay uncommitted as long as i can so i can milk all the votes i possibly can. i've never been committed to anything nor any belief except that from which i can personally benefit. send money."


he's not like the others.......:lol:

Spot on translation

"I'm against gay marriage, but I'm not against gays voting for me."


And more and more people see the Democratic party for what it is on these fake issues day after day.

Biden: "An Obama admin will be the Gays best friend in the White house."
Ops I see, so only 31% of all democrats (voters) are bigoted on the issue of Gay marraige! Whew, LAST YEAR only 44% of Democrats were bigots towards the idea of Gay marraige! Man, what a jump! I wonder what changed the minds of these people that used to be like "ewe gay's getting married" to "hell fucking yeah!"
Ops I see, so only 31% of all democrats (voters) are bigoted on the issue of Gay marraige! Whew, LAST YEAR only 44% of Democrats were bigots towards the idea of Gay marraige! Man, what a jump! I wonder what changed the minds of these people that used to be like "ewe gay's getting married" to "hell fucking yeah!"

they probably found out you're straight.
Ops I see, so only 31% of all democrats (voters) are bigoted on the issue of Gay marraige! Whew, LAST YEAR only 44% of Democrats were bigots towards the idea of Gay marraige! Man, what a jump! I wonder what changed the minds of these people that used to be like "ewe gay's getting married" to "hell fucking yeah!"

they probably found out you're straight.

Oh joy! But who says I am? I never said I was... If I were gay would that bother you Del???
Ops I see, so only 31% of all democrats (voters) are bigoted on the issue of Gay marraige! Whew, LAST YEAR only 44% of Democrats were bigots towards the idea of Gay marraige! Man, what a jump! I wonder what changed the minds of these people that used to be like "ewe gay's getting married" to "hell fucking yeah!"

they probably found out you're straight.

Oh joy! But who says I am? I never said I was... If I were gay would that bother you Del???

Ops I see, so only 31% of all democrats (voters) are bigoted on the issue of Gay marraige! Whew, LAST YEAR only 44% of Democrats were bigots towards the idea of Gay marraige! Man, what a jump! I wonder what changed the minds of these people that used to be like "ewe gay's getting married" to "hell fucking yeah!"

Like most Americans, they are realizing that gays getting married is not that big a deal...it does not affect their own marriage at all.

I think much of the big swing in acceptance of gay marriage can be attributed to the repeal of DADT. People are realizing that gays are just part of our society.

The question is....why are Republicans still stuck in the 1950s?

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