2018 Midterms


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
I feel Trumps wins are going to reap reward. The North Korean successes are very important without question, I do think though, that the Iran withdrawal was almost as important. Reason being, he promised that he would do this on the campaign trail, this means the world to voters. GOP and Independents alike.

I notice his numbers go up often when he keeps his promises. Considering all the effort to deny him his campaign policies, he finds ways to succeed and voters are reminded, "he is keeping his promises". Those being polled are reminded, that he is a man of action. These are difficult decisions for politicians, but for Trump, he knows what is right and he goes for it. That's the backbone America wants and the world needs.

Next, has to be NAFTA. He knows without question that if he ripped it up, he would get a FAR better deal via bilateral negotiations. Also, the Wall, this is a big deal to his supporters, and really, by itself, it would probably make it nearly impossible for him to lose in 2020.

I can't see the wall happening before the Mid-term, unless he does it via a hard position on the next CR in Sept. So, I would assume, this can be done in large stages, half funding now and after mid terms for example. NAFTA however, can be and almost NEEDS to be dealt with before the mid terms. If he gives 6 months notice, it will settle this issue one way or another, but most importantly he will get a rush to the poll booths. I recall how surprised I was when Americans online were saying how much they hated NAFTA, as a Canadian I was programmed to love NAFTA. Now I know why. It's great for us! Not so much for America in particular.

My opinion, if he does the above, would be to encourage him to repeat he mantra over and over to everyone at his rallies: "get out and vote, because "the Dems don't want to get rid of NAFTA, they don't want to confront China, or place tariffs on abusers. If we lose the mid-terms, all of these efforts to defend your job, our economy, confront global abusers, will be lost".

He just needs to do what worked so well for him, the voters want this. Talk the talk, walk the walk, no bs, speak in straight, direct language and they will go out and vote for self interest I have no doubt of that. People respect and appreciate his efforts. Remember, there is an entire generation who only know of Obama. 8 Years. Before then, 8 years of lengthy wars, strife, bad economic news. So, Trump has a particularly unique opportunity to re-engage the U.S voters again, and nothing speaks this language than a guy sticking to his patriotic principles.

As evidence, look at the African American numbers, something I suspected could happen once he was elected as I am a firm believer in libertarian economics, knowing poverty myself as a kid. I despise socialism, and Trump does too. When people see that protecting U.S jobs and trade abusers can mean bread rather than crumbs, of course they will support it.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!
It will be very interesting to see the results of the 2018 midterm elections. As President Trump continues to deliver on success after success after success and his approval ratings continue to rise, one would think that the America people would want to continue with the status quo. But history has shown that anything can happen.

Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson donates $30 million to help block Democratic takeover of US House

You can only hope.

These special elections really are the writing on the WALL for Republicans. 35 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018. Paul Ryan just quit. The 18th District in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016 just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A Democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. Wisconson 10th district state house seat that Republicans owned for the last 17 years, just turned blue. Scott Walker tweeted out this is a wake up call for Republicans..,It is. Recently a Wisconsin state Supreme court postition just went to a woman Democrat. They found that a dosen rural counties voted for her, when most rural counties are historically won by Republicans. Virginia state house 15 seats open, all went to Democrats with women winning 11 of those seats. Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. Ted Cruz is up to bat this year, and his opponent Democrat Beto O'Rourke is already within 3 points of Cruz. Cruz is facing a 30-40% Hispanic voting population in that state. Yhe DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in Texas. Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen. We're seeing 30 point swings going to Democrats since 2016, in about every race across this country, including recently in Arizona. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia. These Presidential tell all books, Russian Roulette, a Higher Loyalty & Fire & Fury are all top sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore those type books. Never before have we seen these massive protests in this country.

The second annual woman's march--January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march, held the day after Trump was inagurated go to this link on this board, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state.
Woman's march pictures

The normal Trump street protests

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protest - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protest March 18, 2018.

This was going on in 800 cities across this country.

They're not going to forget to vote this November.


It's coming.
Last edited:
It will be very interesting to see the results of the 2018 midterm elections. As President Trump continues to deliver on success after success after success and his approval ratings continue to rise, one would think that the America people would want to continue with the status quo. But history has shown that anything can happen.

Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson donates $30 million to help block Democratic takeover of US House

You can only hope.

These special elections really are the writing on the WALL for Republicans. 35 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018. Paul Ryan just quit. The 18th District in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016 just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A Democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. Wisconson 10th district state house seat that Republicans owned for the last 17 years, just turned blue. Scott Walker tweeted out this is a wake up call for Republicans..,It is. Recently a Wisconsin state Supreme court postition just went to a woman Democrat. They found that a dosen rural counties voted for her, when most rural counties are historically won by Republicans. Virginia state house 15 seats open, all went to Democrats with women winning 11 of those seats. Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. Ted Cruz is up to bat this year, and his opponent Democrat Beto O'Rourke is already within 3 points of Cruz. Cruz is facing a 30-40% Hispanic voting population in that state. Yhe DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in Texas. Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen. We're seeing 30 point swings going to Democrats since 2016, in about every race across this country, including recently in Arizona. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia. These Presidential tell all books, Russian Roulette, a Higher Loyalty & Fire & Fury are all top sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore those type books. Never before have we seen these massive protests in this country.

The second annual woman's march--January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march, held the day after Trump was inagurated go to this link on this board, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state.
Woman's march pictures

The normal Trump street protests

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protest - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protest March 18, 2018.

This was going on in 800 cities across this country.

They're not going to forget to vote this November.


It's coming.

If you think dems can win on these platforms you're a total retard.
Please run on these issues,it guarantees another Republican win in both races.
It will be very interesting to see the results of the 2018 midterm elections. As President Trump continues to deliver on success after success after success and his approval ratings continue to rise, one would think that the America people would want to continue with the status quo. But history has shown that anything can happen.

Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson donates $30 million to help block Democratic takeover of US House

You can only hope.

These special elections really are the writing on the WALL for Republicans. 35 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018. Paul Ryan just quit. The 18th District in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016 just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A Democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. Wisconson 10th district state house seat that Republicans owned for the last 17 years, just turned blue. Scott Walker tweeted out this is a wake up call for Republicans..,It is. Recently a Wisconsin state Supreme court postition just went to a woman Democrat. They found that a dosen rural counties voted for her, when most rural counties are historically won by Republicans. Virginia state house 15 seats open, all went to Democrats with women winning 11 of those seats. Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. Ted Cruz is up to bat this year, and his opponent Democrat Beto O'Rourke is already within 3 points of Cruz. Cruz is facing a 30-40% Hispanic voting population in that state. Yhe DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in Texas. Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen. We're seeing 30 point swings going to Democrats since 2016, in about every race across this country, including recently in Arizona. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia. These Presidential tell all books, Russian Roulette, a Higher Loyalty & Fire & Fury are all top sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore those type books. Never before have we seen these massive protests in this country.

The second annual woman's march--January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march, held the day after Trump was inagurated go to this link on this board, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state.
Woman's march pictures

The normal Trump street protests

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protest - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protest March 18, 2018.

This was going on in 800 cities across this country.

They're not going to forget to vote this November.


It's coming.

If you think dems can win on these platforms you're a total retard.
Please run on these issues,it guarantees another Republican win in both races.

That's your interpretation of what success's you think he has accomplished? As far as I am concerned his greatest achievement so far is to destroy the entire Republican party, and I am speaking as a former life long Republican and have over 17K posts to prove that on this board.

In the history of this nation there has never been a President that was so despised by so many, while being engulfed in the most serious scandal in this Nation's history. Ever since he was inaugurated he has continually thrown gasoline on the fire. He's not a Uniter, he's a Divider.

For more on the scandal go to this link on this board, read one article, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's along with another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

Go do this link then scroll down to post # 56.
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia
Last edited:
In the history of this nation there has never been a President that was so despised by so many, while being engulfed in the most serious scandal in this Nation's history. Ever since he was inaugurated he has continually thrown gasoline on the fire. He's not a Uniter, he's a Divider
You keep describing Barack Insane Obama to a “T” and I don’t understand why.
Recently a Wisconsin state Supreme court postition just went to a woman Democrat.
That would be “a female Democrat” you ignoramus.
They found that a dosen rural counties
That would be “a dozen rural counties” you ignoramus.

Good grief I can see why you are a low IQ Dumbocrat voter.

I don't know how many times I need to tell you that I NOT a Democrat. I was a life long Republican before you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I then changed my party status to Independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

BTW--I am smart enough to know that when others start correcting my typo's I have got them cornered--:auiqs.jpg:
It will be very interesting to see the results of the 2018 midterm elections. As President Trump continues to deliver on success after success after success and his approval ratings continue to rise, one would think that the America people would want to continue with the status quo. But history has shown that anything can happen.

Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson donates $30 million to help block Democratic takeover of US House

You can only hope.

These special elections really are the writing on the WALL for Republicans. 35 House Republicans have already announced their early retirements and will not seek reelection in 2018. Paul Ryan just quit. The 18th District in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican big steel district that Trump won by 20 points in 2016 just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A Democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. Wisconson 10th district state house seat that Republicans owned for the last 17 years, just turned blue. Scott Walker tweeted out this is a wake up call for Republicans..,It is. Recently a Wisconsin state Supreme court postition just went to a woman Democrat. They found that a dosen rural counties voted for her, when most rural counties are historically won by Republicans. Virginia state house 15 seats open, all went to Democrats with women winning 11 of those seats. Virginia/New Jersey have new Democrat governors. Ted Cruz is up to bat this year, and his opponent Democrat Beto O'Rourke is already within 3 points of Cruz. Cruz is facing a 30-40% Hispanic voting population in that state. Yhe DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in Texas. Doug Jones wins in Alabama. Black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen. We're seeing 30 point swings going to Democrats since 2016, in about every race across this country, including recently in Arizona. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia. These Presidential tell all books, Russian Roulette, a Higher Loyalty & Fire & Fury are all top sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore those type books. Never before have we seen these massive protests in this country.

The second annual woman's march--January 20, 2018.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march, held the day after Trump was inagurated go to this link on this board, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state.
Woman's march pictures

The normal Trump street protests

For more pictures go to this link.
trump street protest - Yahoo Image Search Results

March for our lives protest March 18, 2018.

This was going on in 800 cities across this country.

They're not going to forget to vote this November.


It's coming.

sure is.....
blue toilet water - Bing video
Does anyone else find it cute how Oreo attempts to “self-soothe” by posting pictures of fellow Dumbocrats marching? He’s trying to convince himself that he’s not alone. It’s a typical tactic of children (and low IQ adults).

You would be hard-pressed to find a thread in which he doesn’t post picture after picture after picture of Dumbocrats marching in a single post. Precious.

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