2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM

Is 2018 Judgement Day for the MSM?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.
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Only time will tell. I sense the cheating will be at a maximum this time. Hopefully someone is watching out for that.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

Nothing changes after this election.

The sheep on the right will keep on parroting their taking points.

The sheep on the left will keep on parroting their talking points.

And the country will continue to lose as people put party before country.

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If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

Nothing changes after this election.

The sheep on the right will keep on parroting their taking points.

The sheep on the left will keep on parroting their talking points.

And the country will continue to lose as people put party before country.

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Not if things go like I think they will. The Republicans will have to put up or shut up. There will have to be some major changes for the better in government. Something will have to be done about media and online entity bias as well.

Things were OK on the internet until about 2011. from around 2007-11 were the best non-biased, non-restricted years.
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For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

Nope, it will just confirm that Putin done it again silly.
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.
Actually the best propaganda just plays to what you want to hear.
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.
2A, the cartoon you are proud to attach to all your post makes your statement a joke. MSM can't even come near the stoop to that kind of antebellum heinous crap!
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.
2A, the cartoon you are proud to attach to all your post makes your statement a joke. MSM can't even come near the stoop to that kind of antebellum heinous crap!

The Democrat Party is still the part of the White Man's Burden. They still believe that blacks are inferior and cannot support themselves without the help and support of the government and tax payers. This is why Democrats started affirmative action.

White Man's Burden is the rallying cry of the Left, they just don't realize it.

I don't think blacks need any help at all. Their contributions to the musical arts more than prove they are intellectually fit and talented to succeed at any task or pursuit besides music.

I don't think white or blacks need to bear the burden of illegal immigrants either. I am confident in Central and South American people to rebel and overcome their heinous tyrannical governments and cartels running their country if they didn't have the easy way out of coming here.

We need to stop bearing the burdens of other cultures and nations.
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I dispute the premise. The non-Fox Media (also called the "MSM"), has already played a huge role in the mid-term elections, regardless of the outcome next Tuesday. They have badgered and slandered Trump and his Administration literally from Day 1, ignored their successes, magnified any real or imaginary failures or shortcomings, and convinced the majority of the public that Trump is unfit to be President and is doing a horrible job.

This, despite the fact that Trump has dramatically spurred the economy, vastly enriched everyone's 401k, did his best to fulfill every single campaign promise, nominated a small army of Constitution-respecting federal judges and justices, eliminated a small library of harmful and pointless regulations,...the list goes on and on.

The fact that the Republicans are not looking for a LANDSLIDE victory because of their success is evidence that the non-Fox Media has been HUGEly successful in its slander and distortion campaign.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

You’re dreaming. You think the MSM will go away or change if the Dems somehow miraculously lose in the midterms? Nope, won’t happen. That guy Rachel Maddow went on TV and said it was impossible for Trump to win just days before the election, and he is still spouting his hateful rhetoric every night.
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.

Most of them aren't aware. They gobble it up as truth. Its very disturbing.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

You’re dreaming. You think the MSM will go away or change if the Dems somehow miraculously lose in the midterms? Nope, won’t happen. That guy Rachel Maddow went on TV and said it was impossible for Trump to win just days before the election, and he is still spouting his hateful rhetoric every night.

In this instance, yes.

It's the fool me once, shame on you (shame on the hateful bigot nazi racist republicans who came out to vote!)
Fool me twice, shame on me (shame on the MSM for deliberately lying twice in a row).

They will realize that there is something EXTREMELY foul among the sources they once believed and will seek out alternate media to explain. Their exposure to alternate media will also educate them.

Alt media will become the new MSM within the year.
If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

Nothing changes after this election.

The sheep on the right will keep on parroting their taking points.

The sheep on the left will keep on parroting their talking points.

And the country will continue to lose as people put party before country.

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Not if things go like I think they will. The Republicans will have to put up or shut up. There will have to be some major changes for the better in government. Something will have to be done about media and online entity bias as well.

Things were OK on the internet until about 2011. from around 2007-11 were the best non-biased, non-restricted years.

Let me ask you this, let’s say things go the way you think they will, but the Repubs do not “put up” once they have more control...

Come 2020, are you still voting Repub or will you leave the party behind?

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If the Republicans win, it demonstrates that all the talking heads are full of crap (at best) or were deliberately lying and misleading and doctoring their polls and political analysis for Deep State propaganda purpose (at worst).

If the Democrats win, it demonstrates that Trump's 2016 victory was indeed an odd outcome as MSM claims.

If the Dems fail in 2018, MSM dies...fast.
There's no way the MSM could get their predictions SO WRONG twice in a row if they are/were making honest assessments and projections...and their own listeners will realize this (most of them) if the Dems do fail again in 2018.

2018 is Judgement Day for the MSM.

Nothing changes after this election.

The sheep on the right will keep on parroting their taking points.

The sheep on the left will keep on parroting their talking points.

And the country will continue to lose as people put party before country.

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Some things will change. It will get more violent. There will be more people dying.

But expecting the election to end or change something is wrong. Our politics isn’t the problem. It’s a symptom of the problem. The problem is spiritual. The souls of a majority of our nation have been corrupted, darkened, blinded. We are sick and politics doesn’t address the foundational sickness and it can’t
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.
2A, the cartoon you are proud to attach to all your post makes your statement a joke. MSM can't even come near the stoop to that kind of antebellum heinous crap!

The Democrat Party is still the part of the White Man's Burden. They still believe that blacks are inferior and cannot support themselves without the help and support of the government and tax payers. This is why Democrats started affirmative action.

White Man's Burden is the rallying cry of the Left, they just don't realize it.

I don't think blacks need any help at all. Their contributions to the musical arts more than prove they are intellectually fit and talented to succeed at any task or pursuit besides music.

I don't think white or blacks need to bear the burden of illegal immigrants either. I am confident in Central and South American people to rebel and overcome their heinous tyrannical governments and cartels running their country if they didn't have the easy way out of coming here.

We need to stop bearing the burdens of other cultures and nations.

Actually, The White Man's Burden was a poem by Rudyard Kipling about America's imperial responsibilities after taking over the Philippines as a result of the Spanish-American War.

But I agree that a latent belief in the inferiority of non-white racial groups is one of the foundations of "progressive" ideology.
For MSM to actually lose people you would have to make the assumption that those who pay attention to MSM are interested in anything but propaganda.

I'm under the assumption that most of liberal base is not aware that's it propaganda.

If they are aware, then that's extremely disconcerting.
2A, the cartoon you are proud to attach to all your post makes your statement a joke. MSM can't even come near the stoop to that kind of antebellum heinous crap!

The Democrat Party is still the part of the White Man's Burden. They still believe that blacks are inferior and cannot support themselves without the help and support of the government and tax payers. This is why Democrats started affirmative action.

White Man's Burden is the rallying cry of the Left, they just don't realize it.

I don't think blacks need any help at all. Their contributions to the musical arts more than prove they are intellectually fit and talented to succeed at any task or pursuit besides music.

I don't think white or blacks need to bear the burden of illegal immigrants either. I am confident in Central and South American people to rebel and overcome their heinous tyrannical governments and cartels running their country if they didn't have the easy way out of coming here.

We need to stop bearing the burdens of other cultures and nations.
Gads! What poppycock! Your burden is an 18th century mind.

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