2017 NRA annual meeting the fight for gun rights has just begun


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Infowars brings you the latest on the fight to preserve the Second Amendment from on the ground at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting.

READ: Trump Declares ‘Eight-Year Assault on Second Amendment’ Over

All Americans Should Embrace Their 2nd Amendment Rights

2017 NRA Annual Meeting: The Fight For Gun Rights Has Just Begun


Well here you have people speaking their thoughts on the NRA and the right to bear arms.
There is more to the 2nd amendment than just owning guns.
Such as :


Read more at 2nd Amendment protects more than just guns
How many rights do you guys need to pack a gun, anyone can get one now. Anyone. When someone is killed by a gun who are you going to sue, the only one left is the NRA, don't even think of suing BLM or the White Supremacists (whatever name they go by now)

Its ok to carry, but just be careful who you kill and or main. You have the power of life and death in your trigger finger.
The 2nd Amendment is clear and dear and near and here.

There is no fight for gun rights.
How many rights do you guys need to pack a gun, anyone can get one now. Anyone. When someone is killed by a gun who are you going to sue, the only one left is the NRA, don't even think of suing BLM or the White Supremacists (whatever name they go by now)

Its ok to carry, but just be careful who you kill and or main. You have the power of life and death in your trigger finger.

Now you can buy insurance for when one of these reckless fools does the inevitable. There's even an ex-Repub congressman selling it and one of the nutters on this board he carries a policy.

Very funny about this NRA "fight for gun rights" shindig is they can't bring their guns in. Imagine the withdrawal symptoms and the stark raving terror of having to face people without being able to lovingly stroke their, uh, er, courage.

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Infowars brings you the latest on the fight to preserve the Second Amendment from on the ground at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting.

READ: Trump Declares ‘Eight-Year Assault on Second Amendment’ Over

All Americans Should Embrace Their 2nd Amendment Rights

2017 NRA Annual Meeting: The Fight For Gun Rights Has Just Begun


Well here you have people speaking their thoughts on the NRA and the right to bear arms.
There is more to the 2nd amendment than just owning guns.
Such as :


Read more at 2nd Amendment protects more than just guns

Did the NRA Frauds Pay for His Defense?

George Zimmerman should never have been charged. It doesn't matter that he got acquitted; the fact that he was arrested for self-defense puts enough fear in other gunowners to intimidate them into risking their lives by hesitating to protect themselves.
How many rights do you guys need to pack a gun, anyone can get one now. Anyone. When someone is killed by a gun who are you going to sue, the only one left is the NRA, don't even think of suing BLM or the White Supremacists (whatever name they go by now)

Its ok to carry, but just be careful who you kill and or main. You have the power of life and death in your trigger finger.

Now you can buy insurance for when one of these reckless fools does the inevitable. There's even an ex-Repub congressman selling it and one of the nutters on this board he carries a policy.

Very funny about this NRA "fight for gun rights" shindig is they can't bring their guns in. Imagine the withdrawal symptoms and the stark raving terror of having to face people without being able to lovingly stroke their, uh, er, courage.

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Really , an insurance plan!!

Oh I imagine they feel naked without their guns.
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Sounds like a personal problem, and a real big one.​
How many rights do you guys need to pack a gun, anyone can get one now. Anyone. When someone is killed by a gun who are you going to sue, the only one left is the NRA, don't even think of suing BLM or the White Supremacists (whatever name they go by now)

Its ok to carry, but just be careful who you kill and or main. You have the power of life and death in your trigger finger.

Now you can buy insurance for when one of these reckless fools does the inevitable. There's even an ex-Repub congressman selling it and one of the nutters on this board he carries a policy.

Very funny about this NRA "fight for gun rights" shindig is they can't bring their guns in. Imagine the withdrawal symptoms and the stark raving terror of having to face people without being able to lovingly stroke their, uh, er, courage.

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Sounds like a liberal personal problem.

Infowars brings you the latest on the fight to preserve the Second Amendment from on the ground at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting.

READ: Trump Declares ‘Eight-Year Assault on Second Amendment’ Over

All Americans Should Embrace Their 2nd Amendment Rights

2017 NRA Annual Meeting: The Fight For Gun Rights Has Just Begun


Well here you have people speaking their thoughts on the NRA and the right to bear arms.
There is more to the 2nd amendment than just owning guns.
Such as :


Read more at 2nd Amendment protects more than just guns

Did the NRA Frauds Pay for His Defense?

George Zimmerman should never have been charged. It doesn't matter that he got acquitted; the fact that he was arrested for self-defense puts enough fear in other gunowners to intimidate them into risking their lives by hesitating to protect themselves.

He should of been found guilty and thrown in the can.

Infowars brings you the latest on the fight to preserve the Second Amendment from on the ground at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting.

READ: Trump Declares ‘Eight-Year Assault on Second Amendment’ Over

All Americans Should Embrace Their 2nd Amendment Rights

2017 NRA Annual Meeting: The Fight For Gun Rights Has Just Begun


Well here you have people speaking their thoughts on the NRA and the right to bear arms.
There is more to the 2nd amendment than just owning guns.
Such as :


Read more at 2nd Amendment protects more than just guns

Did the NRA Frauds Pay for His Defense?

George Zimmerman should never have been charged. It doesn't matter that he got acquitted; the fact that he was arrested for self-defense puts enough fear in other gunowners to intimidate them into risking their lives by hesitating to protect themselves.

He should of been found guilty and thrown in the can.

He was tried by a jury of his peers and found NOT GUILTY. Why do you hate America?

Infowars brings you the latest on the fight to preserve the Second Amendment from on the ground at the 2017 NRA Annual Meeting.

READ: Trump Declares ‘Eight-Year Assault on Second Amendment’ Over

All Americans Should Embrace Their 2nd Amendment Rights

2017 NRA Annual Meeting: The Fight For Gun Rights Has Just Begun


Well here you have people speaking their thoughts on the NRA and the right to bear arms.
There is more to the 2nd amendment than just owning guns.
Such as :


Read more at 2nd Amendment protects more than just guns

What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?

The UN’s Arms Trade Treaty which covers everything from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – will enter into force on 24 December 2014, Christmas Eve. This treaty has not been ratified by our Congress but has the support of our Secretary of State, John Kerry who signed it and our President, who without expressly mentioning the treaty, said in a speech at the UN in September that all nations “must meet our responsibility to observe and enforce international norms.” The problem with that statement and this treaty is that we the people aren’t in control of what those ‘international norms’ are and as we have seen time and time again, those international norms might be detrimental to our country.

Many preppers and 2nd Amendment proponents believe that the Arms Trade Treaty will first lead to registration of all firearms and when that happens, historically the next step is confiscation through some means. Technically, no treaty can be put into action in the United States unless it has been ratified by a 2/3 majority of the senate. This fact is what most people cite when they are trying to refute any legitimate concerns about the UN Arms Trade Treaty or any other treaty’s potential effect on our country. This sounds well and good and serves to placate some, but for this fail-safe to have any weight you would first need to have a government that followed the letter of the constitution and additionally, that government would need to follow the wishes of the citizens they are representing.

Our government has proven time and time again that following the constitution is simply not............................

What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand? - The Prepper Journal
The liberal rejects who do not understand what is going on and what Obama has done will never understand how we have been giving our rights up to the gawd dam " UN " .............the UN is nothing but a shit hole of world leaders who want to control the population and strip American's of their rights and it is not only with the GUN LAWS....................it is our entire Country as we KNOW IT / KNEW IT.............. RIGHTS , FREEDOM, AND LIBERTY.............some the moronic left just keeps blowing up their asses to the UN and radical Islamic fks by forcing those who want to read a bible to give it up, by forcing those who want to pray to give it up, by forcing those who believe they shouldn't bake a gawd dam cake to do so..................

WHAT PART DON'T YOU GET....................................

But hey the schools can teach kids to worship ALLAH now can't they , they can teach how to read the Koran now can't they.
Ah hell, the government should supply everyone with a 2 K ton nuclear hand grenade. That way, when there is trouble in the neighborhood, a quick toss, and there will be no more trouble in that neighborhood.

I have owned guns for over 60 years. I have never had my right to own them questioned or challenged. Of course, I only have them out when hunting or when their may be a need for self defense. I don't run around trying to intimidate other citizens like so many of the NRA nuts.
Trump is an even bigger idiot than I thought if he is promising to make it even easier for people to own and carry guns. We have the highest gun murder rate in the civilized world. So let's make sure concealed carry is the law of the land.
Well, it's Trump, so what should I have expected? Hopefully, like most of his other stances, he'll back off this one, too, before anything is done about it.
Fuck the NRA, they have nothing to do with me, nor I with them.

Back when they were all about responsibility and education, I was a member. Now they're just a lobbyist group for gun manufacturers.

Even bigger reasons not to support them is they refuse to even consider legislation to save the lives of children and they lobbied to arm the mentally ill and known and suspected terrorists.

You don't get more un-American than modern-day NRA and their rabid supporters.

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Trump is an even bigger idiot than I thought if he is promising to make it even easier for people to own and carry guns. We have the highest gun murder rate in the civilized world. So let's make sure concealed carry is the law of the land.
Well, it's Trump, so what should I have expected? Hopefully, like most of his other stances, he'll back off this one, too, before anything is done about it.
You don't understand, more guns are always the answer to everything.

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