2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Yep. The only people that accepts that crap is just all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world. But you unlettered morons are so much smarter than all those people.

But why do they believe it? Because we all know that government funded studies are not really very good. They are always going to be biased towards the ones who give them money. It's their jobs, their livelihoods if they lose their funding.

Now, why do you believe so strongly that global warming is man made and not just a natural thing that happens . . . maybe every couple of million years or something?

Sure, you can go back and look at soil samples from a some time periods, but certainly not ALL of them, so it is certainly not out of the question that global warming could be a natural occurrence.

Also, you have yet to tell me why you would believe people who would manipulate their data and purposely place their instruments in certain locations in order to achieve certain results.
1st post
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community...
Climate change: How do we know?
Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?
Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

Once again the AGW cult shows that their religious propaganda is just that, propaganda not based on any real science..The true deniers of real science are the AGW cult!

LOLOLOLOL......I posted the links to scientific evidence supporting AGW, including some from NASA, but you are such a brainwashed and retarded rightwingnut denier cult troll that you can't recognize actual scientific evidence even when it is shoved in your stupid face, Klod. You are an idiot and a fool, like the other denier cult dingbats.

Gosh, why such anger? Can't we have a normal discussion without all the anger please? If you have some good articles, then just post them and prove your point. Do you think you would convince people to believe in global warming (man-made that is) with that kind of attitude? No, people will never listen to you when you come across in such a way.

Gosh, why such anger?

Rolling Blunder is angry because not everyone believes in and accepts the crap that he does. :cuckoo:

I'm still waiting for the BEST article. :biggrin:
OK, here you go;

Berkeley Earth
2014 was the hottest year on record.

Hence, I'm bumping this thread. It's important to keep pointing and laughing at the crybaby deniers and their hysterical cult conspiracy theories. Being deniers are emotion-driven creatures, they aren't affected by logic. You can't reason them out of their religion, as they weren't reasoned into it. Deniers act the way they do because it brings them emotional comfort. Therefore, the way to make them act differently is to make it emotionally painful for them to be deniers.

That is, all decent and ethical people should mock the denier losers until they cry.

So deniers, what's it feel like to be thought of as such losers by the whole planet? Stings, I bet it does. The entire planet considers you to be cult fruitloops. And the planet is correct.

It's not going to get any better for the denier cult. The laughter directed at you is only going to get louder. So what's the plan for the future? More whining? Even crazier conspiracy theories? You know, repeating all the nonsense that brought about your current faceplant?

Don't wait for your cult leaders to break out the koolaid vat, deniers. Slip away into the jungle now. Save yourselves from the upcoming mass suicide of your cult.

Your entire post is equal to a huge pile of bullshit.


Your evidence for which is?

And where is any your evidence claiming that AGW is real and that it's a threat?

Oh, that's right. You don't really have any because all that you ever really post is bullshit, that you continually claim to be true. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

Well, a dumb ignorant fuck like you would, of course, never read real science, in any case.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

CO2 lags temperature - what does it mean?
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What the science says...
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CO2 didn't initiate warming from past ice ages but it did amplify the warming. In fact, about 90% of the global warming followed the CO2 increase.

Climate Myth...
CO2 lags temperature
"An article in Science magazine illustrated that a rise in carbon dioxide did not precede a rise in temperatures, but actually lagged behind temperature rises by 200 to 1000 years. A rise in carbon dioxide levels could not have caused a rise in temperature if it followed the temperature." (Joe Barton)

Earth’s climate has varied widely over its history, from ice ages characterised by large ice sheets covering many land areas, to warm periods with no ice at the poles. Several factors have affected past climate change, including solar variability, volcanic activity and changes in the composition of the atmosphere. Data from Antarctic ice cores reveals an interesting story for the past 400,000 years. During this period, CO2 and temperatures are closely correlated, which means they rise and fall together. However, based on Antarctic ice core data, changes in CO2 follow changes in temperatures by about 600 to 1000 years, as illustrated in Figure 1 below. This has led some to conclude that CO2 simply cannot be responsible for current global warming.


Figure 1: Vostok ice core records for carbon dioxide concentration and temperature change.

Joe Baton is a fool and a liar... but I think you knew that as there are about 300 papers which show the lag. this is just more wiki Trash.. The use of a graph which uses 1,000 year plots makes the lag appear to be negligible but it is pure deception.
I started this thread eight months ago and the topic concerned the fact that even then, back in September 2014, climate scientists were predicting that 2014 was very likely to be the next new 'hottest year on record'. Well, 2014 did, in fact, turn out to be the new hottest year on record. And now, so far, 2015 is even hotter, and, with the El Niño in the Pacific, this year is now on track to become next new hottest year on record, further demolishing the idiotic denier cult propaganda memes.

The scientific fact is that Earth is continuously warming and had been for many decades now. As long as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels remain severely elevated as they are now, less energy will be able to escape away into space than is being received from the sun every day, so our planet will continue to warm up a little more every year. Variations in several natural climate factors can, to some degree, either enhance or mask the reflection of the underlying continuous warming trend in the surface air temperature records. Surface air temperatures account for less than 3% of the sun's energy the Earth is receiving, while the oceans are absorbing over 90% of the sun's heat. Even in just the surface air temperature record though, the warming trend is very clear. Good instrumental surface air temperature records extend back to 1880, and much farther in certain specific locales.

Figure 1 Global temperature (annual values) in the data from NASA GISS (orange) and from Cowtan & Way (blue), i.e. HadCRUT4 with interpolated data gaps. (source - RealClimate)

In this thread, I had mentioned that November 2013 was THE warmest November on record and that January 2014 was the 4th warmest January on record and also the 347th consecutive month with an average global temperature above the 20th century average. Well, 2014 turned into a string of record high temperature months and ended up being the next new 'hottest year on record', above 2010 and 2005, the previous record holders.

* March 2014 was also, like January, the fourth warmest March on record, surpassing the old record high set in March 2010, the previous hottest year on record.

* April 2014 tied with April 2010 for the record highest global average temperatures for the month.

* May was THE hottest May on record, surpassing the previous record high set in 2010. Four of the five warmest Mays on record have occurred in the past five years: 2010 (second warmest), 2012 (third warmest), 2013 (fifth warmest), and 2014 (warmest); currently, 1998 has the fourth warmest May on record. Additionally, May 2014 marked the 39th consecutive May and 351st consecutive month (more than 29 years) with a global temperature above the 20th century average.

* June was also the hottest June on record. Nine of the ten warmest Junes on record have occurred during the 21st century, including each of the past five years. Additionally, June 2014 marked the 38th consecutive June and 352nd consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average. The last below-average global temperature for June was June 1976 and the last below-average global temperature for any month was February 1985.

* July 2014, like January and March, ended up being the fourth warmest July on record. Eight of the 10 warmest July's have occurred within the past 10 years (2002 also ranks among the 10 warmest).

* August 2014 was the warmest August on record for the globe since records began in 1880. Nine of the 10 warmest August's on record have occurred during the 21st century. Additionally, August 2014 marked the 38th consecutive August with a temperature above the 20th century average. The last below-average global temperature for August occurred in 1976.

* September 2014 also set a record as the warmest September in the 135-year period of record.

* October 2014 also set a record with global temperature averaged across the world's land and ocean surfaces coming in as the highest on record for the month, at 0.74°C (1.33°F) above the 20th century average. This also marks the third consecutive month and fifth of the past six with a record high global temperature for its respective month (July was fourth highest).

* November 2014 was the seventh warmest November on record. The 12 warmest Novembers on record have all occurred during the 21st century.

* December 2014 also set the record as the hottest December since records began in 1880, surpassing the previous record set in 2006. This is the 10th consecutive month (since March 2014) with a global monthly temperature ranking among the seven highest for its respective month. December also marks the sixth month of 2014 to set a new monthly high temperature record. December was the 358th consecutive month with a global temperature above the 20th century average.

The year 2014 was the warmest year across global land and ocean surfaces since records began in 1880. The annually-averaged temperature was 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F), easily breaking the previous records of 2005 and 2010. This also marks the 38th consecutive year (since 1977) that the yearly global temperature was above average. Including 2014, 9 of the 10 warmest years in the 135-year period of record have occurred in the 21st century. 1998 currently ranks no higher than the fourth warmest year on record.

So, 2014, from January to December, was the hottest calendar year on record going back to at least 1880 with the instrumental record, and very probably much, much further back according to the proxie temperature records. The calendar year is arbitrary. Scientists also calculate the running hottest twelve months on record. This has provided additional evidence of the continuing increase in global temperatures. After the 2014 calendar year captured the record as the hottest year on record, February 2014 to January 2015 beat the record to become the new hottest twelve months on record. But that record was short lived since March 2014 to February 2015 wound up as the new hottest twelve months on record. Now that record has also been broken because April 2014 to March 2015 is currently the new hottest twelve months on record. With the El Niño conditions in the pacific, the rest of 2015 will almost certainly be breaking even more high temperature records.


This is a 12-month moving average, that shows the march of temperature changes over time, rather than just once every calendar year,

2015 Already Setting Heat Records
by Becky Oskin, Senior Writer
April 17, 2015
The first three months of 2015 set new global heat records, government officials announced today (April 17). January, February and March set new high-temperature records, respectively; each month was warmer than any on the books since record keeping started 136 years ago. March also ended the hottest 12-month period on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported. Seven of the past 11 months have tied or set new record-high monthly temperatures.


Temperature differences (from the global average) during March. - Credit: NOAA

It was only the hottest because of fabrication and out right lying.. The satellites told us the real story..
No you posted AGW cult religious dogma that is not based in science..

Which proves that the AGW cult is against real science.

No where did you post the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate..

Climate change: How do we know?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL......and Klod once again demonstrates his utter insanity by calling NASA science "religious dogma".....denier cultists are soooooo crazy.....
But why do they believe it? Because we all know that government funded studies are not really very good. They are always going to be biased towards the ones who give them money. It's their jobs, their livelihoods if they lose their funding.

That kind of conspiracy theory is why your cult is laughed at. People with the facts on their side talk about the science. But the facts contradict your cult, leaving you with just conspiracy theories and handwaving.

Now, why do you believe so strongly that global warming is man made and not just a natural thing that happens . . . maybe every couple of million years or something

"Natural cycles" isn't a theory, it's an evasion used by people who have no facts on their side. Natural cycles always have causes. Can you name the causes of this current supposed "natural cycle" of warming? No? Then you're just waving your hands around and evading the issue.

We _know_ it's a not a natural cycle.

First, the natural cycle for the past 5,000 years and at least the next 20,000 years is a very slow cooling. Instead, we see a sudden fast warming.

Second, we directly measure the stratospheric cooling, the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradiation. There is no "natural cycles" theory of warming that explains those observations. That means all the "natural cycles" theories are wrong. Period. In contrast, AGW theory perfectly explains the observed evidence. Therefore, it is the accepted theory.

What? You mean your cult didn't tell you how the actual physical data flatly contradicts their conspiracy theory? Imagine that. You might want to ask them why they didn't tell you.

Sure, you can go back and look at soil samples from a some time periods, but certainly not ALL of them, so it is certainly not out of the question that global warming could be a natural occurrence.

Or we can keep directly measuring the evidence that right now says the "natural cycles" theory is crap. And hey, we do do that. Don't worry, you can still retreat back to the "All the data is faked!" conspiracy theory. You'll have lots of company, as all deniers eventually sink to that level.

Also, you have yet to tell me why you would believe people who would manipulate their data and purposely place their instruments in certain locations in order to achieve certain results.

I wouldn't. What's that got to do with anything?

You're parroting another one of your cult's crazy conspiracy theories. Nobody outside of your cult pays any attention to it. The whole planet is not engaged in a big secret conspiracy against you. You're just babbling nonsense conspiracy theories.
But why do they believe it? Because we all know that government funded studies are not really very good. They are always going to be biased towards the ones who give them money. It's their jobs, their livelihoods if they lose their funding.

That kind of conspiracy theory is why your cult is laughed at. People with the facts on their side talk about the science. But the facts contradict your cult, leaving you with just conspiracy theories and handwaving.

Now, why do you believe so strongly that global warming is man made and not just a natural thing that happens . . . maybe every couple of million years or something

"Natural cycles" isn't a theory, it's an evasion used by people who have no facts on their side. Natural cycles always have causes. Can you name the causes of this current supposed "natural cycle" of warming? No? Then you're just waving your hands around and evading the issue.

We _know_ it's a not a natural cycle.

First, the natural cycle for the past 5,000 years and at least the next 20,000 years is a very slow cooling. Instead, we see a sudden fast warming.

Second, we directly measure the stratospheric cooling, the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradiation. There is no "natural cycles" theory of warming that explains those observations. That means all the "natural cycles" theories are wrong. Period. In contrast, AGW theory perfectly explains the observed evidence. Therefore, it is the accepted theory.

What? You mean your cult didn't tell you how the actual physical data flatly contradicts their conspiracy theory? Imagine that. You might want to ask them why they didn't tell you.

Sure, you can go back and look at soil samples from a some time periods, but certainly not ALL of them, so it is certainly not out of the question that global warming could be a natural occurrence.

Or we can keep directly measuring the evidence that right now says the "natural cycles" theory is crap. And hey, we do do that. Don't worry, you can still retreat back to the "All the data is faked!" conspiracy theory. You'll have lots of company, as all deniers eventually sink to that level.

Also, you have yet to tell me why you would believe people who would manipulate their data and purposely place their instruments in certain locations in order to achieve certain results.

I wouldn't. What's that got to do with anything?

You're parroting another one of your cult's crazy conspiracy theories. Nobody outside of your cult pays any attention to it. The whole planet is not engaged in a big secret conspiracy against you. You're just babbling nonsense conspiracy theories.

Well, first of all, I don't have any cult.

No, natural cycles are natural processes. Lol.

As I said, you can only go back so far. You do not know what happened before that. The earth is VERY old, you know.

Sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo that really doesn't mean anything. What physical data are you referring to?

How is the natural cycles theory crap? Explain please.

We? Are you trying to make yourself out to be a climatologist now?
If you want me to spend long hours tutoring you on the basics, I charge for that. I only work for free for people who have an honest desire to learn.

I will help you out with a website debunking the many, many denier conspiracy theories.

Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says

(Yep, I did that deliberately, to make certain heads explode. Cook Derangement Syndrome is hilarious.)
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community...
Climate change: How do we know?
Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?
Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

Once again the AGW cult shows that their religious propaganda is just that, propaganda not based on any real science..The true deniers of real science are the AGW cult!

LOLOLOLOL......I posted the links to scientific evidence supporting AGW, including some from NASA, but you are such a brainwashed and retarded rightwingnut denier cult troll that you can't recognize actual scientific evidence even when it is shoved in your stupid face, Klod. You are an idiot and a fool, like the other denier cult dingbats.

Gosh, why such anger? Can't we have a normal discussion without all the anger please? If you have some good articles, then just post them and prove your point. Do you think you would convince people to believe in global warming (man-made that is) with that kind of attitude? No, people will never listen to you when you come across in such a way.

Gosh, why such anger?

Rolling Blunder is angry because not everyone believes in and accepts the crap that he does. :cuckoo:

I'm still waiting for the BEST article. :biggrin:
OK, here you go;

Berkeley Earth

Okay, interesting, but I don't see that it really proves anything. It's a bunch of charts and stuff about how the temperatures have allegedly risen. It does not address the fact that they have manipulated data or that they have placed their measuring devices in specific areas to create a specific outcome.

Here is the only statement about that in your link . . . .

"Berkeley Earth also has carefully studied issues raised by skeptics, such as possible biases from urban heating, data selection, poor station quality, and data adjustment. We have demonstrated that these do not unduly bias the results."

Where have they demonstrated the results? I don't see any other data related to that. How did they go about doing this? What did they study to disprove it.

Of course if you place a thermometer in the middle of a black top parking lot, your readings are going to be abnormally high, don't you agree with that?
Of course if you place a thermometer in the middle of a black top parking lot, your readings are going to be abnormally high, don't you agree with that?

But nobody does that.

So why do you keep telling that lie? Nobody is manipulating data. Only pathologically dishonest conspiracy cultists push that claim. Therefore, you must be such a cultist.

Yes, it is that simple and that obvious. You give your cult affiliation away by always coming back to that lie.
If you want me to spend long hours tutoring you on the basics, I charge for that. I only work for free for people who have an honest desire to learn.

I will help you out with a website debunking the many, many denier conspiracy theories.

Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says

(Yep, I did that deliberately, to make certain heads explode. Cook Derangement Syndrome is hilarious.)

I don't deny that there is or could be a global warming trend. I just don't see how anyone, with 100% certainty, could say that it is related to anything we have done. I believe that I learned before that there actually have been periods in time when the climate has cooled (ice ages) and times when it has warmed up a lot as well. How do we know for sure that it isn't a trend. Going back 5000 or even 10,000 years is not very long, relatively speaking.
Of course if you place a thermometer in the middle of a black top parking lot, your readings are going to be abnormally high, don't you agree with that?

But nobody does that.

So why do you keep telling that lie? Nobody is manipulating data. Only patholgocially dishonest cultists push that claim. Therefore, you must be such a cultist.

Yes, it is that simple and that obvious. You gave your cult affiliation away by always coming back to that lie.

So that didn't manipulate any data? Is that your claim? Even the site the other poster linked to said that they did, but they claim it didn't make a difference.
Of course if you place a thermometer in the middle of a black top parking lot, your readings are going to be abnormally high, don't you agree with that?

But nobody does that.

So why do you keep telling that lie? Nobody is manipulating data. Only pathologically dishonest cultists push that claim. Therefore, you must be such a cultist.

Yes, it is that simple and that obvious. You give your cult affiliation away by always coming back to that lie.

Your continued silliness in accusing me of being in some sort of "cult" is not going to stop me from asking questions. Just to let you know.

I'm on to the fact that this is what you do, instead of having an honest discussion or explaining yourself. You resort to insults in the hopes that you will distract from the questions being asked and the discussion taking place. Well, it's not going to work.
Do you really think your crybaby act here is anything new? Most deniers try it. They make some crazy unsupported claim and then get all butthurt when called on it.

Your specific claim is that scientists commonly and deliberately placed thermometers in parking lots to raise the temperature. So, support that claim. With sources. And not just a random photo. Show the collections of actual station data reading hot. After all, you say that's what's happening, so there must be data somewhere.

I can, of course, show your claim is a fable. I can show the few "bad" stations did not read hot, as they were corrected for the UHI effect. But for now, I'm having too much fun making you squirm with the horrible, unreasonable request that you back up your bullshit claims. So what lame excuse are you going to come up with to justify not supporting your conspiracy theory?
Snipped to eliminate total bullshit.

Or we can keep directly measuring the evidence that right now says the "natural cycles" theory is crap. And hey, we do do that.

Natural cycles theory is crap????????


What do you see here every 80 or 90 thousand years? Where are we now? What do you expect will happen NATURALLY in about 50,000 years?
Snipped to eliminate total bullshit.

Or we can keep directly measuring the evidence that right now says the "natural cycles" theory is crap. And hey, we do do that.

Natural cycles theory is crap????????


What do you see here every 80 or 90 thousand years? Where are we now? What do you expect will happen NATURALLY in about 50,000 years?

Have to add this:

Getting back to the topic of the thread, here's more evidence of the continuing and accelerating warming of the Earth as the still rising carbon dioxide levels trap more and more of the sun's energy, and global warming continues and accelerates, making the beginning of this year the hottest on record. And that's just the heat increasing in the atmosphere. The oceans are absorbing over 90% of the excess heat that is being retained while the atmosphere has only been taking in about 3%.

Earth Hits New Milestone: 2015 Marks Warmest January to March On Record
By Jon Erdman
Published Apr 20 2015
The first three months of 2015 have been the warmest January-March on record for the globe, according to three separate analyses released this week.

NOAA's state of the climate report released Friday says January-March 2015 topped the previous record warm first quarter of any year set in 2002.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies also found January-March to be record warm for the globe, with a surface temperature anomaly of 7.9 degrees Celsius, relative to the 1951-1980 average, topping the previous record from 2002 of 7.7 degrees Celsius. Both NOAA and NASA's global temperature records date to 1880.

March 2015 was the warmest March globally, as well, according to NOAA. Eight of the past 12 months -- March, December, October, September, August, June, May and April -- have either tied or set new global warm records for their respective months.

NOAA said only two other months -- February 1998 and January 2007 -- had higher global temperature anomalies for their respective months than March 2015.

An analysis from the Japan Meteorological Agency found March 2015 to be the warmest in their dataset dating to 1891. Four of the five warmest Marches in JMA records have occurred this century, including 2010 (second warmest), 2002 (third warmest) and 2014 (fifth warmest).

The first three months of 2015 were much warmer than average over a vast extent of Europe and Asia, particularly from Scandinavia and eastern Europe across much of Russia, as well as a swath of western Canada and the western United States, including Alaska.

Seven western U.S. states set their record warmest January-March periods, according to NOAA.

One of the few consistently cold spots has been eastern Canada and the northeastern quarter of the United States. New York and Vermont shivered through their coldest January-March on record in 2015.
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

So basically nothing!

Even James Hansen who invited the whole AGW cult movement can not prove with datasets and source code that CO2 controls climate, not even after 35+ years..
It only looks that way to you because of how extremely far you have your head jammed up your ass, you poor delusional retard. Ignoring the evidence doesn't make it magically go away, numbnuts.
now that is a real scientific response. just show us how that is at all possible? Scientifically!
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