2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Now jc adds some fine paranoia into his histrionic personality disorder. The whole world is plotting against him, he says, and his tiny kook fringe cult alone knows the real truth.

Essentially all hardcore deniers have major personality disorders. Healthy minds simply don't get sucked into the denier cult.

It's not paranoia when they have admitted to the alterations though is it...

Hey westwall - if a weather station changes its regular temperature recording time from noon to 1 pm , and all of a sudden it sees a 1 degree rise in average recorded temperature - did the Earth actually warm by 1 degree?

Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?
They want to lie to us so they can tax us and grow global bureaucracy.
About 5 years ago when the IPCC's emails got hacked, it became known that they adjusted data to fit their predictions. When a Freedom of Information request sought the orriginal data set, we were told that it was "lost".

Like Lois Lehrner's and hillary clinton's emails and hillary's Rose Law Firm billing records.


I hate politicians, but it's certainly not JUST liberal politicians that lie . . . they are basically all the same to me.
It's not paranoia when they have admitted to the alterations though is it...

Hey westwall - if a weather station changes its regular temperature recording time from noon to 1 pm , and all of a sudden it sees a 1 degree rise in average recorded temperature - did the Earth actually warm by 1 degree?

Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.
In other words, from the discredited IPCC data.... Did they lose the raw numbers this year too?
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.

scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC
Really? What scientific evidence? Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. :cuckoo:

That so-called "scientific evidence"? :lmao:
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Hey westwall - if a weather station changes its regular temperature recording time from noon to 1 pm , and all of a sudden it sees a 1 degree rise in average recorded temperature - did the Earth actually warm by 1 degree?

Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.

Well, I do find it strange how they continually push this global warming stuff. Now, what makes them think anything would work to stop it. I would assume that it is one of those things that, once it gets going, there isn't much humans would be able to do to stop it or even slow it down.

Another thing I wonder about is why couldn't this just be a kind of cycle that the earth goes through? They can only go back so far in history to find out and even then, the accuracy of their findings could be questionable. The earth has gone through warming and cooling trends in the past before human beings even existed after all.
Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.

Well, I do find it strange how they continually push this global warming stuff. Now, what makes them think anything would work to stop it. I would assume that it is one of those things that, once it gets going, there isn't much humans would be able to do to stop it or even slow it down.

Another thing I wonder about is why couldn't this just be a kind of cycle that the earth goes through? They can only go back so far in history to find out and even then, the accuracy of their findings could be questionable. The earth has gone through warming and cooling trends in the past before human beings even existed after all.

Everything is cyclic. The problem is you can't squeeze the public for money if it's natural. That's why the propaganda assault.
Hey westwall - if a weather station changes its regular temperature recording time from noon to 1 pm , and all of a sudden it sees a 1 degree rise in average recorded temperature - did the Earth actually warm by 1 degree?

Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.

James Hansen had to support that 16 room mansion and his Bentley somehow..
Depends on who's math you use. Michael Mann's math says it must, and if the data still doesn't show what it "should", you "adjust" the previous year's data and "lose" the original copies.

Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.

James Hansen had to support that 16 room mansion and his Bentley somehow..
He was going to write a book called An Unsupportable Scam, but lost his outline.
Do they really do that? How dishonest!! What is with the global warmers anyway? Why do they want to lie to us?

Yes, they do. Most recently they have been caught going back and falsifying the global temperature data from 50 years ago to make it colder back then, so that the "warmer" temperatures today can be declared "record setting".

Why? Why do they want to make us believe something that isn't true?

Money and power. Mainly money for the "scientists" but the politicians pushing it want power over pretty much everything that you do. We're talking tens of trillions of dollars here. The largest fraud of all time.

James Hansen had to support that 16 room mansion and his Bentley somehow..
He was going to write a book called An Unsupportable Scam, but lost his outline.

Well he does still command that $30,000 per 30 minutes speaking fee to talk about AGW while flying on jets, riding in limos and staying in 5 star hotels..
Great gig, if you can get it, but my resume is somewhat limited. I've never lost emails, fudged data or denied having sex with Monica Lewinsky.
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

So basically nothing!

Even James Hansen who invited the whole AGW cult movement can not prove with datasets and source code that CO2 controls climate, not even after 35+ years..
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere

And thanks for proving that you're still FULL OF SHIT as usual, dumbfuck. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar:

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Let's suppose you were convicted of a crime in which the principle witness against you was convicted of perjury. Wouldn't you be wanting to get out of jail?

You people keep citing "science" that is based on lies.

So, after seeing the April 2015 data, all the deniers here have gone into full blubbering meltdown mode. With their eyes all red and weepy, snot dribbling down their faces, they've run to each other for comfort in a big manly group hug. A totally 110% heterosexual manly big group hug, you understand. After they whisper some sweet nothing conspiracies to each other, maybe have a smoke, they come on back, recharged and refreshed.

It's not going to get any better for the deniers. They're part of a dying cult. And they know it, hence the hysteria. That probably ends one way, with a koolaid vat, though we're talking a figurative koolaid vat this time. Take my good advice, deniers, and slip away into the jungle now. After you reappear, pretend that you were never a denier. We'll promise not to needle you over it. We'll give up that satisfaction, just to keep you alive, that's the kind of good people we are.
So, after seeing the April 2015 data, all the deniers here have gone into full blubbering meltdown mode. With their eyes all red and weepy, snot dribbling down their faces, they've run to each other for comfort in a big manly group hug. A totally 110% heterosexual manly big group hug, you understand. After they whisper some sweet nothing conspiracies to each other, they come on back, recharged and refreshed.

It's not going to get any better for the deniers. They're part of a dying cult. And they know it, hence the hysteria. That probably ends one way, with a koolaid vat, though we're talking a figurative koolaid vat this time. Take my good advice, deniers, and slip away into the jungle now. After you reappear, pretend that you were never a denier. We'll promise not to needle you over it. We'll give up that satisfaction, just to keep you alive, that's the kind of good people we are.

And of course the AGW cult has nothing but their religious propaganda!
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

So basically nothing!

Even James Hansen who invited the whole AGW cult movement can not prove with datasets and source code that CO2 controls climate, not even after 35+ years..
It only looks that way to you because of how extremely far you have your head jammed up your ass, you poor delusional retard. Ignoring the evidence doesn't make it magically go away, numbnuts.
So, after seeing the April 2015 data, all the deniers here have gone into full blubbering meltdown mode. With their eyes all red and weepy, snot dribbling down their faces, they've run to each other for comfort in a big manly group hug. A totally 110% heterosexual manly big group hug, you understand. After they whisper some sweet nothing conspiracies to each other, maybe have a smoke, they come on back, recharged and refreshed.

It's not going to get any better for the deniers. They're part of a dying cult. And they know it, hence the hysteria. That probably ends one way, with a koolaid vat, though we're talking a figurative koolaid vat this time. Take my good advice, deniers, and slip away into the jungle now. After you reappear, pretend that you were never a denier. We'll promise not to needle you over it. We'll give up that satisfaction, just to keep you alive, that's the kind of good people we are.

Well, if they change and manipulate data and if they place their temperature measuring equipment in areas that tend to be hotter (because of black top or perhaps on the roof of a building), then why should they be taken seriously? Also, the fact that they are funded by the government and probably have a self interest in keeping their jobs?
Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC, since the evidence of continuing and increasing warming of the planet has become so obvious to everybody who doesn't have their head jammed up their ass.
Really? What scientific evidence?
The enormous amounts of scientific evidence that has convinced virtually the entire world scientific community that AGW/CC is very real and very dangerous to our civilization, our food sources, and the Earth's biosphere, you poor deluded nutjob. The scientific evidence that you keep yourself from seeing by your simple expedient of keeping your head firmly lodged up your ass.

Climate change: How do we know?

Empirical evidence that humans are causing global warming

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming?

Oh you mean all those bullshit lies, and misinformation, and fraudulent science that gullible dumbasses like yourself believe to be true. That so-called "scientific evidence"?
As I just said: "Insane crackpot conspiracy theories are all the denier cultists have left to work with to try to deny the scientific evidence supporting AGW/CC"

Thanks for so quickly demonstrating that fact, dumbass.

So basically nothing!

Even James Hansen who invited the whole AGW cult movement can not prove with datasets and source code that CO2 controls climate, not even after 35+ years..
It only looks that way to you because of how extremely far you have your head jammed up your ass, you poor delusional retard. Ignoring the evidence doesn't make it magically go away, numbnuts.

Once again the AGW cult shows that their religious propaganda is just that, propaganda not based on any real science..

The true deniers of real science are the AGW cult!

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