2013 was the 4th warmest year based on noaa data


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Global Highlights
• The year 2013 ties with 2003 as the fourth warmest year globally since records began in 1880. The annual global combined land and ocean surface temperature was 0.62°C (1.12°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This marks the 37th consecutive year (since 1976) that the yearly global temperature was above average. Currently, the warmest year on record is 2010, which was 0.66°C (1.19°F) above average. Including 2013, 9 of the 10 warmest years in the 134-year period of record have occurred in the 21st century. Only one year during the 20th century—1998—was warmer than 2013.

•Separately, the 2013 global average land surface temperature was 0.99°C (1.78°F) above the 20th century average of 8.5°C (47.3°F), the fourth highest annual value on record.

•The 2013 global average ocean temperature was 0.48°C (0.86°F) above the 20th century average of 16.1°C (60.9°F) and tied with 2006 as the eighth highest annual temperature on record and the highest since 2010, the last time El Niño conditions were present in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. ENSO-neutral conditions were present in this region during all of 2013.

•Precipitation measured at land-based stations around the globe was near average on balance for 2013, at just 0.31 mm above the long-term average. However, as is typical, precipitation varied greatly from region to region. This is the second consecutive year with near-average global precipitation at land-based stations.
Global Analysis - Annual 2013 | State of the Climate | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Will be waiting for giss data later today...


About .04c cooler then the warmest year back in 2010 with a nino.
The GISS data set, used by NASA, said 7th warmest.

NASA Finds 2013 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend | NASA

Like you said, the GHCN-Monthly data set, used by NOAA, said 2013 was 4rth warmest

Preliminary results from the HadCRUT4 data set, used by the British at Hadley and The Met, said 9th warmest. Final results come out in March.

Here's the ENSO forecast. All the models show it creeping from the current slight negative into the positive, though short of an El Nino, which requires a sustained +1.0. The effect on air temps lags the ENSO state by about 6 months. So, that will make the 2014 effect of ENSO kind of neutral. But that's instead of the chilling effect it had in 2013.

International Research Institute for Climate and Society | 2014 January Quick Look

which altered data set?

pity the poor denialists. The data keeps saying they're full of shit, hence all they've got left is their various 'tard conspiracy theories about how everyone in the world is faking data.

NOAA says 4th. NASA says 7th. Rss says 10th. Cet says 107th. Had cry says 8th.

Pity the poor warmer wackos. They are all over the board
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125 years is five generations for mankind. Definately an eyeblink on the geological timescale, but rather significant when considering the future of our children and grandchildren. But, that is not something that concerns 'Conservatives'.
125 years is five generations for mankind. Definately an eyeblink on the geological timescale, but rather significant when considering the future of our children and grandchildren. But, that is not something that concerns 'Conservatives'.

That's not true. We're very concerned about having your death worshipping crazy AGWCult using phony "science" and altered data to get control over the US sconomy
125 years is five generations for mankind. Definately an eyeblink on the geological timescale, but rather significant when considering the future of our children and grandchildren. But, that is not something that concerns 'Conservatives'.

Yeah Ray, but what of the poor who get placed deeper into the poor house due to green energy policies. Why does that not concern liberals?

The fact is......green energy policies whack the poor!!!!


CARPE DIEM: Green Energy Policies Harm the Poor

Green-energy policy hurts America - Diana Furchtgott-Roth - MarketWatch

EconoMonitor : Ed Dolan's Econ Blog » How Fuel Subsidies Around the World Burden the Rich and the Poor Alike, with Lessons for the US

I think that sucks.
Pity dumb asses like you that think that Hockey Schtick and Watts are scientifically credible sites.

2013 continued the string of warmest years since the 1880's all being since 2000, excepting 1998.

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Dec. 2013: +0.27 Deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Most everything he posts is peer reviewed studies....actual science as opposed to your pal reviewed crap and hysterical media headlines.

Don't you know? Peer reviewed material is only relevant if it supports their position. Everything else is nonsense. Like this.

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes
Pity dumb asses like you that think that Hockey Schtick and Watts are scientifically credible sites.

2013 continued the string of warmest years since the 1880's all being since 2000, excepting 1998.

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Dec. 2013: +0.27 Deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Most everything he posts is peer reviewed studies....actual science as opposed to your pal reviewed crap and hysterical media headlines.

And you are full of shit. Try and find the original article on those sites. They do not give links to them. Most of the time I post either abstracts from the original papers, or the complete pdf's of the papers, when available. If they want to make a point, posts links to the original papers, as well as their interpretation of it.
Pity dumb asses like you that think that Hockey Schtick and Watts are scientifically credible sites.

2013 continued the string of warmest years since the 1880's all being since 2000, excepting 1998.

UAH v5.6 Global Temperature Update for Dec. 2013: +0.27 Deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Most everything he posts is peer reviewed studies....actual science as opposed to your pal reviewed crap and hysterical media headlines.

And you are full of shit. Try and find the original article on those sites. They do not give links to them. Most of the time I post either abstracts from the original papers, or the complete pdf's of the papers, when available. If they want to make a point, posts links to the original papers, as well as their interpretation of it.

Obviously you have never looked so you lie in an effort to cover the fact that you don't know what you are talking about....every time he states a study was published, he provides a link to either the study, or the journal in which it was published....every time. Feel free to point to any published study posted at that site that doesn't include a link. If you click on the title of the paper, you are taken to it. It always amazes that you guys would rather get caught in a lie than simply learn something.

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