2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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This debate is on foreign policy, Romney has no plans that he can communicate on foreign policy or the economy. The president does.

Try not to get dizzy under all that spin.

Perhaps on your planet, but here on Earth Governor Romney has outlined his plans on both domestic issues and several foreign policy issues, but Obama has avoided saying what he plans to do if reelected, preferring to base his campaign on mocking Romney.

If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

I see you already voted that the president won the debate. It hasn't started yet. That's just as bad when people were interviewed and asked about a presidential debate that didn't happen. "Yeah, Obama was great!" Makes you look foolish and very very biased.
Perhaps on your planet, but here on Earth Governor Romney has outlined his plans on both domestic issues and several foreign policy issues, but Obama has avoided saying what he plans to do if reelected, preferring to base his campaign on mocking Romney.

If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

I see you already voted that the president won the debate. It hasn't started yet. That's just as bad when people were interviewed and asked about a presidential debate that didn't happen. "Yeah, Obama was great!" Makes you look foolish and very very biased.

And I see you didn't read through the thread before posting your mindless nonsense.
Governor Romney has had no problem articulating his plans for helping the economy to grow, reducing the deficit and reducing unemployment, but apparently you have been unable to hear what he has to say. He will lower taxes for both consumers and investors, remove government incentives that direct spending and investments, provide incentives for US companies to invest overseas profits back here in the US instead of keeping them offshore to avoid US taxes. Obama has articulated no plan for helping the economy to grow in the next four years.

In foreign policy, Romney has pledged to restore America's influence in the world. He will try to repair the damage Obama has done to the ME peace process, take firm effective action to prevent Iran from becoming nuclear capable after four years of Obama's weak indecisive policy has moved Iran four years closer to having nuclear weapons, restore America's air defenses after Obama cut funding for long range anti ballistic missile systems and was bullied by Putin into withdrawing plans for installing missile defense systems in eastern Europe, take firm effective action to stop the drain on the US economy caused by China's currency manipulations after four years of the weak indecisive Obama administration produced nothing but ineffectual gestures for starters. Obama has told us nothing about what he plans to do in the next four years if he is reelected.

nothing you listed under foreign policy, is anything other than "I will make it good. I will make it good. I will make it good."

you call it "plan" I call it unsupported assertion.

I have, of course, only outlined some of Governor Romney's proposals. If you want more details, see what the Governor has to say. Obama, of course, has told us nothing about what he plans to do in the next four years if he is reelected.

An American Century | Mitt Romney for President

The first and foremost thing is not to be Republican. Everything else after that is gravy.
It's going to start now!

Good luck to Mitt Romney!!!!!!!!:clap2::D

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