2012: Obama Wins. Now what?

Total bunk.
The GOP controls the House. Last I checked the Senate was under Democratic control, and stopping most GOP measures.
Obama would face a Congress heavily Republican, and not inclined to work with him, as the Congress was under Bush (hint: who wrote No Child Left Behind?).
No president has been re elected with such lousy economic numbers. And they are getting worse. Obama's solutions have all failed, and all he can do is propose more of them.

So.....can we finally concede that Rick Perry is a non-factor?

That leaves us with Romney, who even the Republicans have to hold their nose to back. Obama is still much more popular than any Republican right now. Romney can't pull numbers against the bunch of stiffs he is running against.....he won't do anything against Obama

Once Obama is reelected, and he will be, what cards do the Republicans have? The Bush tax cuts are DOA given the current animosity between the parties. No way they get extended unless you have something to deal. What do Republicans have to deal? Another threatened government shutdown? That card has already been played twice.....how many more times do Repubs think they can play it?

You dont get it. If the GOP nominates Bachmann, she will win. If they nominate Santorum he will win. If they nominate Bozo the Clown, he would win.
Obama is the worst president in history. He is the worst world leader since Idi Amin.

Go with that..

It will prove to be the biggest political strategy blunder in history
So.....can we finally concede that Rick Perry is a non-factor?

That leaves us with Romney, who even the Republicans have to hold their nose to back. Obama is still much more popular than any Republican right now. Romney can't pull numbers against the bunch of stiffs he is running against.....he won't do anything against Obama

Once Obama is reelected, and he will be, what cards do the Republicans have? The Bush tax cuts are DOA given the current animosity between the parties. No way they get extended unless you have something to deal. What do Republicans have to deal? Another threatened government shutdown? That card has already been played twice.....how many more times do Repubs think they can play it?

You dont get it. If the GOP nominates Bachmann, she will win. If they nominate Santorum he will win. If they nominate Bozo the Clown, he would win.
Obama is the worst president in history. He is the worst world leader since Idi Amin.

Go with that..

It will prove to be the biggest political strategy blunder in history

No, I think running against Congress will be the worst blunder in history. Second to electing Obama, of course.
Well? What will you do? Complain and shout hyperbolic things for another four years?
Ya' gotta figure......that's worked, well-enough, for congressional-Republicans to keep drawing a check.....those (same) folks who are constantly trashing unemployed-minorities for being so lazy. :rolleyes:
So let's say the unthinkable happens and Obama wins re-election (G-d forbid). He is sworn in in January 2013 (Heaven forbid) and serves another 4 years (L-rd save us). Now what?
The Congress will go over to the GOP, having the lowest ratings in years. What will Obama do for 4 years? He is the most compromised president in history. He doesn't have a shred of credibility with the GOP, having demonized them for over 4 years. He has proven he cannot work with them. He has proven he ignores all advice contrary to his own ideas (see, Simpson-Bowles). He is unable to get a single piece of legislation through Congress. And his regulatory moves are blocked by Congressional action.
Is that really the formula for success? Gridlock?
No, Obama is unable to govern. The Dems need to choose someone else as a sacrificial lamb.

Truman and Johnson didn't want any part of what Obama would be in store for.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......how specific.

Obama will win and continue to provide us with good leadership.

He saved the country from another great depression, the economy is recovering, Bin Laden is dead, and the deficit problem will be taken care of after Jan. of 2013.

America's future is bright.
You dont get it. If the GOP nominates Bachmann, she will win. If they nominate Santorum he will win. If they nominate Bozo the Clown, he would win. Obama is the worst president in history. He is the worst world leader since Idi Amin.

You are just so wrong on all of that.

You must want Obama to win.
You dont get it. If the GOP nominates Bachmann, she will win. If they nominate Santorum he will win. If they nominate Bozo the Clown, he would win.
Obama is the worst president in history. He is the worst world leader since Idi Amin.

Go with that..

It will prove to be the biggest political strategy blunder in history

No, I think running against Congress will be the worst blunder in history. Second to electing Obama, of course.

Congress with the 8% approval rating?

Hell yes Obama will run against Congress as in "How could I get anything done trying to work with these a-holes?"

The recently elected Tea Tards will suffer a blood bath in the 2012 elections. Look for Nancy Pelosi to be back calling the shots in 2013
America's survived bad presidents before, but not like him, and for two terms. I'd have to contemplate the unthinkable- leaving her:(

I disagree with most of the original posts premises:

- Obama winning isn't unthinkable. It is eminently imaginable: Obama as president in 2013 would not be unimaginably different from the President Obama of 2009-11. It is not unlikely either-- Intrade gives him better than even odds.

- Congress cannot "go over to the GOP", since it is already more under their control than it is under Democratic control. Republicans have a strong majority in the House which can only go down, and they might even lose majority (~27% odds on Intrade). They probably will take the Senate (~74% odds) but will almost certainly not have a filibuster-proof majority. Congress's approval ratings are low, but Republicans have even lower ratings than Democrats.

- Democrats don't need another candidate. Obama has by far the largest odds of reelection and is the most popular elected official in the country by a wide margin. You clearly don't like him, but the Democratic voters who would choose a nominee have no reason to reject him.

- Obama is in very little danger of seeing his veto routinely overridden. GWB became incredibly unpopular and yet while his vetoes were overridden four times, none of these were on major or publicly controversial bills.

Regardless of who is elected President in 2012, fewer major pieces of legislature will be passed than will have been in Obama's first term. Important pieces such as the patent law or the food safety law will still be passable, and major pieces may be passed in response to crises. There's no reason to believe that a Hillary or a Mitt would have more legislative success than Obama would.
Wonderful analysis. :clap2:

Tax cuts will lapse and world economy, now with new confidence, will rebound. Then Obamacare will start up- everyone will love it. New era of prosperity, Hillary elected in landslide.
I LIKE the sound of that! Indeed I do.
Same old threat Republicans have used for the last three years

If you do not get rid of Obama......we will obstruct the government till he is gone

Obama must FAIL....Part II

Newsflash: Obama has ALREADY failed.
Now we have to prevent the country from failing.

Nobody is more experienced than dealing withe the GOP temper tantrum than Obama. Doesn't matter who the president is, if he is not Republican, GOP gives us it's temper tantrum

With Clinton it was impeachment, with Obama it is stonewall Congress

Best action for Obamas second term is avoid any pretext of including them in the decision making process
Which temper tantrums are those. Examples please.
Why is it that Extreme Repubs/cons, like the ones who posted in this thread thus far, only like elections when they win? :eusa_eh: :eusa_boohoo: To me, and prolly a few others, the Repub line-up so far looks really weak. They've also gone through just about all of them except for Romney too :D The pundits were right when they said the real contenders were sitting out this cycle. They know it aint easy to beat an incumbent Prez ;)
You have to take the Senate. Screw Obama. If you have the House and the Senate the Bam Bam is toast.
It doesn't matter if he takes the Presidency.

The win is the Senate. That's what I'm signing up for. Let's remove O's power.

The GOP will need 67 votes in the Senate to over ride any BHO veto.

That won't happen next year.

Then NOTHING will get done until obama surrenders. If he refuses to play ball, he will be seen as the obstructionist and insure a Republican will occupy the White House for a good long time.
But why are we even arguing this?

Ain't gonna happen.
The GOP will need 67 votes in the Senate to over ride any BHO veto.

That won't happen next year.

:eusa_eh: yes..and? who is making an argument that would prompt that remark?

tinydancer is under the impression that a GOP House and Senate can pass legislation at will. They will find a second-term BHO will smile and say, "We will work together, or nothing will pass, and I will blame you to the American people." Worked for Clinton, and destroyed Newt opposing him.
And that is Obama in a nutshell. He is nothing but a politically motivated spoiled brat with an ego the size of Alaska.

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