2008 Looks Good 4 GOP -- 2010 Looking Good 4 Obama

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Considering 2008: I do not bet on elections this far out. But there are trends to follow. It seems the GOP is looking good for 2008, by a huge percentage point. :lol:

On the other hand, the game the GOP has been playing with Obama looks to be a snoozer---if the Economy does better than expected. You can bet on one thing---a few ads showing the Doom and Gloom of the Party of NO. (Dude, paying attention?)

Poll shows Republicans doing well in November as voting begins in three states

Poll shows Republicans doing well in November as voting begins in three states | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

In what is being viewed as important straws in the political winds, three states hold key elections on Tuesday but the latest polling continues to show Republicans are in a strong position in this midterm election year.

Voters said they preferred Republicans over Democrats by 46% to 45%, according to a Gallup tracking poll released Tuesday. It was the eighth week that Republican candidates matched or exceeded Democratic popularity in this type of generic ballot.


Rapid Economic Recovery Predicted. 2010 is looking like Obama's year.

Economic recovery will be rapid, San Francisco Fed researchers say - latimes.com

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Economic recovery will be rapid, San Francisco Fed researchers say
Defying many analysts' predictions, economists Justin Weidner and John C. Williams say the rebound 'is likely to be faster than from the two previous recessions.'
Still way too early to tell...

need to see the positive/negative impact of the Tea Baggers on the GOP
Still way too early to tell...

need to see the positive/negative impact of the Tea Baggers on the GOP

but, but, but "Voters said they preferred Republicans over Democrats by 46% to 45%,"

that is a Huge percentage point!:lol:


btw, 2010 comes, what will the arguments being used today to keep the base hysterical look like? Usually I'd say the GOP could give it a rest between 2008 and 2010, but not this time. I think the 'throw the bums out' stuff ---the fallout, will give the GOP angina and anxiety, just as the decision to put Buchanan onstage during the convention did.

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