200 million American's feeling bone breaking cold!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Arctic Blast Leaves 200 Million Americans In Record-Smashing, Freezing Temperatures | Zero Hedge

Gonna last well into the New Year s0ns!!!

Ever wonder why "climate change" never comes up in any of the presidential debates? Ever? Because on the priority list of American concerns, when half the year, 2/3rds of the country are having to sport nut sack warmers and gloves to prevent frostbite, nobody is going to be caring about global warming!!:bye1:

Check the Drudge Report headlines right now..............laughable. But not if you're a climate crusader!!

Oh nooooessss!!!11!!!!!! The Global Warming is at it again! We're all gonna die!!!!!!
How is this possible? I thought the polar icecaps melted and Florida is under water.

This is how it is possible. But, of course, none of the deniers on here will see what science has to say about the cold spells. Or warm spells. Or anything that has to do with real science. They prefer to get their 'science' from an obese junkie on the AM radio or a fake British Lord.

This is how it is possible. But, of course, none of the deniers on here will see what science has to say about the cold spells. Or warm spells. Or anything that has to do with real science. They prefer to get their 'science' from an obese junkie on the AM radio or a fake British Lord.

Science? I don't see no science.
You don't see much of anything, silly ass. Were you ever to get past third grade science, you might be able to comprehend what Dr. Francis is saying. Until then, you can glory in your willful ignorance.
You don't see much of anything, silly ass. Were you ever to get past third grade science, you might be able to comprehend what Dr. Francis is saying. Until then, you can glory in your willful ignorance.
Is Florida underwater yet?
You don't see much of anything, silly ass. Were you ever to get past third grade science, you might be able to comprehend what Dr. Francis is saying. Until then, you can glory in your willful ignorance.

Hey OldCracker, did you see the POTUS making fun of your beloved faith?

This should really frost your dumbass....LMFAO!!!

Trump Trolls Enviros Amid Arctic Temps: "Perhaps We Could Use A Bit Of Global Warming...Bundle Up"
Heres whats hysterical...........really hysterical about this stuff.........it appears mapping out analogies is necessary to put things into perspective!!

Say you plan a nice Bahama's vacation. Id say odds are, you want to go someplace near crystal clear water and a hot Carribean sun!! But you notice that for months, its only 60 degree's all the time leading up to your trip!! So.........do you go plop down $5,000 because the climate scientists tell you "no worries, its gonna get warmer!" or maybe opt for the Alaska cruise or a trip to France because you can see the Bahama's trip would suck? Only members of the religion would opt to plop down the 5K and go lay on a beachside lounge chair and freeze their balls off yet still proudly send a postcard home to the sane people of the world!!

The climate crusaders think that perceptions with this ball biting cold are of no consequence on peoples thinking. But the last 20 years show us otherwise. Because people can see that 0.3 degree's of temperature increase over many decades still means months and months of having blue balls and shoveling tons of snow for hundreds of millions of Americans. Nobody is calling their representative next Tuesday to demand action on climate change.......most people don't want to be labeled as nutter.

C'mon now........perhaps these people missed the memo: The Great Pumpkin never did come visit Linus!:bye1:

Perception is 95% reality s0ns.........except if you re a climate k00k!:up:
The cold snap we are having right now where I live in northern Wisconsin, is normal.

The cold snap we are having right now where I live in northern Wisconsin, is normal.

How can it be normal when each year it is supposed to be getting hotter? CO2 is "supposedly" increasing year after year so your theory of Global Warming is supposed to be increasing with it? Why isn't it hotter this year? Because you are all dumbasses....
Heres whats hysterical...........really hysterical about this stuff.........it appears mapping out analogies is necessary to put things into perspective!!

Say you plan a nice Bahama's vacation. Id say odds are, you want to go someplace near crystal clear water and a hot Carribean sun!! But you notice that for months, its only 60 degree's all the time leading up to your trip!! So.........do you go plop down $5,000 because the climate scientists tell you "no worries, its gonna get warmer!" or maybe opt for the Alaska cruise or a trip to France because you can see the Bahama's trip would suck? Only members of the religion would opt to plop down the 5K and go lay on a beachside lounge chair and freeze their balls off yet still proudly send a postcard home to the sane people of the world!!

The climate crusaders think that perceptions with this ball biting cold are of no consequence on peoples thinking. But the last 20 years show us otherwise. Because people can see that 0.3 degree's of temperature increase over many decades still means months and months of having blue balls and shoveling tons of snow for hundreds of millions of Americans. Nobody is calling their representative next Tuesday to demand action on climate change.......most people don't want to be labeled as nutter.

C'mon now........perhaps these people missed the memo: The Great Pumpkin never did come visit Linus!:bye1:

Perception is 95% reality s0ns.........except if you re a climate k00k!:up:

The thing is the perception of someone duped by the Church of Warmers, conflicts with reality. I have family members who visit Florida every winter for years now. They keep telling me it use to be cool in Florida in the winter. Now it's hot...they claim. Of course, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
I could use some global warming right about now!

Yeah but.....not sure about you but right now, 0.3 degree's isn't going to do me any good at all! I need global warming X a factor of 100 right now just to thaw my privates which turned damn near blue this morning when I went to go start the car.:ack-1::ack-1:
Have fun, kiddies, you are going to get more of such weather in the years to come. In the summer, you will see far warmer weather than normal, also. Enjoy.
You don't see much of anything, silly ass. Were you ever to get past third grade science, you might be able to comprehend what Dr. Francis is saying. Until then, you can glory in your willful ignorance.

Well, jeebus. It would have been nice if you SCIENCY folks had warned us that Global Warming would be incredibly freezing so that we could have stocked up on long undies.

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