2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Why doesn't the media tell us what race the killer was?

they're even hiding his photos and his name. they won't even say what gang he belonged to

they did mention Bed/Sty and Baltimore though

In the link I posted, it says that he is allegedly a member of the "Black Gorilla Family." Never heard of them, but then again, I am not a gang expert.

"While the shooter had not yet officially been identified, law enforcement sources named him as Ismaaiyl Brinsley, according to the New York Times' J. David Goodmanand the Daily News. He is believed to have been a member of a Baltimore gang called the Black Gorilla Family, sources told the Daily News. The gang has vowed retribution for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, black men killed by police officers. Rev. Al Sharpton was quick to condemn the killing, saying "any use of the names Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases."
Oh! Tabloid right winger news:

The New York Post reported that both officers were shot in the head at point-blank range, and that investigators believed the shooting may have been motivated by the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown

they ran with the Ferguson crap. I wonder if any investigators come forward to back up the Post
OK, who DIDN'T see this coming? When protestors chant 'Dead Cops,' and the President and AG are both encouraging an 'us vs. them' mentality, this was the obvious next step. I will be surprised if there aren't more.

Exactly right. You can expect the demonic Left and their leaders to absolve themselves of all responsibility and involvement with this, but we'll just remind them of how they accused Sarah Palin of inspiring Jared Loughner to go on a shooting rampage at a Gabriella Giffords event.

Only unlike Palin, they actually inspired violence and stoked the flames of hatred.
Look like the no justice no peace crowd kicked it up a notch...

killer of two nyc cops put up on instagram before killings: 'they take one of ours, we take two of theirs"
He wasn't left wing.

90% percent of his racial group voted for Obama.

I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

I'll do you one better:

I have to wonder just how much the Left wing terrorist was inspired by New York mayor Bill de Blasio, who sided against his own police department, expressed sympathy for the protesters, and joined in with the "facts don't matter" mindset that has fueled the protests over Ferguson and Garner. Leftist murderers and terrorists take their cues from our leadership, from Obama insisting that cops need to be retrained even though they did nothing wrong to Eric Holder's justice department launching "white privilege" investigations into the shooting in Ferguson.

I place the blame with our Democrat leaders. They called for this and it happened. This is what happens when you put the Left in charge.

Well that's what they were going for... they're trying to start race war. So that they can move toward martial law. Which will start a civil war. Which they'll lose... in a scale on which no one has ever lost before... total and complete annihilation.
#ShootThePolice': Crazed man's online ranting before executing two NYPD officers, committing suicide


A gunman shot dead two NYPD officers in Brooklyn before apparently taking his own life, NYPD sources tell AOL News. Ismaaiyl Brinsley, a 28-year-old black male, posted multiple times to a now-deleted Instagram account that he was getting revenge for the death's of Staten Island man Eric Garner and Missouri teen Michael Brown. One of the posts included his blood spattered pants....

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