2 anti gun, anti violence activists...savagely beat roomate...almost to point of death, no guns used


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Of all the things Pro Second amendment activists fear... non violent, anti gun, anti gun protestors who violently attack innocent people....that keeps me up at night...and keeps my gun close to hand....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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ABC reports on a pair of “anti-violence activists” who beat their former roommate very nearly to death.

Briefly quoting the ABC item linked above:

Nikole Ardeno and Emanuel Velez, both 30, accused their former roommate of stealing their property, and allegedly punched and kicked him in the street until he had seizures. Arrested moments later, Ardeno was still wearing the same “Stop the Violence” T-shirt she had on the night before when she coordinated a march protesting two recent shootings, Washington (PA) Police Chief Chris Luppino said.

The victim, Joshua Magraff, also is a community organizer with the anti-violence group, and shared an apartment with the suspects until recently.

While the thought of almost lethal violence inflicted by “anti-violence campaigners” is ironic, I cannot say that I am surprised by it. Essentially, “Stop The Violence” is a scheme in which ex-cons are paid to persuade young people contemplating a life of crime that crime is not a good choice; and to lobby lawmakers for various schemes endorsed by their patrons. Historically, these groups are funded by gun ban groups such as the Joyce Foundation, along with public funding and individual contributions.
pogo...you wouldn't get it anyway...

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