2.4 Million Jobs Lost in 7 Years


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Millions of jobs are being lost to China and the Obama administration continues to follow in the footsteps of the Bush administration. The Chinese continue to restrict the imports of American goods while flooding the US markets with cheap often poor quality goods. They have followed a policy of currency manipulation to insure a steady flow of jobs and dollars from US to China.

"The numbers are staggering and nowhere has been spared: California (370,000 jobs lost), Texas (193,700) , New York (140,500), Illinois (105,5000) and on, says the EPI study. Every industry has suffered, from manufacturing (down 1,616,300 jobs) to electronics (627,700) to professional services (139,000.)"

Frank Koller: Lost Jobs, Lost Futures -- But There Are Alternatives

We need to replace the policy free trade with fair trade.
Anything Washington does that puts any restriction on trade with China will be vigorously opposed by the big multi-national corporations such as Walmart, Coca-Cola, and Nike. These guys could care less what happens to the US job market as long we have money to buy their cheap jean, cokes, and over priced shoes.

This is one of the few topics that both right and left seem to agree on. Unfortunately Washington isn't interested.
Good luck putting trade restrictions in place with China when we owe them approximate $900B.
Good luck putting trade restrictions in place with China when we owe them approximate $900B.

IMHO we don't need trade restrictions. We need to stop the tax breaks for moving factories overseas, and to make tax breaks for creating jobs here instead. The American Jobs Creation Act was a smoke screen that gave tax breaks to move jobs overseas.

When start manufacturing goods again is when we start creating wealth and improving the economy. The DC whores sold us out to Wall Street.
No. We need to stop punishing American businesses with excessive taxation and regulation.
Hey the market is doing good. What else do we need?

Those "investors" will invest that money creating new jobs. As long as we don't tax em much.
We dropped capital gains taxes and such and they made lots of new jobs with that extra money didn't they?
Or so the myth goes.
Hold the bus! they are investing it in China and such???

Ohh I see now we just did not drop taxes enough ;)

More of the same , yep that's the ticket to success. :beer:
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With the government currently in the process of raising taxes and creating a giant new entitlement program, the U.S. is not a very attractive market in which to expand domestic operations.
With the government currently in the process of raising taxes and creating a giant new entitlement program, the U.S. is not a very attractive market in which to expand domestic operations.

We are still the biggest economy in the world with tremendous buying power.
We are just dumber than a load of buckets to not use it to OUR advantage.
Just tools and stooges of the corporations who make MORE money importing from China and selling to us fools. It is not that they would not make money manufacturing the widgets here, just not as much money.

And we just follow along like little lambs in the wake of their myopic vision.
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Millions of jobs are being lost to China and the Obama administration continues to follow in the footsteps of the Bush administration. The Chinese continue to restrict the imports of American goods while flooding the US markets with cheap often poor quality goods. They have followed a policy of currency manipulation to insure a steady flow of jobs and dollars from US to China.

"The numbers are staggering and nowhere has been spared: California (370,000 jobs lost), Texas (193,700) , New York (140,500), Illinois (105,5000) and on, says the EPI study. Every industry has suffered, from manufacturing (down 1,616,300 jobs) to electronics (627,700) to professional services (139,000.)"

Frank Koller: Lost Jobs, Lost Futures -- But There Are Alternatives

We need to replace the policy free trade with fair trade.

Its hard to call the shots when you owe everyone money.
Good luck putting trade restrictions in place with China when we owe them approximate $900B.
I think it actually more than 900 billion.

If the Chinese dumped US debt and US dollars on the market, the value of Yen with respect to the dollar would skyrocket making Chinese goods very expensive compared to US goods. This is just the opposite of what they have been doing with currency manipulation, buying US dollars to keep the Yen cheap compared to the dollar. I think trade restrictions or at least the threat is a win win situation, but that means a battle against some of strongest lobbying interest, the multinationals.
Millions of jobs are being lost to China and the Obama administration continues to follow in the footsteps of the Bush administration. The Chinese continue to restrict the imports of American goods while flooding the US markets with cheap often poor quality goods. They have followed a policy of currency manipulation to insure a steady flow of jobs and dollars from US to China.

"The numbers are staggering and nowhere has been spared: California (370,000 jobs lost), Texas (193,700) , New York (140,500), Illinois (105,5000) and on, says the EPI study. Every industry has suffered, from manufacturing (down 1,616,300 jobs) to electronics (627,700) to professional services (139,000.)"

Frank Koller: Lost Jobs, Lost Futures -- But There Are Alternatives

We need to replace the policy free trade with fair trade.

They aren't lost at all, the illegals have them .
With the government currently in the process of raising taxes and creating a giant new entitlement program, the U.S. is not a very attractive market in which to expand domestic operations.
I disagree. Of the developed nations, the US is one of the best places to invest. We have one of the lowest tax rates in the world. We have a stable government. Our country is rich in national resources and we have a highly trained labor force. The Chinese may build it cheaper and the Japanese may build it faster but we create the technology that makes it all possible.

Whenever the world worries, be it because of war, natural disaster, or financial upheaval. The world moves their money to the US. We are consider the safe haven for financial resources.
Good luck putting trade restrictions in place with China when we owe them approximate $900B.
I think it actually more than 900 billion.

If the Chinese dumped US debt and US dollars on the market, the value of Yen with respect to the dollar would skyrocket making Chinese goods very expensive compared to US goods. This is just the opposite of what they have been doing with currency manipulation, buying US dollars to keep the Yen cheap compared to the dollar. I think trade restrictions or at least the threat is a win win situation, but that means a battle against some of strongest lobbying interest, the multinationals.

The latest data I can find is from January - $889B.


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