16th Vacation in 3 years - Michelle..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Critics and even some in his own party say the vacations present a bad image at a time when many Americans are struggling to get by during the recession.

According to presidential watcher Mark Knoller of CBS, George W. Bush, at this time of his presidency, had made 30 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 220 days. The Obama’s vacation day count is less than half of that.

But his have become more controversial because of the costs associated with moving the first family to a public vacation spot, unlike the Bushes to their remote ranch in Crawford, Texas. For example, the Hawaii Reporter said the first family’s 2011 Christmas vacation in Hawaii would exceed $1.5 million.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

JUST an observation...
For someone who talks about sacrifices, cutting waste.. HOW come Obama doesn't spend as much time at his HOME in Chicago as Bush spent at his home in Texas?
Why does Michelle have to spend now 16 trips into expensive vacation spots and not SAVE that money!

When Bushes went to Crawford, there WAS extremely LOW expenses.. they had a home for the security.. they stayed at HOME again less expenses..
BUT that's just my observation...
Critics and even some in his own party say the vacations present a bad image at a time when many Americans are struggling to get by during the recession.

According to presidential watcher Mark Knoller of CBS, George W. Bush, at this time of his presidency, had made 30 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 220 days. The Obama’s vacation day count is less than half of that.

But his have become more controversial because of the costs associated with moving the first family to a public vacation spot, unlike the Bushes to their remote ranch in Crawford, Texas. For example, the Hawaii Reporter said the first family’s 2011 Christmas vacation in Hawaii would exceed $1.5 million.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

JUST an observation...
For someone who talks about sacrifices, cutting waste.. HOW come Obama doesn't spend as much time at his HOME in Chicago as Bush spent at his home in Texas?
Why does Michelle have to spend now 16 trips into expensive vacation spots and not SAVE that money!

When Bushes went to Crawford, there WAS extremely LOW expenses.. they had a home for the security.. they stayed at HOME again less expenses..
BUT that's just my observation...

How much did the Iraq war cost?
Not to mention that rw's complain about the unpaid work our First Lady does on behalf of our children and our vets and their families and then "they" complain when she's NOT doing unpaid work on behalf of our children and vets and their families.

If the 99% wants the 1% to pay their fair share, the rw's call it class warfare.

If the Obama's take half the vacation time that Bush did, they say its not fair for them to spend too much money on vacations.

During the bp disaster, the rw's complained about the Obamas not going to the gulf. Then they complained when they went to the gulf.

The rw's complain about what they eat but never a word about the repeated and utterly disgusting photos of the Clown Car Candidates shoving deep fried butter into their faces and gawd help anyone who mentions Chris Christie's eating of everything in sight.

The rw's complain about Michele Obama's garden and her exercise but then make fun of her body. Pretty stupid but they do it. They complain about what she wears, where they send the girls to school, who they invite to the White House and the one fact that is obvious in all their whining is this -

They bitch about the First Family so we'll all forget that the ONLY jobs and economic growth that have been created during the past 10+ years have been because of President Obama's policies. They accuse President Obama of spending even though it was the Repub's who put us so deeply in debt and caused this recession.

IOW, they lie and they obfuscate because its all they have. If they told the truth, they would be voting for President Obama in November.


If you want to read some really vicious and racist lies, read the comments on that blog.

Funny to see how jealous the rw's really are. The only thing that pisses off an rw as much as a successful and wealthy liberal is a successful and wealthy black liberal.

Critics and even some in his own party say the vacations present a bad image at a time when many Americans are struggling to get by during the recession.

According to presidential watcher Mark Knoller of CBS, George W. Bush, at this time of his presidency, had made 30 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 220 days. The Obama’s vacation day count is less than half of that.

But his have become more controversial because of the costs associated with moving the first family to a public vacation spot, unlike the Bushes to their remote ranch in Crawford, Texas. For example, the Hawaii Reporter said the first family’s 2011 Christmas vacation in Hawaii would exceed $1.5 million.

Michelle's ski trip marks 16 Obama vacations | Washington Examiner

JUST an observation...
For someone who talks about sacrifices, cutting waste.. HOW come Obama doesn't spend as much time at his HOME in Chicago as Bush spent at his home in Texas?
Why does Michelle have to spend now 16 trips into expensive vacation spots and not SAVE that money!

When Bushes went to Crawford, there WAS extremely LOW expenses.. they had a home for the security.. they stayed at HOME again less expenses..
BUT that's just my observation...

Oh, it's about as bad as corporate executives flying to DC in their private jets to pander for a bailout..

Obama abuses and exploits his position (as most presidents have over the past century).
Is this how a President..the Commander in Chief..should take us to war?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3p9y_OEAdc]Now watch this drive! - YouTube[/ame]


If you want to read some really vicious and racist lies, read the comments on that blog.

Funny to see how jealous the rw's really are. The only thing that pisses off an rw as much as a successful and wealthy liberal is a successful and wealthy black liberal.

I'd ask you to stop being stupid, but that'd be like asking the sun to stop being hot.
Is this how a President..the Commander in Chief..should take us to war?

Now watch this drive! - YouTube

I love how progressives are always worried about aesthetics rather than substance...

How many conflicts is Obama involved in??

I suppose those conflicts are all OK because the little twat has "grace" when he sells them to you?

I suppose if I had "grace" I could jack anyone in the head I wanted and then use my "grace" to say "sorry" then everything would be just fine eh???
Is this how a President..the Commander in Chief..should take us to war?

Now watch this drive! - YouTube

Gawd. Makes me remember how I used to just gag and cringe every time that idiot opened his mouth. I believe in respecting the office of President of the United States but he made that impossible.

Not to mention that while he was calling on other countries to stop the terror, he couldn't even take time out from his golfing to even bother to look for bin Laden.
Obama is fighting for the middle class!! Doesn't everyone deserve multi-milliion dollar vacations, endless rounds of golf, and $2000 dresses?

I wonder if Michelle would be going to ski if she were paying for the entire trip??

I am assuming that she IS paying for part of it. Or am I wrong??
Is this how a President..the Commander in Chief..should take us to war?

Now watch this drive! - YouTube

Gawd. Makes me remember how I used to just gag and cringe every time that idiot opened his mouth. I believe in respecting the office of President of the United States but he made that impossible.

Not to mention that while he was calling on other countries to stop the terror, he couldn't even take time out from his golfing to even bother to look for bin Laden.
Golf? You sure you want to go there? :lol:
Is this how a President..the Commander in Chief..should take us to war?

Now watch this drive! - YouTube

Gawd. Makes me remember how I used to just gag and cringe every time that idiot opened his mouth. I believe in respecting the office of President of the United States but he made that impossible.

Not to mention that while he was calling on other countries to stop the terror, he couldn't even take time out from his golfing to even bother to look for bin Laden.
Golf? You sure you want to go there? :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjWM0Mh3riU]Psycho Talk! - NOW WATCH THIS DRIVE! - YouTube[/ame]​

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