1619 Project

Double entry bookkeeping was not invented by plantation owners. The white house was not built by slaves. Counting slaves as 3/5 of a person was solely for purposes of apportionment. Nothing happened on Juneteenth. Slavery is not and never was essential to any part of this country.
We've already established you know nothing about the actual work and speak from ignorance about what others have told you.
Your inability to produce and defend inaccuracies is clear proof of that.
Woe to you. Anyone perusing this thread can readily see that I have identified the outright falsehoods. You just refuse to admit it.
It introduced slavery, the institutional structures of slavery, the public policies regarding slavery. The "Revolutionary War" did nothing but maintain the status quo, the Constitution did nothing but enshrine the status quo.

So, since slavery formed the economic foundation of the colonies and original 13 states, to say that this country was "founded" with the arrival of the first slaves is ENTIRELY ACCURATE.
Nah. It's claptrap.
So you've never read the work but still stand here making claims about the content?

THAT clearly makes you a LIAR, fool.
The author of the thing made the 'claims' you ridiculous idiot.
So how Black does one have to be today to qualify as Black?
And does that have to be traceable that was impacted by slavery that ended @150 years ago?
If one can be one sixteenth Native American and qualify for Native American Status and benefits, does one just have to be one sixteenth Black?
Does one have to trace~prove they have ancestry that goes back prior to 1864, here in the USA, AND included relatives held as slaves, i.e. in Southern(CSA) States?
And of course, how will one establish and prove such criteria ?

According to Ancestry.com, my two sons are about one-quarter Black (Nigerian?).
Their mother was born(1953) to a German citizen as her mother, and a Black G.I. as biological father. But the two weren't married. It was tough for Germans back in the early 1950s with impact of the war lingering, and the nation still somewhat physically devastated and recovering. Mix race 'bastard' children weren't popular among German society then. She was adopted out(@1956) to a Black couple, he being another G.I. stationed in Germany at that time. Until recently, she had no clear details on whom and from where that Black biological father came from. Only recently and due to Ancestry.com has this part of genetic background been traceable.

Now here's the kicker.
My youngest son, even though one-quarter Black shows no physical signs of such. He looks very Aryan(White), which stands to reason since my family genes are mostly German with some other North European thrown in.
His oldest brother, might look slightly "Hispanic", but "White" Hispanic. Otherwise he looks mostly North European(German) as well.
My family name is definitely German. And the German ancestors on my father's side didn't arrive here in USA until towards the end of the 1800s.

But if reparations are going to be passed out, I'm wagering my sons qualify to receive such, especially if they show their Ancestry.com documents.
After all, Barry Obama, past POTUS, was only Half-Black*, so one-quarter Black should also qualify!
* Obama's biological father was full Kenyan, here in Hawaii on a college scholarship. He left a wife and kids back in Kenya and never divorced same, so if he married Obama's mother he would have been a bigamist. But he never stayed around for long once Barry came, so that might mean that Barry(Barack) Obama is a bastard(?). Also, though Obama is Black, he has no ancestry to former slaves of the CSA so wouldn't qualify for reparations, in principle. ;)

Meanwhile, my mother's side of family was from Armenia, arriving here about the time the Turks were doing the genocide on Armenians back in early 20th century. So do I have a claim for reparations from Turkey for the injustices it did to my people?:eusa_think:
So how Black does one have to be today to qualify as Black?
And does that have to be traceable that was impacted by slavery that ended @150 years ago?
If one can be one sixteenth Native American and qualify for Native American Status and benefits, does one just have to be one sixteenth Black?
Does one have to trace~prove they have ancestry that goes back prior to 1864, here in the USA, AND included relatives held as slaves, i.e. in Southern(CSA) States?
And of course, how will one establish and prove such criteria ?

According to Ancestry.com, my two sons are about one-quarter Black (Nigerian?).
Their mother was born(1953) to a German citizen as her mother, and a Black G.I. as biological father. But the two weren't married. It was tough for Germans back in the early 1950s with impact of the war lingering, and the nation still somewhat physically devastated and recovering. Mix race 'bastard' children weren't popular among German society then. She was adopted out(@1956) to a Black couple, he being another G.I. stationed in Germany at that time. Until recently, she had no clear details on whom and from where that Black biological father came from. Only recently and due to Ancestry.com has this part of genetic background been traceable.

Now here's the kicker.
My youngest son, even though one-quarter Black shows no physical signs of such. He looks very Aryan(White), which stands to reason since my family genes are mostly German with some other North European thrown in.
His oldest brother, might look slightly "Hispanic", but "White" Hispanic. Otherwise he looks mostly North European(German) as well.
My family name is definitely German. And the German ancestors on my father's side didn't arrive here in USA until towards the end of the 1800s.

But if reparations are going to be passed out, I'm wagering my sons qualify to receive such, especially if they show their Ancestry.com documents.
After all, Barry Obama, past POTUS, was only Half-Black*, so one-quarter Black should also qualify!
* Obama's biological father was full Kenyan, here in Hawaii on a college scholarship. He left a wife and kids back in Kenya and never divorced same, so if he married Obama's mother he would have been a bigamist. But he never stayed around for long once Barry came, so that might mean that Barry(Barack) Obama is a bastard(?). Also, though Obama is Black, he has no ancestry to former slaves of the CSA so wouldn't qualify for reparations, in principle. ;)

Meanwhile, my mother's side of family was from Armenia, arriving here about the time the Turks were doing the genocide on Armenians back in early 20th century. So do I have a claim for reparations from Turkey for the injustices it did to my people?:eusa_think:
wow, I am half native american....going to get my check soon as I get time to do the paperwork.....hello shopping trip
This 3 hour episode aired last night on ABC. I watched the first half of this last night and was very impressed, from the archive footage, to the overturning of the Voting Rights law by a conservative Supreme Court, to gerrymandering, to the fight for civil rights, this is not a finger pointing, accusatory series, but instead is a measured, fact based review of the struggle black Americans have faced since their arrival in this country. I'm looking forward to the watching the 2nd half of this and highly recommend it.

I believe if you have Hulu then there is a much more in depth, 6 hour version available.

the struggle that black americans face is a joke compared to the struggle of blacks who remain in africa
But the author isn't here, fool.
It is YOU making the clams MAGAT.
As if if that changes the facts.

Lol. SHE made the statement. I cited it. That's how actually supporting an argument works you moron.

You've been programmed by the SJW and now cannot acknowledge clear facts that disprove the lies you've been told. YOU are the cultist, dumbfuck.
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So how Black does one have to be today to qualify as Black?
And does that have to be traceable that was impacted by slavery that ended @150 years ago?
If one can be one sixteenth Native American and qualify for Native American Status and benefits, does one just have to be one sixteenth Black?
Does one have to trace~prove they have ancestry that goes back prior to 1864, here in the USA, AND included relatives held as slaves, i.e. in Southern(CSA) States?
And of course, how will one establish and prove such criteria ?

According to Ancestry.com, my two sons are about one-quarter Black (Nigerian?).
Their mother was born(1953) to a German citizen as her mother, and a Black G.I. as biological father. But the two weren't married. It was tough for Germans back in the early 1950s with impact of the war lingering, and the nation still somewhat physically devastated and recovering. Mix race 'bastard' children weren't popular among German society then. She was adopted out(@1956) to a Black couple, he being another G.I. stationed in Germany at that time. Until recently, she had no clear details on whom and from where that Black biological father came from. Only recently and due to Ancestry.com has this part of genetic background been traceable.

Now here's the kicker.
My youngest son, even though one-quarter Black shows no physical signs of such. He looks very Aryan(White), which stands to reason since my family genes are mostly German with some other North European thrown in.
His oldest brother, might look slightly "Hispanic", but "White" Hispanic. Otherwise he looks mostly North European(German) as well.
My family name is definitely German. And the German ancestors on my father's side didn't arrive here in USA until towards the end of the 1800s.

But if reparations are going to be passed out, I'm wagering my sons qualify to receive such, especially if they show their Ancestry.com documents.
After all, Barry Obama, past POTUS, was only Half-Black*, so one-quarter Black should also qualify!
* Obama's biological father was full Kenyan, here in Hawaii on a college scholarship. He left a wife and kids back in Kenya and never divorced same, so if he married Obama's mother he would have been a bigamist. But he never stayed around for long once Barry came, so that might mean that Barry(Barack) Obama is a bastard(?). Also, though Obama is Black, he has no ancestry to former slaves of the CSA so wouldn't qualify for reparations, in principle. ;)

Meanwhile, my mother's side of family was from Armenia, arriving here about the time the Turks were doing the genocide on Armenians back in early 20th century. So do I have a claim for reparations from Turkey for the injustices it did to my people?:eusa_think:
Well…if the one drop rule was enough to define and segregate Black Americans, then shouldn’t that be the same rule :dunno:

IMO, if reparations are made, reparations should be based on any who lived as a black person in America during Jim Crowe. This is in living memory.
Now here's the kicker.
My youngest son, even though one-quarter Black shows no physical signs of such. He looks very Aryan(White), which stands to reason since my family genes are mostly German with some other North European thrown in.
His oldest brother, might look slightly "Hispanic", but "White" Hispanic. Otherwise he looks mostly North European(German) as well.
My family name is definitely German. And the German ancestors on my father's side didn't arrive here in USA until towards the end of the 1800s.

But if reparations are going to be passed out, I'm wagering my sons qualify to receive such, especially if they show their Ancestry.com documents.

Does not qualify, however, 1/4 and less will get a free dinner at Popeyes.

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